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Human Resources

Human Resources. Overview of Business Plan Products. Proposed Budget for Human Resources Payroll = $7,231,000 Benefits = $2,381,857 Department Technology = $21,510 Recruiting Costs = $98,736 Total Budget of $9,783,103. Compensation. Salary Benefits Required by Law

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Human Resources

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  1. Human Resources Overview of Business Plan Products

  2. Proposed Budget for Human Resources • Payroll = $7,231,000 • Benefits = $2,381,857 • Department Technology = $21,510 • Recruiting Costs = $98,736 • Total Budget of $9,783,103

  3. Compensation

  4. Salary Benefits Required by Law Healthcare insurance FUTA, FICA, Disability Insurance Workers Compensation Days off (jury duty, military) Optional Life insurance Retirement plans Days off (vacation, sick, personal) Incentives Tangible Stock Options Intangible Work Environment Components of Compensation

  5. Our Philosophy on Salary: An Example

  6. Salary Example Cont. • Example • Role: Human Resources Director • Median: $148,951 • Location: Hackensack, New Jersey • We offer $140,000

  7. Healthcare Benefits • Traditional • HMO • HMO Act of 1973 • PPO

  8. Traditional Healthcare • Indemnity • Freedom to choose doctors • Reimburse employees 80% • Deductible: Out-of-pocket maximum • About 10% more expensive than HMO

  9. Sample Analysis: Oxford

  10. What is an HMO? • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) • Set network of doctors • Premium dependent on: • Marital status • Co-pay • No deductible • 100% coverage

  11. An Example: Blue Cross Blue Shield (HMO)

  12. What is a PPO? • Combination of HMO and traditional • Doctor from network • No deductible • Required co-pay • Doctor out of network • Traditional

  13. Copay vs. Premium

  14. Our Options: Brokers, Providers, or Alliances • Brokers • Require salary • Providers • Direct • Alliances • More attractive • Receive competitive rates

  15. Required Benefits • Workers Comp • FUTA • FICA • Disability Insurance

  16. Optional Benefits • Retirement plans • 401k • 403b • Life insurance

  17. Incentives • Tangible • Stock options • Intangible • Work environment • Other employees

  18. Recruiting

  19. How do you know it’s time to hire? • When expansion is needed • When producing more products or serving more clients • When trying to gain more customers • In anticipation of job openings within the company

  20. Considerations When Hiring • Full-time employees •  Part-time employees •  Family •  Temporary help •  Leased workers

  21. Job Qualifications • Experience •  Education •  Ability •  English language ability •  Physical effort ability

  22. General Recruiting Process • Advertising • Screening • Interviewing • Final Decision/Hiring

  23. How to attract potential employees? • NEWSPAPERS • The New York Times • TRADE JOURNALS • The New Jersey Journal • ONLINE POSTING • NationJob.com • HotJobs.com • CareerBuilder.com

  24. What are the essential components of a good job ad? • Including information that will draw responses from the best candidates • Avoiding discriminatory language

  25. Candidate Data Collection • Type of Information Required • Requiring applications designed by us • Requiring resumes for the applicants to give us the information they want us to have • Responding to Applicants • Writing letters to acknowledge inquiries and to advise unsuitable applicants that they will not be considered for employment • Testing Applicants: Examples • Achievement Tests • Aptitude Tests • Drug Tests • Medical Tests

  26. Cost Effectiveness of Advertisement • How do you determine cost effectiveness of an advertisement? • Making sure that the method of advertisement (newspapers, online postings, and trade postings) is targeted to the appropriate candidates • Because the company is seeking professional and sophisticated employees, popular newspapers and trade journals such as The New York Times and The New Jersey Trade Journal will be used to attract these types of people • Defining the target and principal audience • The audience is based on the company’s reputation and principal product manufacturing

  27. Options: Outsourcing the Search • Public Employment Services • State offices affiliated with the USDLTES • Services • Large pool of job seekers • Private Employment Services • Temp Agencies

  28. Performance Assessment How would we evaluate our employees?

  29. Image FX is a company with seventy-two employees. In order to make certain that each employee is working productively and to his or her fullest ability, assessments must be completed at regular intervals.

