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Source Credibility

Write with confidence by ensuring. Source Credibility. Thornton High School Library. Why do I care if my sources are credible?. You want to pass this class You want to do well in college You want to know the truth You want to be taken seriously You want to make a difference. 1. 2. 3. 4.

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Source Credibility

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Write with confidence by ensuring Source Credibility Thornton High School Library

  2. Why do I care if my sources are credible? • You want to pass this class • You want to do well in college • You want to know the truth • You want to be taken seriously • You want to make a difference 1 2 3 4 5 X X X

  3. Scenario one: You are writing a research paper on the importance of fuel efficiency on America’s economy. Is the resource below credible? Chevrolet Volt Media Portal Students access from Teach Links

  4. Scenario two: You are writing a research paper on the importance of minimum wage on America’s economy. Is the resource below credible? CQ Researcher: Minimum Wage Students access from Teacher Links

  5. You must ask yourself some questions to determine whether a source is credible. Source Credibility Questions Provide Hardcopy

  6. Examples • Credible • Might be Credible • Not Credible Transfer to Examples Presentation

  7. Tools You Can Use Print Resource Credibility Checklist Web Page Credibility Checklist Provide Hardcopies

  8. Apply Tools Evaluate two sample sources on Teacher Links page related to gun control using tools Discuss with a partner Report out

  9. Conclusion Questions? Hoax web sites for fun.

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