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Quantum Noise and Operations in Information Systems Overview

Learn about classical noise and Markov processes, transition matrices, quantum operations using density operator, and reduced density operator for composite systems. Understand the mathematical formalism of quantum operations and dive into the analysis of open quantum systems.

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Quantum Noise and Operations in Information Systems Overview

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  1. Quantum Computation and Information Chap 8 Quantum Noise and Quantum Operations Dr. Charles Tappert The information presented here, although greatly condensed, comes almost entirely from the course textbook: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Nielsen & Chuang

  2. Introduction • So far we dealt with closed quantum systems • But there are no perfectly closed systems • Real systems have unwanted interactions with the outside world that show up as noise • Noise is a central topic in this 3rd book part • The mathematical formalism of quantum operations is a key tool in describing the dynamics of open quantum systems

  3. 8.1 Classical Noise and Markov Processes • Imagine a bit stored on a hard disk drive of an ordinary classical computer • The bit starts out in state 0 or 1 but in time stray magnetic fields can cause the bit to flip

  4. 8.1 Classical Noise and Markov Processes • Suppose p0 and p1 are the initial probabilities of the bit being in states 0 and 1, respectively • Let q0 and q1 be the corresponding probabilities after noise has occurred • Let X be the initial state of the bit and Y the final state, then by the law of total probability

  5. 8.1 Classical Noise and Markov Processes • Writing these equations out explicitly we have

  6. 8.1 Classical Noise and Markov Processes • Now take a more complex example of noise • Our circuit consists of a single input bit X • To which are applied two consecutive NOT gates resulting in a stochastic process known as a Markov process • For a single stage process, the output probabilities are related to the input probabilities by • where E is an evolution matrix of transition probabilities

  7. 8.1 Classical Noise and Markov Processes • and must be valid probability distributions • This is equivalent to two conditions on E • E is non-negative (positivity requirement) • Columns of E sum to 1 (completeness requirement) • Summary • There is a linear relationship between input and output probabilities described by a transition matrix • Classical noise processes are described by Markov processes provided the noises are independent

  8. 8.2 Quantum OperationsBackground 2.4 Density Operator • We have formulated quantum mechanics using the language of state vectors • An alternative formulation is using the density operator or density matrix • Mathematically equivalent to using state vectors • But provides a more convenient language for some of the encountered scenarios

  9. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.1 Ensembles of Quantum States • The density operator can describe systems whose state is not completely known • Suppose a quantum system is in one of a number of states with respective probs pi • An ensemble of pure states is called • The density operator is • All the postulates of quantum mechanics can be reformulated in the density operator language

  10. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.2 General Properties of the Density Operator • This allows us to reformulate the postulates of quantum mechanics using the density operator

  11. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.2 General Properties of the Density Operator • Postulate 1: state vector => ensemble

  12. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.2 General Properties of the Density Operator • Postulate 2: evolution =>

  13. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.2 General Properties of the Density Operator • Postulate 3: measurement =>

  14. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.2 General Properties of the Density Operator • Postulate 4: composite physical system =>

  15. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.2 General Properties of the Density Operator • Pure and mixed states • Given a density operator • with equality if and only if is a pure state

  16. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.3 The Reduced Density Operator • The reduced density operator can describe subsystems of composite systems • Given systems A and B, the reduced density operator for system A is • partial trace over B • are any two vectors in the state space of A • are any two vectors in the state space of B • The reduced density operator is indispensable in the analysis of composite systems

  17. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.3 The Reduced Density Operator • Example calculation: Bell state • Density operator • Trace out the second qubit from the reduced density operator of the first qubit

  18. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.3 The Reduced Density Operator • Note that this state is a mixed state since • But the joint system of two qubits is a pure state known exactly • This strange property is a hallmark of quantum entanglement

  19. 8.2 Quantum Operations2.4.3 The Reduced Density Operator Detailed calculations expand qubits factor out system 1, trace(outer product)=inner product

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