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China Dragons. Volume 3: January 2013. 28 th Combat Support Hospital Newsletter. Sky Medics!. Service Through Mobility. China Dragons. 28 th Combat Support Hospital. Command Team’s Corner. China Dragon Soldiers and Family,
China Dragons Volume 3: January 2013 28th Combat Support Hospital Newsletter Sky Medics! Service Through Mobility
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital Command Team’s Corner China Dragon Soldiers and Family, Welcome to 2013! As our journey together begins, I am amazed at the dedication, skill and adaptability of our China Dragon Team everyday. A new beginning is upon us all…your opportunity to accomplish old and identify new goals is here. I know you all will meet the challenge. A short recap of 2012 resulted in the training and deployment of three great units, we saw over 100 promotions, over 150 awards, over 20 newborns in our China Dragon Family, the passing of two amazing individuals Chaplain Stauffer and Private Gentle – rest in peace, numerous weapon ranges, field exercises, airborne operations, 4-mile runs, ruck marches, land navigation, the EFMB, inspection programs and a call for more units to deploy and provide medical support to others. Thank you for all you do and will do tomorrow. All the Way…Airborne. China Dragon – 6 – Sky Medics! • My Fellow China Dragons, • Well, 2013 is finally here! For many of us it will be a time of transition—deployment, retirement or simply, permanent change of station. As we embark on our journey to learn new things, explore new places, and make new friends, may you and your family have a year filled with possibility and opportunity. China Dragon Seven
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment SPOT LIGHT HHD has been busy with the Operation Dragon Fury FTX and recovery. This month HHD also supported the BN Prayer Breakfast. NEWEST HEADHUNTER EVENTS BOX PV2 BALDWIN (S6) • Calendar • 18-21 JAN: Martin Luther King Holiday • 25 JAN: 4 mile Validation PROMOTION HHD WOULD LIKE TO CONGRADULATE NEWLY PROMOTABLE SPC RODRIGUEZ HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! FRG VOLUNTEERS NEEDED HHD is seeking Family Readiness Group (FRG) volunteers immediately. Please see the HHD Commander, CPT Varisce, if you are interested.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital Alpha Company SPOT LIGHT 3 DEC 12 The 28th CSH deployed to the field for Operation Dragon Fury. Soldiers spent a week in the field setting up a mobile 32 bed hospital unit and training with medical equipment. Pictured above are SGT Gregory on the fork lift and SSG Clay with several soldiers as they take a break from setting up the tent pictured behind them. A hospital such as ours has not been seen in theater since the invasion of Iraq. Understandably then, there was quite a bit of interest in our FTX. Many notable people came out to view our mobile hospital during and after its construction. Everyone who came out was very impressed, well done CSH! Special Skillz PV2 NtumbaKalume sang Silent Night for the CSH Prayer Breakfast 15 DEC 12. Our resident song bird hopes one day to land a recording contract, but for now she makes appearances in the company area five days a week. EVENTS BOX Breakfast with Santa On 15 DEC 12, the 28th CSH came together for a morning of pancakes and presents at the annual Breakfast with Santa. Kids of all ages came to both cook and eat as Santa walked around spreading Christmas cheer. Pictured to the top left is SPC Roye and her two boys, Isaiah (12) and Xavier (5), settling in. The Roye boys would later receive Operation and an electronic word scramble game from Santa. Below, Santa and Chaplin Odle play fight before the event kicks off. Reports indicate that the Chaplin did not strike back but turned the other cheek. PHOTO
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital BRAVO COMPANY Bravo Company led from the front during Operation Dragon Fury. The company staged, moved, set-up, maintained, and tore-down almost the entire field site, from the hospital, to the sleeping quarters, and to the dining facility. Without their knowledge and extra hours of hard work, this FTX would not have been a success. Thank you Bulldogs! • IT’S A BULLDOG WORLD • Soldiers Frank Pedras, David Lindsey, and Ashley Grimm were promoted to Specialist. • NicoKing was promoted to PV2. • Soldiers SPC Reyes, SPC McConneaughey, SPC Lindsey, SPC Pedras, SPC Unpingco, SPC Johnson, S., and PFC Lane received Certificates of Achievement for their much appreciated help in executing the NCO Induction Ceremony, Fall Festival, and Operation Fight Decay. • SFC Douglas Kay received an Army Achievement Medal for his outstanding work as an evaluator during last year’s EFMB , ran by the 82nd Airborne Division. There are only a handful of 68M’s who are EFMB qualified, and we are extremely proud to have one in our ranks! Prayer Breakfast and Reenlistment Staff Sergeant Marcus Vance was reenlisted by COL Diane Scherr after the Battalion’s first prayer breakfast. Soldiers from Bravo Company listened to the guest speaker, Mrs. Mary Bass, the founder and creator of Operation Bandanas, which supplies bandanas printed with Psalm 91 to troops all over the world . Breakfast with Santa Children and their families gathered to meet Santa and tell him their wish lists for Christmas after a delicious pancake breakfast. The food and presents were graciously provided to the families by the Battalion’s Family Readiness Group.