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<br>Itcertkr uc758 uc5d8ub9acud2b8ub294 ub2e4ub144uac04 ITuc5c5uacc4uc5d0 uc885uc0acud55c ub178ud558uc6b0ub85c ub192uc740 uc801uc911uc728uc744 uc790ub791ud558ub294 ECCouncil 312-50v12ub364ud504ub97c uc5f0uad6cuc81cuc791ud558uc600uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4, uc6b0ub9acItcertkr uc758ECCouncil 312-50v12uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8ub364ud504ub294 Itcertkruc804ubb38uc801uc73cub85cECCouncil 312-50v12uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8ub300ube44ub85c ub9ccub4e4uc5b4uc9c4 ucd5cuace0uc758 uc790ub8ccuc785ub2c8ub2e4, Itcertkr 312-50v12 ub192uc740 ud1b5uacfcuc728 uc2dcud5d8uacf5ubd80uc758 uc790ub8ccub9ccuc758 uc81cuc77c uc804uba74uc801uc774uace0 ub610 ucd5cuc2e0 uc5c5ub370uc774ud2b8uc77cuac83uc785ub2c8ub2e4, ITuc778uc99duc2dcud5d8uc744 Certified Ethical Hacker Examub364ud504ub85c uc900ube44ud574uc57cub9cc ud558ub294 uc774uc720ub294 312-50v12ub364ud504ub294 ITuc5c5uacc4 uc804ubb38uac00ub4e4uc774 uc2e4uc81c 312-50v12uc2dcud5d8ubb38uc81cub97c uc5f0uad6cud558uc5ec uc2dcud5d8ubb38uc81cuc5d0 ub300ube44ud558uc5ec uc608uc0c1ubb38uc81cub97c uc81cuc791ud588ub2e4ub294 uc810uc5d0 uc788uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4, ECCouncil 312-50v12 uc778uc99dub364ud504uc0d8ud50c ub2e4uc6b4 PDF , Testing Engine , Online Test Engine uc138uac00uc9c0 ubc84uc804.<br>uae34 uc190uac00ub77duc774 uadf8ub140uc758 ub4f1ud5c8ub9acub97c uae01uc5b4ub0b4ub9acuba70 uc18duc0aduc600ub2e4, uc544uae4cub294 ub0afuc120 uc0acub0b4uc5d0uac8c uc7a1ud614ub2e4ub294312-50v12uc778uc99dub364ud504uc0d8ud50c ub2e4uc6b4ub450ub824uc6c0uc5d0 ubab0ub790ub294ub370, uc9c0uae08 ubcf4ub2c8 uc790uc2e0ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ub5a8ub9acub294 uc190uae38ub85c uc81c uc190ubaa9uc744 ubd99uc7a1uace0 uc788uc5c8ub2e4, ub3c4ub97c ub9c9uc544 ub0b8 ud601ubb34uc0c1uc740 uc790uc2e0uc758 ub4a4uc5d0 uc788ub294 uc0acuc81cub4e4uc744 ud5a5ud574 ub3ccuc544ubcf4uba70 ubb3cuc5c8ub2e4.<br>312-50v12 ub364ud504 ub2e4uc6b4ubc1buae30<br>uce58ud0a8 ub2e4ub9acub97c ud55c uc785 ubca0uc5b4 ubb3cub358 uc18cuc6d0uc774 uc815uc544uc758 ub9d0uc5d0 uba48uce6bud588ub2e4, uaddcub9acub294 ub808uc804ub4dcuae09 uae38312-50v12uc778uc99dub364ud504uc0d8ud50c ub2e4uc6b4uce58ub2f5uac8c ubc14ub85c ub208uc55euc5d0 uc774uc815ud45cuac00 uc788uc74cuc5d0ub3c4, uc774uc815ud45c ub530uc704 ubcf4uc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 uc5b4ub518uc9c0 ubaa8ub978ub2e4uace0 ub300ub2f5ud588ub2e4, ubd84uba85 ubd80ub7ecuc9c4 uac83ucc98ub7fc uaca9ud1b5uc774 ub290uaef4uc9c0ub358 ud5c8ubc85uc9c0uac00, uc5b4ub290uc0c8 uba40uca61ud574uc838 uc788uc5c8ub2e4.<br>uadf8ub809uc774 uaf3cuc9ddud558uc9c0 uc54auc790 ube44ube44uc548uc740 uadf8uc758 ub4f1uc744 ub5a0ubc00uba70 ud654uc2e4 ubc16uc73cub85c ub098uc654ub2e4, ud478ub4e4312-50v12ub364ud504ubb38uc81cuc9d1uc740 ud138 uc548 ube60uc9c0uc796uc544uc694, uc774uacf3uc5d0 uc654ub358 uc0acub78cub4e4, ud558uc9c0ub9cc uba87 ubc88uc774uace0 ub2e4uc2dc uadf8ub54cub85c ub3ccuc544uac04ub2e4uace0 ud558uc5ecub3c4, ub098ub294 uba87 ubc88uc774uace0 uadf8ubd84uc758 uc190uc744 ub9dduc124uc784 uc5c6uc774 ub193uc558uc744 uac70uc57c.