  30. Why should we evaluate our employees? • Ensure that the employee is working to his or her fullest potential • Ensure that he or she is promoting a healthy work environment • Ensure that he or she is working towards the company’s mission

  31. Our Performance Assessment System What? • Summative Assessment - Generic • Formative Assessment - Department specific When? • Annual Summative • Quarterly Formative - 360 Degree Feedback Assessment

  32. Checklist vs. Narrative

  33. Pros: Quicker Simpler Cons: Is not detailed enough Too general Cannot make personalized statements The Checklist

  34. Pros: It is more personal Can help both the employee and employer Detailed and specific Cons: Takes too much time Tedious The Narrative

  35. Our System: The Best of Both Worlds • It gives room for personal statement as well as general commentary. • It is both general, yet specific, being more useful to the employee. • It does not consume too much time, yet enough to allow for a productive evaluation.

  36. Summative The Summative Assessment will be done annually. It will be generic and completed by the upper-management personnel. It will be aimed at assessing an employee’s work habits. It will involve: • Checklist • Narrative

  37. Formative The Formative Assessment will be done quarterly and will be department specific. It will be aimed at assessing an employee’s progress towards the company’s mission. It will involve: • Checklist (by upper-management) • Narrative (by upper-management) • Narrative (two by peers)

  38. 360 Degree Feedback • This process is to provide employees with a better understanding of how and when he or she accomplishes their work. • The employees will not be evaluated only by the upper-management levels, but also by fellow co-workers.

  39. Response to Pending EEOC Litigation

  40. As a result of two lawsuits filed against our company we have prepared a defense to these cases.

  41. Case 1 • Who: Jon Doe • Basis: The recruiting and hiring practices of Image FX violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  • Background Information: Applied for the position of Marketing Director • Claimed he was as qualified as the female candidate who was hired for the position.  • Claimed he was denied the position because of his gender • Claimed Image FX made it a priority to hire more female candidates in managementroles.

  42. Executive Order 11246 • The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that certain applicants are employed. • Forces companies to hire members of the discriminated party. • Affirmative action -policy that seeks to redress past discrimination to ensure equal opportunity.

  43. Legal Precedence • Johnson vs. Transportation Agency- was a similar case to the one presented. • Diane Joyce was promoted to road dispatcher over Paul Johnson. • Both candidates were qualified for the job. As an affirmative action employer, the Agency took into account the sex of the applicants in making the promotion decision. • Transportation Agency was forced to higher Diane Joyce due to affirmative action.

  44. Conclusion: Case 1 • Due to the EEOC laws regarding affirmative action, Image FX was entirely within its rights, if not obligated to hire Jane Doe as opposed to Jon Doe.

  45. Case 2 • Who: Jane Doe • Basis: The hiring and recruiting practices of Image FX violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  • Background Information: Applied for the position of Director of Finance • Claimed that the requirement of an MBA degree discriminated against minority applicants • Claimed that it prevented a disproportionate number of minorities from even applying for the position.

  46. Title VII of Civil Rights Act • It is not unlawful employment practice for an employer to give and to act upon the results of any professionally developed ability test provided that such test, isn’t used to discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Section 703(h)

  47. Legal Precedence • Griggs vs. Duke Power Company • Willie filed a class action, on behalf of several fellow African-American employees. • Griggs challenged Duke’s requiring employees to register a minimum score on two separate aptitude tests in addition to having a high school education • Griggs claimed that policy discriminated against African-American employees in violation to Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by causing a disproportionately low number to apply. • Neither the high school graduation requirement nor the two aptitude tests was directed or intended to measure an employee's ability to learn or perform a particular job or category of jobs within the company. • Court concluded…

  48. Conclusion to Case 2 • Due to the job description of Director of Finance the requirement of an MBA is directly connected to the performance of that job. • Image FX has the ability to screen those who do not possess this requirement.

  49. Statistics • (Survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management): • 31% of the female workers claimed to have been sexually harassed at work • 7% of the male workers claimed to have been sexually harassed at work • 62% of targets took no action • 100% of woman claimed the harasser was a male • 59% of the men claimed the harasser was a female

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