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital 51st Medical Logistics Company Spotlight The Soldiers of the 51st have been very busy this holiday season. For one week, every section worked diligently in the field to prepare for future contingency missions. We focused on convoy training, operating/driving with NVGs, establishing VSAT connectivity between forward distribution teams, medical maintenance in a field environment, and recovery operations for disabled vehicles. The following week, our FRG hosted a bountiful holiday dinner for the Soldiers, surprising families with gifts for the kids. Our MFLC presented tips of success during the holiday season, focusing on child safety and stress relief. SGT Burrows also announced our unit raised over $1,700 for the Combined Federal Campaign in donations. One of the most exciting things this month was 1SG John Washington’s Assumption of Responsibility as our newest member of the Command. Overall a great way to close out 2012. Newest MEDLOG Warriors PFC Dugger PFC Valasquez Upcoming Events 51 MLC FTX 2nd QTR: Army Warrior Tasks, EFMB Week 1 2 JAN: Return from Block Leave Week 2 7 JAN: Bldg Renovations begins 8 JAN: BLS Training (EFMB) Week 3: 18 JAN: MLK Observance APFT/Validation Run Week 4: 24 JAN: Land Navigation PMI, Qualification Protective Mask Instruction (Right): SGT Cagaoan instructs Soldiers on the capabilities of a wrecker while SGT Saurwein demonstrates proper search techniques for a hostile EPW. Tents are pulled out and set up. 2nd PLT assembles a satellite to order medical supplies, live. 3rd PLT puts up a new vehicle maintenance tent. 1SG Washington’s AoR.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital 207th Medical Detachment PHOTO SPOT LIGHT 01 DEC: Team Bowling Night 15 DEC: Breakfast With Santa 17 DEC- 29DEC Half Day Schedule BREAKFAST WITH SANTA NEW PERSONNEL HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! 207TH WELCOMES SGT PARKER TO THE TEAM
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital 240th Forward Surgical Team (ABN) Soldiers and Family members of Team Voltron, I hope you have had a fantastic Holiday Season and have taken time to recharge your batteries. Unfortunately, it is time for me to change command. I want to thank all the great Soldiers of the 240th for their support during my command. In addition, I would like to thank their support chain– YOU. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their continued encouragement throughout my career. I am moving down the road to become the XVIII ABN Corps Senior PA. MAJ Chad Cole and his wife Angie will become the newest 28th CSH Command Team on 10 January at 1000 hours. You are all welcome to attend this indoor event. It will take place at the 51st Medical Logistics Company and your Soldier’s have been given a copy of the invitation and corresponding map. It has been a quick two years and I will truly miss you all. Fortunately, you have a great incoming command team who will take the FST to the next level of readiness. Your Soldiers will be busy during the upcoming months participating in the 2BCT JOAX, Joint Trauma Training Center (JTTC) rotation in June, and an OEF deployment in July. God Bless!! Upcoming Events Reenlistments • Upcoming Dates for the 240th: • Change of Command 10 JAN • BN Hail and Farewell 10 JAN • FST Hail and Farewell 12 JAN • 2BCT JOAX 27 FEB– 5 MAR • ATTC Rotation 9-22 JUN • OEF JUL SGT Purnell and his daughter Jazlyn. SGTGeorge, SGT Purnell, and SSG Hunter The Team in Support of the Reenlistment Three reenlistmensts were conducted on December 14th 2012 for SGT Purnell, SGT George, and SSG Hunter.