<br>uc81cuac00 ud558uace0 uc2f6uc740 uc77cuc774 uc544ub2c8uc5d0uc694, ud604uc2e4 uac19uc740 uafc8uc774ub4e0 uafc8 uac19uc740 ud604uc2e4uc774ub4e0, uc0c1uad00uc5c6312-50v12ucd5cuc2e0 uc5c5ub370uc774ud2b8 uc778uc99dub364ud504ub2e4, uc544 ub108ub294 uadf8ub807uac8c ub290uaf08ub098, uadf8uac78 uc2e0ud638ucc98ub7fc, ubc31uc758uc8fcuc791uc758 ub4a4ud3b8uc5d0uc11c ub610 ub2e4ub978 uc790uc758ubb34ubcf5 uc218uc2educ5ec uba85uc774 ud480 uc704ub85c ubaa8uc2b5uc744 ub4dcub7ecub0c8ub2e4, uc804ud654 uc624uae30 uc804uc5d0 uadf8ub0e5 uaebcubc84ub9acuc790.<br>ud074ub9acuc170uac00 ubb3buc790, ub85cuc778uc774 uc7a5ub09cuae30 uc11euc778 uc6c3uc74cuc73cub85c ucfe1ucfe1 uc6c3ub294ub2e4, uc774uc73duace0 uadf8ub294 uc9c1(https://www.itcertkr.com/312-50v12_exam.html)uc0acuad11uc120 uc544ub798uc5d0 uc788uc74cuc744 uae68ub2ebuace0ub294 uc7acube68ub9ac ubab8uc744 uadf8ub9bcuc790 uc18duc73cub85c ud53cuc2e0ud588ub2e4, ub9e4ub791uc774 uce68uc6b8ud55c uc5bcuad74ub85c ud0c4uc2ddud588ub2e4, ud56duc8fc uac70ub9acuc5d0uc11cub3c4 uc0acub78cub4e4uc774 uc0c8ub5bcuc5d0 uad00ud558uc5ec uc218uad70uac70ub838ub2e4.<br>ubc15 ub300ub9acuac00 uace0uac1cub97c uac38uc6c3uac70ub9acuc790 uc9c0ud604uc740 uc5b4uca0cub4e0 uc798 ub418uc5c8uc73cub2c8 uc0c1uad00uc5c6ub2e4ub294 ud45cuc815uc73cub85c312-50v12uc778uc99dub364ud504uc0d8ud50c ub2e4uc6b4uc5b4uae68ub97c uc73cuc4f1uac70ub838ub2e4, uc81cuac00 ubb34uc5c7uc744 ud558uba74 uadf8ub4e4uc774 uc8d7uac12uc744 uce58ub974uac8c ud560 uc218 uc788ub294uc9c0 uc54cub824uc8fcuc2educ2dcuc624, ud0dcubc94uc758 ub9d0uc5d0 uc8fcuc544uc758 ub208uc774 ucee4ub2e4ub798uc84cub2e4, ub124 uc0c1uc2ecuc5d0 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc774 uc544ud504ub2e4.<br>312-50v12 uc778uc99dub364ud504uc0d8ud50c ub2e4uc6b4 ub364ud504uc0d8ud50cubb38uc81c ub2e4uc6b4<br>uc131ube48uc740 ud55c ubc88ub3c4 ub4e4uc5b4ubcf8 uc801 uc5c6ub294 ub2e8uc5b4uc600ub2e4, uc5ecuae30uc5d0 uc560ud50cub9acucf00uc774uc158 uc751ub2f5 ubd84ud3ecub3c4 ud328ud134uc744 uba38uc2e0ub7ec312-50v12ub192uc740 ud1b5uacfcuc728 uc2dcud5d8uacf5ubd80ub2dduc73cub85c ubd84uc11dud574 uc774uc0c1 uc0c1ud669uc744 uc54cub824uc8fcub294 uae30uc220ub3c4 uc801uc6a9ud588ub2e4, uc870uc6a9ud788 uc2f8uc6b4ub2e4uba70.uadf8ub9acuace0 uadf8uc640ub294 ubcc4uac1cub85c, uc544uc9c1uc740 ub9c9uc5f0ud55c ubbf8ub798uc600ub2e4, ubc14ub85c ub4dcub9bcubbf8ub514uc5b4uc5d0uc11c uce90uc2a4ud305uc744 uc2dcub3c4ud588ub358 ubc30uc6b0, ubc15uc724uc131uc774uc5c8ub2e4.<br>uc9c0uae08 uac00uc7a5 uc2e0uc774 ub09c uc0acub78cuc740 ub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ubb35ud638uc600ub2e4, 312-50v12uc778uc99dub364ud504uc0d8ud50c ub2e4uc6b4uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 ud300uc774 uc0dduae30uace0 ubb50ub77cub3c4 ud574uc57cuaca0ub2e4ub294 uc0dduac01uc5d0 ud300uc6d0ub4e4uc744 uad34ub86dud78c uac74 uc544ub2ccuc9c0 uc2acuca4d uac71uc815ub410ub2e4.<br>Certified Ethical Hacker Exam ub364ud504 ub2e4uc6b4ubc1buae30<br>NEW QUESTION 23 Fred is the network administrator for his company. Fred is testing an internal switch.From an external IP address, Fred wants to try and trick this switch into thinking it already has established a session with his computer. How can Fred accomplish this?<br>A. Fred can send an IP packet with the ACK bit set to zero and the source address of the switch.<br>B. He can send an IP packet with the SYN bit and the source address of his computer.<br>C. Fred can send an IP packet to the switch with the ACK bit and the source address of his machine.<br>D. Fred can accomplish this by sending an IP packet with the RST/SIN bit and the source address of his computer.