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Assisting Students Who Have Academic Challenges

Assisting Students Who Have Academic Challenges. Dawn Aylward. Assisting Students Who Have Academic Challenges. How do we define ‘Academic Challenges’? Slow PACE work-rate Failed PACEs Behavioural challenges Easily distracted. What does the WORD say?. Ps 139: 13, 15 & 16 (Amp)

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Assisting Students Who Have Academic Challenges

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  1. Assisting Students Who Have Academic Challenges Dawn Aylward

  2. Assisting Students Who Have Academic Challenges

  3. How do we define ‘Academic Challenges’? • Slow PACE work-rate • Failed PACEs • Behavioural challenges • Easily distracted

  4. What does the WORD say? • Ps 139: 13, 15 & 16 (Amp) • v13: “For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb.” • v15: “My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret and intricately and curiously wrought [ as if embroidered with various colours] in the depths of the earth.” • v16: “Your eyes saw my unformed substance and in Your book all the days of my life were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.”

  5. Jeremiah 1:5a • “Before I formed you • in the womb, I knew • and approved of you.”

  6. REMEMBER! • Each child is unique! • Each child is of value! • Each child is a specially crafted individual. • “May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless…..” 1 Thess. 5: 23b

  7. What are Possible Causes • for Academic Challenges? • The whole child • Body, Soul & Spirit

  8. 1. The Body – Physical Aspects • Environment: • School or Classroom or Learning Centre • Location • Ventilation • Lighting • Colour of walls

  9. Home: • Where does the student live? • Home • Shelter • Orphanage • With whom does the • student live? • Parents • Guardians • Relatives • Foster parents

  10. Food: • Does the student have food? • Proper food to feed the brain? Protein • Beware of junk food – too much sugar; additives; colourants; etc. • Water: • Does the student have water • to drink? • Beware of sugary drinks

  11. Hearing: • Does the student have a hearing challenge? • Does he turn his head when listening to you? • Does he respond to you when speaking to him from behind him? • Sight: • Does the student struggle to see? • Does he read or write too close to his book? • Does he complain of headaches?

  12. Physical Handicap: • Is the student able to sit still? • Can he run, walk, climb? • Can he speak clearly? • Does he have a speech impediment?

  13. Medical Condition: • Does the student have a medical condition? • Does he need to take medication at school? • Undisciplined: • Does the student need structure? • Motivation? • Sport?

  14. Learning Style: • Each student is an individual and may have a different learning style. • Visual learner • Auditory learner • Kinesthetic learner

  15. 2. The Soul – Mind, Intellect and Emotions • Trauma: • Fragmented Family • Living in Foster Care or with • a relative • No family—orphan • Violence • Abuse • Fear

  16. Intellectual Challenges: • Learning gaps especially in Math and English • Poor or very little foundation in ABC’s or the Foundation Phase • Fear of failure • Dyslexia: difficulty in reading and • spelling • Dyscalculia: difficulty in math • Dyspraxia: difficulty in coordination • Home Language may not be English

  17. Lack of Stimulation: • No one to affirm the student in love—touch. • ‘The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.’ (Mother Theresa) • Negative words have discouraged or humiliated. • ‘A torn jacket is soon mended, but hard words bruise the heart of a child.’ • (Longfellow)

  18. 3. Spiritual - Spirit • Culture • Different cultural backgrounds • Non Christian families – tug o’ war • Generational curses • Bloodline • Negative words • Low self-esteem – not good enough

  19. Possible Solutions: • 1. Physical Aspect (Body) • Environment • School / Learning Centre: • Better ventilation— more windows, fans, or even air conditioners • More lighting • Paint walls a soft colour - conducive to learning • Order in the ‘Learning’ Centre • Posters and pictures on the walls for a cheerful atmosphere

  20. Curriculum • Learning gaps • Re-diagnose • Foundation Phase: • Do Post Test • ABC’s Review PACE • Advanced Sounds • Coordination Development Tests

  21. Why is the learner failing PACE Tests? • understanding of the material? • underlining the text in Science and Social Studies? • home language? • studied for Checkups? • Do not allow a student to take a Checkup or Self Test, unless they have studied and you have quizzed them. • Remember! 90% is a pass for Checkups and Self Tests. • ‘INSPECT WHAT YOU EXPECT!’

  22. Is the Student Following Procedures? • Discover reasons for failure • Check student procedures • Check daily goals • Observe scoring for: • Cheating • Copying • Using Score Key to get answers • Supervisor’s signature

  23. Underachiever or Slow Learner • Work with the parents – team • Parent Orientation -- how a Learning Centre operates • Educational Psychologist for testing • Refer student for testing if you have reason to believe he may have an auditory, visual, or coordination challenge. Remember: ACE is an individualized programme! YOU CAN do extra activities for students who have academic challenges.

  24. Underachiever or Slow Learner (Continued…) • Medical Reasons: Accommodate the student and their needs • Undisciplined Behaviour: Need structure and motivation • Counsel with parents and student • Advise on acceptable behaviour—include food, friends, TV, DVD’s, Computer games etc. • Peer pressure • Lack of Vocational Guidance—What do I want to do with my life?

  25. Home • Where does the student live? • House • Orphanage • Shelter • Is he/she insecure? • Does the student live with both parents, single parent, relatives, guardians? • Arrange a meeting with whomever he is living, and discuss the insecurities. They may not be aware of any challenges.

  26. Food • ‘You cannot reason with a hungry belly, since it has no ears.’(Greek Proverb) • Hungry? • Food ? • Money? • Tuck Shop? • Encourage parents to make healthy • sandwiches and pack a lunch box with fruit, yoghurt, nuts etc. • Have a special “Tray” with sandwiches for students who do not have food.

  27. Water • Access to water? • Wash himself and his uniform? • Water to drink at school? • Water is an essential! • Supply plastic water bottles. • Allow them a bottle of water in the student office at school. • Do not allow fizzy drinks during school time!

  28. Emotional (Soul) • Survival: • Research has shown that children who have no home or shelter, no food or water are not able to learn because they are in “Survival mode.” • Finger Ministry started: 4 3 2 1 • Give each student the opportunity to share their challenges.

  29. Love, Care, Patience • Emotional challenges will affect the student’s ability to function “normally” at school • Help them where you can • Show them that you care • Hug them, touch them on the shoulder, and pat them on the back • Affirm them and praise them often • Love them and be patient with them • Refer them for professional testing and counseling if necessary

  30. 3. Spiritual (Spirit) • Culture • Belief Systems • Ancestral worship • Many foreign gods • Idolatry • Universalism • Peer Pressure and Gangs • Fear • Sport • Negative Words

  31. WORD - Wisdom and Truth • For any of these Spiritual situations, gain the trust of the student and speak to him/her first. • Discuss with the school counselor or HOD. • Call in parents, relatives or guardians. They may be the cause of, or the solution for the student’s spiritual challenges. • Negative words spoken over a child are devastating and powerful. Parents may also need counsel. • Pastor/Elder • Prayer • Break the power of negative words

  32. Trust the Lord &… • Be yourself! • Allow Holy Spirit to prompt you to motivate, encourage, uplift, love, care for and nurture these students. • Manual is a guide; it’s not the Bible. • You have been called by God for a purpose. • You are co-labourers with the Holy Spirit to mould each student into the destiny God has planned for them. ‘God has a history of using the insignificant to accomplish the impossible.’ (Richard Exley)

  33. ‘But thanks be to God. Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose].’ • 1 Cor. 15: 57 & 58 (Amp)

  34. Assisting Students Who Have Academic Challenges Dawn Aylward

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