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital 274th Forward Surgical Team (ABN) Merry Christmas from the 274th FST (ABN)! “Bat Medics” The Soldiers and Airman of the 274th FST (ABN) would like to wish a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our friends and family back in the U.S. and across the world. Nothing we do could be possible without your continual support and prayers. EVENTS BOX FAREWELL In the month of December, the Soldiers of the 274th FST (ABN) were awarded their Combat Action Badge for actions during an effective indirect fire attack during the month of October. The Soldiers were participating in a celebratory dinner for one of their interpreters, who was to be married the next day. The barrage began immediately after dinner was served. Everyone rushed into the FST facility to don protective equipment, perform established SOPs, and prepare for incoming patients. Luckily, no one was injured during the attack. Every member of the 274th FST (ABN) present on that day performed their duties admirably in the face of the effective enemy indirect fire, deeming them worthy to wear the coveted Combat Action Badge. The Bat Medics of the 274th FST (ABN) would like to wish a fond farewell to our Air Force Sister-in-Arms, Captain Carrie Piazza. The unit knows her better as “Mama Piazza.” She has left a lasting impact in the hearts of the Bat Medics. Through her motherly care of the Soldiers of the 274th FST (ABN), she earned honorable membership as a Bat Medic. We wish you a fast and safe redeployment back to your Home of Record. You and your cooking will truly be missed, “Mama Piazza!” Right: Capt Piazza, SGT Shallop, and CPT Perez enjoying Mama Piazza’s pasta.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital Our BLOOD mission is just as important to SSG Underwood 92Y as it is to SPC Purkiss 68K. SPC Purkiss cross-trained SSG Underwood in processing Frozen Packed RBC's. Our Non-Medical personnel have been instrumental to the Theater Blood Mission due to their willingness to learn and practice skills that have not been formally taught to them. SPC Purkiss, is a key Trainer to the Contingent Blood program. SSG Underwood's new ability will be used to fill the needs of our customers in the OEF Theater. The Two units that SSG Underwood processed will be used in therapies that will potentially save the lives of NATO Warfighters. 432nd Blood Support Detachment Cross Training Future KILO Upcoming Events 28 Dec 12- 4 Jan 13 Battle Field Circulation 6 Jan 13 SOM Board 25 Jan 13 Induction Ceremony 26 Jan 13 Promotion Board Dragon News 6 Dec 12 SSG Underwood’s VTC Promotion 7 Dec 12 Combat Patch Ceremony 16 Dec 12 SGT Hamilton’s B-Day 22 Dec 12 SPC Goggans’ B-Day 22 Dec 12 Holiday Party Birthdays 9 Jan 13 SGT Stone 13 Jan 13 SPC Arnold 18 Jan 13 SGT Ursery
28th Combat Support Hospital 541st Forward Surgical Team (Airborne) 1LT Susanne Laux Members of the 541st at FOB Farah have now moved past the “honeymoon phase” of the deployment . Each member has found his or her place and role, and the FST has been carrying on business as usual. They work hard to assist one another daily to accomplish the many tasks necessary to keep the FST running strong. “Teamwork” is the key word ! During a visit from Task Force Med (S) Commander, US Navy Capt. Zinder and HMCM Akers, the team held a combination promotion and “patching” ceremony. Medic Matthew Manning was promoted from SPC to SGT. He is looking forward to the opportunity to demonstrate leadership and set a positive example for the team as a member of the NCO Corps, the backbone of the Army. Team members were also presented with their combat patches by 541st Commander, MAJ Sylvester, and Detachment Sergeant, SFC Jackson. The patch is that of the 30th Medical Brigade, who is currently in charge of Task Force Med in Afghanistan. During the ceremony, Medic SGT Sarah Fehlberg was recognized for her hard work and contributions to the FST by the command team and was presented with a coin from Capt. Zinder and HCMC Akers. To celebrate the winter holidays and provide entertainment for Soldiers, FOB Farah held a week of activities called “Winterfest”. It included various tournaments such as volleyball, ping-pong, charades, and tug-of-war, but the highlight of the week was the soccer tournament, which was a multi-national event that drew large audiences. The week culminated with the “Resolution Run 5k” on New Year’s Day. The events served to promote unit and base cohesion, as well as a distraction from being away from home and loved ones over the holiday season. The team members continue training and medical operations, providing life-saving care for many patients of various services and nationalities. They repeatedly collaborate with Italian and Slovenian medical personnel, base firefighters and Navy personnel to ensure that each patient receives the best care possible. China Dragons Members of the 541st with Navy Capt. Zinder and HMCM Akers of Task Force Med (S) following the promotion and patching ceremony. Top left: Team members practice code situations during training. Bottom left: Christmas morning breakfast with coalition forces at the team house. Right: SFC Jackson salutes MAJ Sylvester during the patching ceremony.