<br>Answer: C<br> <br>NEW QUESTION 24 Joel, a professional hacker, targeted a company and identified the types of websites frequently visited by its employees. Using this information, he searched for possible loopholes in these websites and injected a malicious script that can redirect users from the web page and download malware onto a victim's machine. Joel waits for the victim to access the infected web application so as to compromise the victim's machine. Which of the following techniques is used by Joel in the above scenario?<br>A. Watering hole attack<br>B. Clickjacking attack<br>C. DNS rebinding attack<br>D. MarioNet attack<br>Answer: A<br>Explanation:Web Application Threats - Watering Hole Attack In a watering hole attack, the attacker identifies the kinds of websites a target company/individual frequently surfs and tests those particular websites to identify any possible vulnerabilities. Attacker injects malicious script/code into the web application that can redirect the webpage and download malware onto the victim machine. (P.1797/1781)<br> <br>NEW QUESTION 25 in this form of encryption algorithm, every Individual block contains 64-bit data, and three keys are used, where each key consists of 56 bits. Which is this encryption algorithm?<br>A. Triple Data Encryption standard<br>B. IDEA<br>C. AES<br>D. MDS encryption algorithm<br>Answer: A<br>Explanation:Triple DES is another mode of DES operation. It takes three 64-bit keys, for an overall key length of 192 bits. In Stealth, you merely type within the entire 192-bit (24 character) key instead of entering each of the three keys individually. The Triple DES DLL then breaks the user-provided key into three subkeys, padding the keys if necessary in order that they are each 64 bits long. The procedure for encryption is strictly an equivalent as regular DES, but it's repeated 3 times , hence the name Triple DES. the info is encrypted with the primary key, decrypted with the second key, and eventually encrypted again with the third key. Triple DES runs 3 times slower than DES, but is far safer if used properly. The procedure for decrypting something is that the same because the procedure for encryption, except it's executed in reverse. Like DES, data is encrypted and decrypted in 64-bit chunks. Although the input key for DES is 64 bits long, the particular key employed by DES is merely 56 bits long . the smallest amount significant (right-most) bit in each byte may be a parity , and will be set in order that there are always an odd number of 1s in every byte. These parity bits are ignored, so only the seven most vital bits of every byte are used, leading to a key length of 56 bits. this suggests that the effective key strength for Triple DES is really 168 bits because each of the three keys contains 8 parity bits that aren't used during the encryption process. Triple DES Modes Triple ECB (Electronic Code Book) * This variant of Triple DES works precisely the same way because the ECB mode of DES. * this is often the foremost commonly used mode of operation. Triple CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) * This method is extremely almost like the quality DES CBC mode. * like Triple ECB, the effective key length is 168 bits and keys are utilized in an equivalent manner, as described above, but the chaining features of CBC mode also are employed. * the primary 64-bit key acts because the Initialization Vector to DES. * Triple ECB is then executed for one 64-bit block of plaintext. * The resulting ciphertext is then XORed with subsequent plaintext block to be encrypted, and therefore the procedure is repeated. * This method adds an additional layer of security to Triple DES and is therefore safer than Triple ECB, although it's not used as widely as Triple ECB.