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saturn. By: Alex L. & Gabriela B. Saturn's Rings.

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  1. saturn By: Alex L. & Gabriela B.

  2. Saturn's Rings Do you have a favorite planet? Which one is it? It might be the gas giant Jupiter, or it could be red, rocky Mars. If your favorite is Saturn, however, then you are in for a treat as we’re going to have a look at this planet - but rather than talking about this gaseous world as a whole, we’re going to focus on one of its very important and most obvious features - its rings. These unusual features, which circle the planet like hula hoops, might be the reason why it’s your favorite - they certainly make Saturn stand out from the crowd and they are also very beautiful. Some astronomers say that it makes Saturn look like it’s got ears - at least, depending on what angle the rings are tilted towards the Earth - maybe you disagree and think that Saturn looks like a cup with two handles on either side! Clip art

  3. Density of Saturn • The density of Saturn is 3% Helium, 1% Other, and 96% Hydrogen. • The core of Saturn is mostly Solid rock, normally this rock would melt. But, due to its enormous gravity the core stays in one piece. • Saturn’s core can be 11,700 degrees hot, that’s around twice as hot as the surface of the sun! • Saturn is mostly a gas planet, keeping itself together with its gravity. • although Saturn is a gas planet, it is one of the biggest planets in the solar system. Publisher 

  4. How much gravity is there on Saturn Based on some one who weighs 75 pounds. Publisher

  5. Fun facts • Saturn is the second largest planet after Jupiter. • Saturn has 33 moons, 15 of which were discovered after Cassini was launched. • Saturn’s main rings system would barely fit in the space between Earth and its moon. Google Images

  6. Video about Saturn • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shb39Ip04Gg Google Images

  7. Sources • http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-shows/other-shows/videos/how-the-universe-works-saturns-rings.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moons_of_Saturn • http://www.windows2universe.org/saturn/discover.html • http://science.discovery.com/video-topics/space-videos/the-planets-giants-saturns-rings.htm • http://www.superkids.com/aweb/pages/features/saturn/funfacts.shtml • http://www.kidsastronomy.com/saturn.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn • http://www.universetoday.com/ Google Images

  8. THE END • Thank you for watching! Google Images Google Images

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