28th Combat Support Hospital 541st Forward Surgical Team (Airborne) Winter has reared its ugly face on the members of the 541st located at Qala-E-Naw, bringing frigid temperatures and snow. Patient care may have slowed down, but the motivation and dedication of the team members have not. The month of December was spent training and perfecting the clinical skills of all members assigned. Each week, medical classes were given in order to develop and cross-train personnel. Due to the high patient acuity level seen thus far at Qala-E-Naw, the team has focused on ensuring that each team member can function and work in every area of the FST, in addition to their own specialties. The team feels that cross-training and clinical skill development has been the greatest contributing factor to its successful patient outcomes. China Dragons Left: SSG Lewis receiving his new rank by MAJ Pienkos, orthopedic surgeon. Right: SPC Harpster, OR Tech, proudly displaying his 30th Med Brigade deployment patch. Team members at QEN were also visited by Task Force Med (S) commander Capt. Zinder and HMCM Akers and held a ceremony during which they received their 30th Medical Brigade deployment patches. They regretfully said goodbye to their attached Air Force personnel, MSgt Salazar and LT Clemons, but are excited to welcome the incoming replacement personnel that will work with them for the remainder of the deployment. The Qala-E-Naw split celebrated the holiday season by spending Christmas Eve with Spanish coalition forces. That evening spent with the Spanish provided the 541st a enlightening cultural experience and also helped brighten holiday spirits. They proudly rang in the new year by promoting LPN Anthony Lewis from the rank of SGT to SSG. Although December was a month of holiday celebration, the team anxiously awaits the opportunities to come in 2013. Top: The ladies of QEN enjoying a fresh blanket of Afghanistan snow. Bottom: Cross-training of team members to the operating room environment. Commander’s Comments: The 541st FST marches to march on. The team is strong and grows stronger every day. We remain focused on our mission, our safety and our mental and physical well-being. As the new year breaks, we relish the support of our families and friends at home. Our time away is more tolerable because of you. Thank you all for all your help and prayers. I wish you all good health and prosperity in 2013.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital 759th FORWARD SURGIGAL TEAM (AIRBORNE) The 759th FST conducted a field training exercise in preparation for the upcoming deployment. The 240th FST assisted by providing patients, training scenarios, and opposing forces. Unit Holiday Party CS Chamber
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital FRSA “Happy New Year” Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC ) 44th MED BDE FRSA Mrs. Cheryl Joseph Cheryl.l.joseph.civ@mail.mil Main Office Location: Bldg. 2-1731 Armistead St. Office: 910-396-2779 BB: 910-728-0031 Note: I consider myself as a floating FRSA due to my work load. I will meet you at any of the units by appointments, or you can drop in to see me. For the past few months or so, the BDE has been getting acquainted with the new embedded MFLC, Ms. Gail Abernathy, licensed counselor. The MFLC provides private and confidential counseling for Soldiers, civilians and children that are military connected. The MFLC can meet you at any neutral location, on and off of the installation except for a home or a car. The 44th MED BDE MFLC office is located in Building 2-1731 Armistead Street in room 131, office 132. Call 910-709-4091 for an appointment. mflc.ftbragg.44med@gmail.com Toys for the Holidays! Thank you 28th CSH for supporting all of the toy giveaways throughout the month of December. The two big toy contributors were Operation Homefront/ Dollar Tree along with Operation Toy Drop. This year, the BDE was able to secure over 3000 toys and each of the CSH units that picked up toys for their Holiday Parties and Soldiers were appreciative. Your support for these programs did not go unnoticed and I am very grateful! C. Joseph FRG Training: FRG Essentials Training January 10 9:00 am — 11:30 am January 24 6:00 pm — 8:30 pm FRG Key Caller Training January 15 6:00 pm — 7:00 pm January 29 9:00 am — 10:00 am FRG Weekend Training January 12 Essentials 8:00 am — 10:30 am Key Caller 10:45 am — 11:45 am Treasurer 12:00 pm — 2:00 pm FRG Treasurer Training January 15 9:00 am — 11:00 am Care Team Training January 10 6:00 pm — 8:00 pm January 24 9:00 am — 11:00 am January 26 9:00 am — 11:00 am ARMY FAMILY TEAM BUILDING (AFTB) SOLIDIERS, are you and your Family Members searching for a new way to learn more about the Army? Do you as the Soldiers often times go home and speak that good old military lingo to your Spouse and spend more time explaining all of those acronyms? Do you need extra points for promotion? Well, I have the class for you. AFTB, Army Family Team Building classes will service all of your needs. Hurry, there are only a few more classes left before the New