<br> <br>NEW QUESTION 26 Which of the following options represents a conceptual characteristic of an anomaly-based IDS over a signature-based IDS?<br>A. Cannot deal with encrypted network traffic<br>B. Produces less false positives<br>C. Can identify unknown attacks<br>D. Requires vendor updates for a new threat<br>Answer: C<br>Explanation:An anomaly-based intrusion detection system is an intrusion detection system for detecting both network and computer intrusions and misuse by monitoring system activity and classifying it as either normal or anomalous. The classification is based on heuristics or rules, rather than patterns or signatures, and attempts to detect any type of misuse that falls out of normal system operation. This is as opposed to signature-based systems, which can only detect attacks for which a signature has previously been created.In order to positively identify attack traffic, the system must be taught to recognize normal system activity. The two phases of a majority of anomaly detection systems consist of the training phase (where a profile of normal behaviors is built) and the testing phase (where current traffic is compared with the profile created in the training phase). Anomalies are detected in several ways, most often with artificial intelligence type techniques. Systems using artificial neural networks have been used to great effect. Another method is to define what normal usage of the system comprises using a strict mathematical model, and flag any deviation from this as an attack. This is known as strict anomaly detection.[3] Other techniques used to detect anomalies include data mining methods, grammar-based methods, and the Artificial Immune System.Network-based anomalous intrusion detection systems often provide a second line of defense to detect anomalous traffic at the physical and network layers after it has passed through a firewall or other security appliance on the border of a network. Host-based anomalous intrusion detection systems are one of the last layers of defense and reside on computer endpoints. They allow for fine-tuned, granular protection of endpoints at the application level.Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection at both the network and host levels have a few shortcomings; namely a high false-positive rate and the ability to be fooled by a correctly delivered attack. Attempts have been made to address these issues through techniques used by PAYL and MCPAD.<br> <br>NEW QUESTION 27......<br>Tags: 312-50v12uc778uc99dub364ud504uc0d8ud50c ub2e4uc6b4,312-50v12ub192uc740 ud1b5uacfcuc728 uc2dcud5d8uacf5ubd80,312-50v12ucd5cuc2e0 uc5c5ub370uc774ud2b8 uc778uc99dub364ud504,312-50v12ub364ud504ubb38uc81cuc9d1,312-50v12ub364ud504ub370ubaa8ubb38uc81c,312-50v12ub364ud504ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804,312-50v12uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 ub364ud504 ucd5cuc2e0ubb38uc81c,312-50v12ub192uc740 ud1b5uacfcuc728 uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 uacf5ubd80ubb38uc81c,312-50v12ucd5cuc2e0 uc5c5ub370uc774ud2b8ubc84uc804 uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8uc790ub8cc,312-50v12ud569uaca9ubcf4uc7a5 uac00ub2a5 uc2dcud5d8ub364ud504,312-50v12ub192uc740 ud1b5uacfcuc728 ub364ud504ubb38uc81c,312-50v12ucd5cuc2e0 uc5c5ub370uc774ud2b8 uc778uc99dub364ud504uc790ub8cc<br>
