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Wolves Against Breast Cancer

Wolves Against Breast Cancer. Welcome !. Mission . Eradicate Breast Cancer Fundraising Advocacy Education. Impact . Mothers, sisters, daughters, friends

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Wolves Against Breast Cancer

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  1. Wolves Against Breast Cancer Welcome !

  2. Mission • Eradicate Breast Cancer • Fundraising • Advocacy • Education

  3. Impact • Mothers, sisters, daughters, friends • The National Cancer Institute estimates that a woman in the United States has a 1 in 8 chance of developing invasive breast cancer during her lifetime. This risk was about 1 in 11 in 1975 National Cancer Institute. Probability of breast cancer in American women. Updated October 2006. Fact Sheet 5.6

  4. Mammography screening does not prevent or cure breast cancer. However, it may detect the disease before symptoms occur. National Breast Cancer Coalition

  5. Breast cancer tumors can exist for six to ten years before they grow large enough to be detected by mammography.

  6. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for women in the U.S, after lung cancer. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. Atlanta, GA, 2009 Cancer Coalition

  7. Approximately 40,170 women and 440 men in the U.S. will die from the disease in 2009

  8. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for U.S. women between the ages of 20 and 59, and the leading cause of cancer death for women worldwide.iii

  9. National Breast Cancer Coalition • www.stopbreastcancer.org • www.knowbreastcancer.org

  10. Nominations • President • Vice President • Fundraising Coordinator/Treasurer • Secretary • Support Liaison

  11. President • The President of Wolves Against Breast Cancer presides over all the meetings, only votes to break a tie, excluding elections, is responsible for the proper functioning of the Inter-Student Organization Council and carries out any additional duties. The President will remain objective and neutral at all times and will build the team of officers to interact with the university on behalf of the students.

  12. Vice President • The Vice President of the Wolves Against Breast Cancer serves as the Western Oregon University/National Breast Cancer Coalition Liaison. The individual serves as a liaison between the university staff and students, as well as keeping updated with NBCC activities and events. Assists the President, and conducts meetings in their absence

  13. Fundraising Coordinator • The Treasurer of Wolves Against Breast Cancer will keep a record of all income and expenses and provide a report once a month. The individual will advise on financial matters and maintain a record of attendance for all meetings in the absence of secretary. This individual will act as a liaison between the university staff and students.

  14. Secretary • The Secretary of Wolves Against Breast Cancer is responsible for recording all minutes, preparing the agenda, copying the appropriate documents, and preparing correspondence from the organization, and keeping a record of attendance for all meetings. The secretary will act as a liaison between the university staff and students.

  15. Support Liaison • The Support Liaison of Wolves Against Breast Cancer will lead support groups and determine emotional/social needs of students affected by Breast Cancer. The support liaison will act as a resource between the university staff and students.

  16. Voting • President • Vice President • Fundraising Coordinator/Treasurer • Secretary • Support Liaison

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