Year! You must pre- register. AFTB is located on the 3rd floor of the Soldier Support Center on Normandy Dr. AFTB Class Dates (Jan. 2013) Level 1: Jan.16th and 17th (0830 – 1330) Level 2: Jan. 22nd, 23rd, 24th (830 – 1430) Level 3: Feb. 19th, 20th and 21st (0830 – 1430) Register at 910-396-2382 or www.fortbragg.com/acs/army-family-team-building/ Commanders, if you have a new FRG volunteer, they must in- process through ACS to receive the proper training before they can volunteer! Training is held in the Family Readiness Center Registration is required for each class, call (910) 432-3742 for details or go to http://www.fortbraggmwr.com/register-for-a-class/ Online FRG Training Available http://www.fortbraggmwr.com/frg-online-training/ This slide contains unofficial information.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital Battalion Safety Vehicle Recalls List of recent vehicles that have been recalled due to manufacturer malfunctions: 1. 2002 – 2003 Jeep Liberty and 2002 – 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee; Airbag Control Module failure. Recalls will begin January 2013. POC 1-800-247-9753; campaign number M35. 2. 2012 – 2013 Scion IQ; Occupant Classification System may become damaged by sliding seat forward and may cause airbag to deploy. Recall will begin December 2012. POC 1-800-331-4331. 3. 2004 – 2009 Toyota Prius; improper installation of water pump will cause corrosion and create a stall-like condition while driving. There is also a steering intermediate extension shaft assembly that may fail and cause the vehicle to crash. Recall will begin December 2012. POC 1-800-331-4331 4. 2001 – 2004 Toyota Tacoma sold in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and D.C. Road salt causes corrosion on the spare tire carrier and possibly become detached. Recall will begin December 2012. POC 1-800-331-4331 PHOTO For more information: please go to Safecar.gov Defensive Driving China Dragons! There has been an increase in vehicle accidents in the last few months. Some have been negligent driving and failure to stop. Others where the result of other drivers. In either case, here are some types and techniques to abide by: Predict Probable Dangers Assume the worst possible situation while driving. This will you react in a manner that may be helpful in saving lives. Always be alert and pay attention to detail while driving. Keep a Safe Distance It is essential that one maintains a safe distance from the vehicle ahead. One may never know when a sudden stop or sudden turn without indicating may occur. Maintain at least 3 – 6 seconds between. Avoid Distractions Radios, Phones, Texting, kids, and heated conversations cause distractions. It is a North Carolina Law and Fort Bragg Policy against texting while driving. Mind the Heavy Traffic Fort Bragg has the most traffic accidents in Cumberland County. There are many vehicles on the road that can cause harm to you and your vehicle. Keep watch of heavy traffic and follow the previous guidelines. Avoid Larger VehiclesLarger vehicles have many blind spots. If you cannot seem the driver, then they cannot see you. Also, try not to drive behind a larger vehicle due to rocks being thrown into your windshield. Monitor Blind Spots Blind spots on your vehicle can cause damage as well. Before you merge or move to another lane, ensure that you have checked and double checked your blind spots. There may be a small vehicle or Motorcyclist there. Weather Rain, Ice, and Snow do not mix well with roads and your tires. These types of precipitation cause the roadways to become slippery and will effect your driving and stopping. Ensure that you use extreme caution when driving in these conditions.
China Dragons 28th Combat Support Hospital Hospital Ministry Team The 28th CSH Unit Ministry Team would like to welcome the newest member of our team; SGT (P) Brittani Williams. SGT (P) Williams joins the 28th CSH from her previous post in Korea and is excited to serve with the China Dragons! December was a great month due to the 28th CSH family pulling together and providing a breakfast with Santa with a toy giveaway and other events for Soldiers and their families. Thank you to all of those who supported others to ensure their holiday was a blessing! Spiritual Strength Upcoming Chaplain Led Events Spiritual Resiliency is a component of comprehensive Soldier fitness. Physical training, professional development, and personal education pursuits are a worthwhile endeavors. If we neglect our spiritual fitness, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Ask yourself these questions to gauge your spiritual fitness: What priority do I give spiritual resilience? How important is my spirituality? In what ways can I improve my spiritual fitness? 8 JAN 13 Brown Bag Bible Study. This Bible study will be held at the BN in a classroom. Lunch and materials provided. All are welcome! 11-13 JAN 13 Strong Bonds retreat for married couples, singles (to include single parents and geographical bachelors. )
China Dragons Volume 3: January 2013 Sky Medics! Service Through Mobility