ECCouncil 312-50v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Exam 1 itcertkr.com Itcertkr 의 엘리트는 다년간 IT업계에 종사한 노하우로 높은 적중율을 자랑하는 ECCouncil 312-50v12덤 프를 연구제작하였습니다, 우리Itcertkr 의ECCouncil 312-50v12인증시험덤프는 Itcertkr전문적으 로ECCouncil 312-50v12인증시험대비로 만들어진 최고의 자료입니다, Itcertkr 312-50v12 높은 통과율 시험공부의 자료만의 제일 전면적이고 또 최신 업데이트일것입니다, IT인증시험을 Certified Ethical Hacker Exam덤프로 준비해야만 하는 이유는 312-50v12덤프는 IT업계 전문가들이 실제 312-50v12시험 문제를 연구하여 시험문제에 대비하여 예상문제를 제작했다는 점에 있습니다, ECCouncil 312-50v12 인증 덤프샘플 다운 PDF , Testing Engine , Online Test Engine 세가지 버전. 긴 손가락이 그녀의 등허리를 긁어내리며 속삭였다, 아까는 낯선 사내에게 잡혔다는312-50v12인증덤프 샘플 다운 샘플 다운두려움에 몰랐는데, 지금 보니 자신보다 더 떨리는 손길로 제 손목을 붙잡고 있었다, 도를 막아 낸 혁무상은 자신의 뒤에 있는 사제들을 향해 돌아보며 물었다. 인증덤프 312-50v12 덤프 다운받기 치킨 다리를 한 입 베어 물던 소원이 정아의 말에 멈칫했다, 규리는 레전드급 길312-50v12인증덤프샘플 다운 다운치답게 바로 눈앞에 이정표가 있음에도, 이정표 따위 보지 못하고 어딘지 모른다고 대답했다, 분명 부 러진 것처럼 격통이 느껴지던 허벅지가, 어느새 멀쩡해져 있었다. 인증덤프샘플 그렉이 꼼짝하지 않자 비비안은 그의 등을 떠밀며 화실 밖으로 나왔다, 푸들312-50v12덤프문제집은 털 안 빠지잖아요, 이곳에 왔던 사람들, 하지만 몇 번이고 다시 그때로 돌아간다고 하여도, 나는 몇 번이고 그분의 손을 망설임 없이 놓았을 거야. 제가 하고 싶은 일이 아니에요, 현실 같은 꿈이든 꿈 같은 현실이든, 상관없312-50v12최신 업데이트 인증덤 프다, 아 너는 그렇게 느꼈나, 그걸 신호처럼, 백의주작의 뒤편에서 또 다른 자의무복 수십여 명이 풀 위로 모습을 드러냈다, 전화 오기 전에 그냥 꺼버리자. 312-50v12인증덤프샘플다운 인증덤프샘플다운 & 312-50v12높은통과율시험공부 높은통과율시험공부 - 312-50v12최신업데이트인증덤프 최신업데이트인증덤프
ECCouncil 312-50v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Exam 2 클리셰가 묻자, 로인이 장난기 섞인 웃음으로 쿡쿡 웃는다, 이윽고 그는 직(https://www.itcertkr.com/312-50v12_exam.html)사광선 아래에 있음을 깨닫고는 재빨리 몸을 그림자 속으로 피신했다, 매랑이 침울한 얼굴로 탄식했다, 항주 거리에서도 사람들이 새떼에 관하여 수군거렸다. 박 대리가 고개를 갸웃거리자 지현은 어쨌든 잘 되었으니 상관없다는 표정으로312-50v12인증덤프샘플 다운 다운어깨를 으쓱거렸다, 제가 무엇을 하면 그들이 죗값을 치르게 할 수 있는지 알려주십시오, 태범의 말에 주아의 눈이 커다래졌다, 네 상심에 내 마음이 아프다. itcertkr.com 인증덤프샘플 312-50v12 인증덤프샘플 다운 덤프샘플문제 다운 인증덤프샘플 다운 덤프샘플문제 다운 성빈은 한 번도 들어본 적 없는 단어였다, 여기에 애플리케이션 응답 분포도 패턴을 머신러312-50v12높은 통과율 시험공부닝으로 분석해 이상 상황을 알려주는 기술도 적용했다, 조용히 싸운다며.그리고 그와는 별 개로, 아직은 막연한 미래였다, 바로 드림미디어에서 캐스팅을 시도했던 배우, 박윤성이었다. 지금 가장 신이 난 사람은 누가 봐도 묵호였다, 312-50v12인증덤프샘플 다운 해야겠다는 생각에 팀원들을 괴롭힌 건 아닌지 슬쩍 걱정됐다. 인증덤프샘플 다운새로운 팀이 생기고 뭐라도 Certified Ethical Hacker Exam 덤프 다운받기 NEW QUESTION 23 Fred is the network administrator for his company. Fred is testing an internal switch. From an external IP address, Fred wants to try and trick this switch into thinking it already has established a session with his computer. How can Fred accomplish this? A. Fred can send an IP packet with the ACK bit set to zero and the source address of the switch. B. He can send an IP packet with the SYN bit and the source address of his computer. C. Fred can send an IP packet to the switch with the ACK bit and the source address of his machine. D. Fred can accomplish this by sending an IP packet with the RST/SIN bit and the source address of his computer. Answer: C NEW QUESTION 24 Joel, a professional hacker, targeted a company and identified the types of websites frequently visited by its employees. Using this information, he searched for possible loopholes in these websites and injected a malicious script that can redirect users from the web page and download malware onto a victim's machine. Joel waits for the victim to access the infected web application so as to compromise the victim's machine. Which of the following techniques is used by Joel in the above scenario? A. Watering hole attack B. Clickjacking attack C. DNS rebinding attack D. MarioNet attack Answer: A 312-50v12인증덤프샘플다운 인증덤프샘플다운 & 312-50v12높은통과율시험공부 높은통과율시험공부 - 312-50v12최신업데이트인증덤프 최신업데이트인증덤프
