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Enhancing Gender Statistics for Global Development

Explore the importance of gender statistics, production methods, international availability, current state, and future steps at the IAEGM event. Learn the critical role of gender data in promoting equality and equity globally.

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Enhancing Gender Statistics for Global Development

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  1. Availability of gender statistics at the international levelIAEGM on the Development of Gender StatisticsNew York,12-14 December 2006 Demographic and Social Statistics Branch Statistics Division, DESA United Nations, New York

  2. Outline • The need for gender statistics • What are gender statistics? • Production of gender statistics • International availability of gender statistics • Current state and progress over time • Gaps and next steps

  3. The need for gender statistics • Statistics are essential ingredients for socio-economic planning • Critical in focusing international attention on gender equality and equity questions • Fundamental for the promotion and attainment of gender equality and equity

  4. The need for gender statistics 1995: Beijing Platform for Action • Generate and disseminate gender-disaggregated data and information for planning and evaluation • “Ensure that statistics related to individuals are collected, compiled, analysed and presented by sex and age and reflect problems, issues and questions related to women and men in society”

  5. What are gender statistics? • Adequately reflect the relative situation of women and men in all policy areas • Allow for a systematic evaluation of gender issues and of inequalities between women and men

  6. What are gender statistics? Statistics in all relevant policy areas Statistics disaggregated by sex and age Statistics reflecting specific gender issues

  7. Production of gender statistics Gender mainstreaming at all stages of statistical production

  8. Production of gender statistics • Requires taking into consideration the different cultural, economic, social and political factors shaping the lives of women and men at all stages of the production of statistics: • Gender mainstreaming

  9. Production of gender statistics Gender mainstreaming in all statistical areas that can be linked to individuals • Social and demographic • Economic • Business • Agriculture • Transport • Crime and legal

  10. International availability of gender statistics • Official national statistics as provided to United Nations and specialized agencies (1995-2003) • Sex and age disaggregated statistics in basic areas • Gender statistics on emerging policy areas

  11. Availability of official statistics disaggregated by sex Source: United Nations, World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics

  12. Availability of official statistics disaggregated by sex (and age) Source: United Nations, World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics

  13. Progress over time in availability of official statistics disaggregated by sex and age Source: United Nations, World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics

  14. Time-use surveys Source: United Nations, World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics

  15. Surveys on violence against women Source: United Nations, World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics

  16. Some critical observations • Slow progress in the development of gender statistics • Official sex and age disaggregated statistics routinely available only for basic topics in social and demographic areas • Sex disaggregated statistics more scarce when issues are more specific and require greater detail • Emerging gender issues are still being taken up largely outside the official statistics (violence against women, time use, crime statistics) • No clear progress in the availability of gender statistics at the international level

  17. The way forward • Why has progress been slow? • What activities are needed at the international level to support initiatives at the national level? • Need to: • Define priorities • Define ways to make effective use of tools and materials • Share practices that have been effective • Promote the dissemination of gender statistics • Promote knowledge management and information sharing

  18. Thank you Reference: The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics United Nations Publication, Sales No. E.05.XVII.7, ISBN 92-1-161482-1 http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic

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