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This guide provides insight on the importance of diversity in recruitment and offers helpful resources for academic personnel. Topics covered include unconscious bias, department coordinator's role, creation of search plans, advertisements, application evaluation, interview process, and appointment timeline.
Brown Bag:Academic RecruitmentJanuary 12, 2012 Office of Academic Personnel Megan Rott, Analyst
Edward Callahan, PhDAssociate Dean for Academic Personnel● What is diversity; why is it important; why is it relevant to recruitment?● Unconscious Biashttp://www.aamc.org/opi/leadership/training.htm● Department AP Coordinator’s Role
Helpful Recruitment Websites • UC Davis School of Medicine Academic Personnel: • http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/ • UCOP: Recruitment and Retention of Faculty: • http://www.ucop.edu/acadpersonnel/documents/affirmative.pdf • APM 500: • http://manuals.ucdavis.edu/apm/apm-toc.htm
FTEs and Upgrade Requests FTEs FTE search requires approval from the VC & Dean’s Office (typically via Executive Associate Dean) with confirmation of approval from Assistant Dean for Administration Upgrade Requests When is an upgrade approval needed? Regular series search at Assistant, step IV, and above Why? Strategic planning for the future; creation/development of future leaders http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/upgrades.html
Creation of the Search Plan http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/searchplans.html Position request form Serves as a cover page of the search plan Collaborative Recruitment Worksheet (for joint appointments) Academic Utilization Analysis (Hiring Goals) http://occr.ucdavis.edu/acadrecruittools/default.cfm
Creation of the Search Plan continued... • Apply by dates—what do they mean? • First, full consideration • Open till filled • Search Committee composition • Woman, person of color, faculty from another department • Senate series recruitment: Search Chair should be Senate as should majority of committee • Position description • Helps the committee evaluate each candidate based on the same requirements and expectations specific to series/rank as well as clinical experience, research experience, teaching, service.
Creation of the Search Plan continued... Advertisements All ads should include language that the University “is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff, and students ” Send electronic version for posting on the Vice Provost and SOM AP website (tracking of these) Strongly recommend placing in specialty specific journals or websites AP posts “general” ads yearly on diversity websites See handout Position request form and search plan must be approved by AP prior to initiation of the recruitment
Search Plan is Approved, Advertisements Posted, Now What? Applications Arrive Confidential applicant survey http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/recruitment.html Search Committee Reviews Conflict of interest (family, friends, direct mentors) All committee members should be reviewing applications Search Committee Meeting (AP Coordinator attendance) Evaluation of applicants according to position description from search plan Decision made on who to invite for an interview
Interim Recruitment Report (IRR) IRR needs to be submitted and approved prior to inviting candidates for interviews IRR Example (see handout): http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/recruitment.html Concrete reason for not inviting applicant for an interview (can refer to position description) Notification to those not selected for an interview
Interview Process Organization Hotel, Air Travel, Itinerary Interviews with search committee members, department faculty---first visit should be consistent across candidates Questions (committee should develop a standard set of questions that is asked to each candidate--chair could take this role; group interview; etc) Evaluations / Feedback from those interviewing candidate Making candidates feel welcomed “Selling the University,” information re: POP, MOP, Strategic Plan, Faculty Development, Work-Life Balance, Diversity
Interview Process continued... Multiple interim recruitment reports http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/recruitment.html Reconvening of the search committee Example #2 (see handout) Second interviews Asking the candidate who they’d like to meet/what they are interested in seeing Seeing the area, real estate agent Spouses/Partners Search committee recommendation to Department Chair Faculty vote
Final Recruitment Report (FRR) Completion of the report Justification of why department is hiring this candidate over others interviewed Copies of ads should be included http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/recruitment.html Example #3 (see handout) FRR should be completed and approved by AP prior to preliminary offer being made to the candidate Appointment timeline to estimate start date http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/newhire.html
Preliminary Offer Letters (POL) Templates Outlining expectations is important http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/academicpersonnel/POLs.html Process Email Word version to AP Recruitment Analyst Federation letters reviewed by Office of Academic Personnel Senate letters reviewed by POL Review Committee who look at space, expectations, salary—making sure what is being offered can be delivered (must give committee 48 hours to review)
QUESTIONS? Megan Rott 916-734-4617 megan.rott@ucdmc.ucdavis.edu