ECCouncil 312-50v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Exam 3 Explanation: Web Application Threats - Watering Hole Attack In a watering hole attack, the attacker identifies the kinds of websites a target company/individual frequently surfs and tests those particular websites to identify any possible vulnerabilities. Attacker injects malicious script/code into the web application that can redirect the webpage and download malware onto the victim machine. (P.1797/1781) NEW QUESTION 25 in this form of encryption algorithm, every Individual block contains 64-bit data, and three keys are used, where each key consists of 56 bits. Which is this encryption algorithm? itcertkr.com A. Triple Data Encryption standard B. IDEA C. AES D. MDS encryption algorithm Answer: A Explanation: Triple DES is another mode of DES operation. It takes three 64-bit keys, for an overall key length of 192 bits. In Stealth, you merely type within the entire 192-bit (24 character) key instead of entering each of the three keys individually. The Triple DES DLL then breaks the user-provided key into three subkeys, padding the keys if necessary in order that they are each 64 bits long. The procedure for encryption is strictly an equivalent as regular DES, but it's repeated 3 times , hence the name Triple DES. the info is encrypted with the primary key, decrypted with the second key, and eventually encrypted again with the third key. Triple DES runs 3 times slower than DES, but is far safer if used properly. The procedure for decrypting something is that the same because the procedure for encryption, except it's executed in reverse. Like DES, data is encrypted and decrypted in 64-bit chunks. Although the input key for DES is 64 bits long, the particular key employed by DES is merely 56 bits long . the smallest amount significant (right-most) bit in each byte may be a parity , and will be set in order that there are always an odd number of 1s in every byte. These parity bits are ignored, so only the seven most vital bits of every byte are used, leading to a key length of 56 bits. this suggests that the effective key strength for Triple DES is really 168 bits because each of the three keys contains 8 parity bits that aren't used during the encryption process. Triple DES Modes Triple ECB (Electronic Code Book) * This variant of Triple DES works precisely the same way because the ECB mode of DES. * this is often the foremost commonly used mode of operation. Triple CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) * This method is extremely almost like the quality DES CBC mode. * like Triple ECB, the effective key length is 168 bits and keys are utilized in an equivalent manner, as described above, but the chaining features of CBC mode also are employed. * the primary 64-bit key acts because the Initialization Vector to DES. * Triple ECB is then executed for one 64-bit block of plaintext. * The resulting ciphertext is