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Response to Intervention (RTI) with P O S S E RTI - PSI™. Facilitating a Problem-Solving Assessment and Intervention Approach to Improve Outcomes for Struggling Students Gerald D. Nunn, Ph.D., NCSP Professor and Program Director of School Psychology Idaho State University March 2008.
Response to Intervention (RTI) with POSSERTI-PSI™ Facilitating a Problem-Solving Assessment and Intervention Approach to Improve Outcomes for Struggling Students Gerald D. Nunn, Ph.D., NCSP Professor and Program Director of School Psychology Idaho State University March 2008
“RTI and its foundational counterpart “Problem Solving” is a way of systematizing the science and practice of examining the impact of what we do for children struggling in schools” pg 10.Gerald D. Nunn, Ph.D., NCSP"Response to Intervention (RTI) and Problem Solving Intervention Approach for Schools
Complementary Models of POSSE RTI-PSI & District 25 Elementary School Success Model STAT School Teams Increase Student Success Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention and Problem Solving for Student Success! “By their very nature, RTI methods are problem-solving activities. Although many students and teachers in schools may not perceive their daily experiences as “problems”, they do engage in ongoing assessment and reflection”. Response to Intervention by Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Mark W. Steege, 2005, pg 6. “We can talk all day long about designing assessment-based, student focused, evidence-based interventions. However, if the intervention is not implemented correctly and consistently, then 1) student progress and 2) our ability to determine the efficacy of the intervention are both severely compromised, i.e. Treatment Integrity is at-risk”. Response to Intervention by Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Mark W. Steege, 2005, pg 32.
Big Ideas about RTI Methods What is RTI? In Brown –Chidsey & Steege (2005), pg 11.
Response to Intervention-RtI Level of Concern Problem Solving Data-Based Decision-Making General Instruction and Assessment Tier 1 Intervention Problem Solving Data-Based Decision-Making Supplementary Instruction and Assessment Tier 2 Intervention Problem Solving Data-Based Decision-Making Specialized Instruction and Assessment Tier 3 Intervention
What Makes This Work? Elements to Enhance RTI’s Impact Upon Student Achievement and Success?
POSSERTI-PSI™ What Does This Mean? • RTI is a systematic process with multiple strands validated by 30 years of research and evaluation of effectiveness. RTI is more than CBM’s, or I-Plans, or ICEL-RIOT assessments. It is a process that uses data with intervention to bring about results for students that make them more successful in school. • I developed the first RTI approach in Idaho, i.e., Results-Based Model (RBM) a decade ago (1997-98) which now has about 200 schools involved. However, ‘successful’ RBM/RTI schools who incompletely address the Elements of Best Practices demonstrate less impact and integrity --shortcuts lead to lessening of RBM’s effects. • All Key Elements play important roles in the RTI/RBM process; inattention to these places it “at-risk” for being a viable force in helping struggling students achieve success. • For RTI or any other initiative to be clearly understood in terms of its implementation, practice, and effects—there must be a systematic model which is capable of measurement and evaluation of impact. • POSSE RTI-PSI in an outcome of over 25 years by the author in developing, implementing, and working as a practitioner and researcher immersed in the process, e.g. Iowa’s Renewed Service Delivery System (first RTI Model in Nation); School Psychologist AEA 6 Iowa (12 years working with RTI in Schools) ; Results Based Model in Idaho (Implemented in 1998 with about 200 Schools now involved).
General Education Intervention, guided by …Collaborative and Systematic problem solving decision making, Supported and informed by multi-method/source assessment of student needs, Evaluated by formative and summative data analysis, Generating “Solutions” to performance problems ,That Empirically Demonstrate significant “response to intervention” as indicators of improved success /competence in schools. POSSE RTI-PSI™ Process: An Integrated and Continuous Student Success Approach
POSSERTI-PSI™ • Training, Intervention, Evaluation integrated into one approach to enhance RTI impact. • Conceptual model based upon RTI research and practice. • Procedural methodology to implement RTI including its training and evaluation. • Simple and dedicated “technology” which: • Organizes all aspects of the RTI Process. • Documents all aspects of the RTI Process. • Structures and Guides the RTI Process for Teams in which they learn and apply skills and knowledge to improve student success, performance. • Provides specific tools that will analyze, graph, report, evaluate, and communicate the results of RTI for Students, Teachers, Parents, and Administrators. • Incorporates and Integrates Staff Development & RTI Implementation of Interventions .
POSSERTI-PSI™Problem Solving and Organizing Success in the School Environment: Response to Intevention and Problem-Solving Intervention POSSERTI-PSI™ Provides the Links & Tools to Support and Bring Together! RTI Team Works to Support General Education Interventions (GEI) General Education Requires Support to Help Children Learn & Succeed!
POSSERTI-PSI™ • A Toolbox for RTI Teams, Interventions, and Data-Based Decsions used for collaboration, data-input, and documentation of RTI process via schools intranet. • Do multiple tasks without leaving POSSE RTI-PSI. • Used for both Staff Training/Development and for Intervention/RTI • Runs as a “Runtime/StandAlone” or Filemaker Pro File/Database. • Can be shared via remote server with Filemaker Pro.
Demonstration/Examples of Using POSSERTI-PSI™ • Examples of RTI Computer-Linked Tools, Layouts, Links to facilitate RTI, Problem-Solving, and Intervention Development. • POSSE RTI-PSI Home Page • GEI and I-PLAN Assistant • Request for Problem Solving • ICEL-RIOT Pre-Planning and Report • Progress Monitoring and Data-Based Decision Making • RTI Report • RTI Process Manager and PDF/E-Mail • Behavioral Observation Tool and Graphs • Functional Behavioral Assessment Tool • Behavioral Intervention Tool • Many others….
POSSERTI-PSI™ Staff development/training tool: • Demonstrate in ‘real time” all skills of RTI. • Over 50 Layouts addressing all levels of RTI practice skills. • Flash Video Demonstrations of all Layouts/Tools. • In-Vivo Application of Skills beyond training site/location for teachers. • Ongoing “feedback” of skills and knowledge development of RTI via on-line assessment linked with POSSE RTI-PSI. • Integrated internet, intranet links to tools via web-viewer technology, e.g. Aims Web; Get It Got It Go!; DIBELS; Chart Dog and many others available inside POSSE RTI-PSI! • May be linked with e-learning and assessment of knowledge and skills from within POSSERTI-PSI™ if desired.
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