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17 th E P Meeting From Catania to …. Catania 23 rd – 30 th September 2012 Andrea Zhang. Assign all activities. Find a place for the next E P Meeting. Overview of the new activities. WORK!. Centralization of sent material and first check (issuing- epm )
17thEPMeetingFrom Catania to … Catania 23rd – 30th September 2012 Andrea Zhang
Assign all activities Find a place for the next EPMeeting Overview of the new activities WORK!
Centralization of sent material and first check (issuing-epm) • Coordinate the publication of the issue 2/2012 (August) • Manage the mailer & the mail list • Manage the online web-sites • Managing e-twinning activities • Organize the co-operation with other European magazines • Organize the co-operation with other European schools and Universities • Publish EPM products on specific site • To coordinate the Comenius activities 2013-2015 Activities to be assigned
To coordinate the funding project activities • To create the 2013 EPM Calendar • To manage the yearly Survey 2012 • To organize extra video meetings on specific editorial topics • To organize the 18th EPMeeting • To prepare the final report of the 17th EPMeeting, Catania • To prepare the General Index 2003/12 • To publish issue 1/2012 (April) • To publish issue 1/2013 (April) • To publish issue 2/2012 (August) • To publish issue 3/2012 (December) Activities to be assigned
Everyone’s duty To propose a new complete layout for CD Collection 2013 and Issue 2013 To find new potential partners To print copies of each issue and CDs To spread the Magazine everywhere in Europe as in High Schools as in Universities To involve more students, Schools, Universities, Teachers, Association
Everyone’s duty To promote the use of the Magazine during the lessons Cooperate with Rick Hilckens on the official site Work with the italian EB on publishing the handbook on “How to manage articles from the beginning to the end of pagination” Promote the use of video conferences during the year Work with the italian EB on increasing the newsletter database by sharing their own mail lists
Referees List SenolKarabaltaoglu karabaltaoglu@yahoo.com Viviana Dalmas vividalmas@hotmail.com Cristina Paidos constantin.paidos@gmail.com Elena Scaesteanu elenascaesteanu@yahoo.com English
Referees List Monica Popescu monica.scoala200@gmail.com monica.scoala200@yahoo.com DimitriosNikolaidis mail@nikolaidis.info TzvetanKostov tkostov@yahoo.com Ioannis Thomaidis gthom54@gmail.com Maths
Referees List Carmen Lungoci delia310@yahoo.com Elena Helerea helerea@unitbv.ro TheodorosVotsis dthvotsis@gmail.com Monica Popescu monica.scoala200@gmail.com monica.scoala200@yahoo.com Physics
Referees List Livia Sangeorzan sangeorzan@unitbv.ro Tzvetan Kostov tkostov@yahoo.com Dimitris Nikolaidis mail@nikolaidis.info Gabriela Cojocaru alina_coj_3110@yahoo.com ComputerScience
Referees List Vasile Manea helerea@unitbv.ro Kosmas Touloumis ktoul@otenet.gr History
Referees List Cristy Lacatus cristy_lacatus@hotmail.com Technology& Nanotech
Referees List Marilena Zarfdjan mazarf12@gmail.com Angelo Rapisarda ganges@alice.it Biology
Referees List Mariana Serban srbnmariana@yahoo.com Tamara Slatineanu tamicorman@yahoo.co.uk NikosGeorgolios ngeorgol@otenet.gr OkanDemir 38.demir@gmail.com demirokan38@hotmail.com demirokan38@yahoo.com Chemistry
Referees List Adnan Dinc adnandinc@hotmail.com dincadnan@gmail.com Nikos Georgolios ngeorgol@otenet.gr Marilena Zarftjian mazarf12@gmail.com NaturalSciences
End Let’s keep working hard!