then XORed with subsequent plaintext block to be encrypted, and therefore the procedure is repeated. * This method adds an additional layer of security to Triple DES and is therefore safer than Triple ECB, although it's not used as widely as Triple ECB. NEW QUESTION 26 Which of the following options represents a conceptual characteristic of an anomaly-based IDS over a signature-based IDS? A. Cannot deal with encrypted network traffic 312-50v12인증덤프샘플다운 인증덤프샘플다운 & 312-50v12높은통과율시험공부 높은통과율시험공부 - 312-50v12최신업데이트인증덤프 최신업데이트인증덤프
ECCouncil 312-50v12 Certified Ethical Hacker Exam 4 B. Produces less false positives C. Can identify unknown attacks D. Requires vendor updates for a new threat Answer: C Explanation: An anomaly-based intrusion detection system is an intrusion detection system for detecting both network and computer intrusions and misuse by monitoring system activity and classifying it as either normal or anomalous. The classification is based on heuristics or rules, rather than patterns or signatures, and attempts to detect any type of misuse that falls out of normal system operation. This is as opposed to signature-based systems, which can only detect attacks for which a signature has previously been created. In order to positively identify attack traffic, the system must be taught to recognize normal system activity. The two phases of a majority of anomaly detection systems consist of the training phase (where a profile of normal behaviors is built) and the testing phase (where current traffic is compared with the profile created in the training phase). Anomalies are detected in several ways, most often with artificial intelligence type techniques. Systems using artificial neural networks have been used to great effect. Another method is to define what normal usage of the system comprises using a strict mathematical model, and flag any deviation from this as an attack. This is known as strict anomaly detection.[3] Other techniques used to detect anomalies include data mining methods, grammar-based methods, and the Artificial Immune System. Network-based anomalous intrusion detection systems often provide a second line of defense to detect anomalous traffic at the physical and network layers after it has passed through a firewall or other security appliance on the border of a network. Host-based anomalous intrusion detection systems are one of the last layers of defense and reside on computer endpoints. They allow for fine- tuned, granular protection of endpoints at the application level. Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection at both the network and host levels have a few shortcomings; namely a high false-positive rate and the ability to be fooled by a correctly delivered attack. Attempts have been made to address these issues through techniques used by PAYL and MCPAD. 덤프자료 itcertkr.com NEW QUESTION 27 ...... Tags: 312-50v12인증덤프샘플 다운 인증덤프샘플 다운,312-50v12높은 통과율 시험공부 프 프,312-50v12덤프문제집 덤프문제집,312-50v12덤프데모문제 프 최신문제 프 최신문제,312-50v12높은 통과율 시험대비 공부문제 높은 통과율 시험대비 공부문제,312-50v12최신 업데이트버전 인증시험자 료 료,312-50v12합격보장 가능 시험덤프 합격보장 가능 시험덤프,312-50v12높은 통과율 덤프문제 덤프자료 높은 통과율 시험공부,312-50v12최신 업데이트 인증덤 덤프데모문제,312-50v12덤프최신버전 덤프최신버전,312-50v12시험대비 덤 최신 업데이트버전 인증시험자 높은 통과율 덤프문제,312-50v12최신 업데이트 인증 최신 업데이트 인증덤 시험대비 덤 최신 업데이트 인증 312-50v12인증덤프샘플다운 인증덤프샘플다운 & 312-50v12높은통과율시험공부 높은통과율시험공부 - 312-50v12최신업데이트인증덤프 최신업데이트인증덤프