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Multi Layer NN and Bit-True Modeling of These Networks SILab presentation Ali Ahmadi September 2007. Outline. Review structures of Single Layer Neural Networks Introduction to Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network Error Back-Propagation Learning Algorithm
Multi Layer NN and Bit-True Modeling of These Networks SILab presentation Ali Ahmadi September 2007
Outline • Review structures of Single Layer Neural Networks • Introduction to Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network • Error Back-Propagation Learning Algorithm • MLP Model for XOR function and Digit Recognition System • Bit-True model of networks
Hopfield Network • Single layer • Fully connected [3]
LAM (Linear Associative Memory) Network single-layer feed-forward network recover the output pattern from full or partial information in the input pattern [3]
BAM (Bidirectional Associative Memory) Network bidirectional Two layer with different dimension For each pattern we have pair (a, b) related to each layer
Why need Multi Layer Neural Networks? • Classify objects by learning nonlinearity • There are many problems for which linear discriminates are insufficient for minimum error
AND and OR problem classification [1]Easily could be implemented with one layer NN
Classification of XOR problem [1]It is nonlinear problem (couldn’t be implemented with single layer NN)
Feed-forward Operation (input-to hidden) In MLPs a single “bias unit” is connected to each unit other than the input units Indexes i for input layerunits, j in the hidden; wji denotes the input-to-hidden layer weights at the hidden unit j. wj0 is for bias unit of neuron j in hidden layer Each hidden unit emits an output that is a nonlinear function of its activation, that is: yj = f(netj)
Feed-forward Operation (hidden-to-output) Each output unit net activation based on the hidden unit signals as: subscript k indexes units in the output layer and nHdenotes the number of hidden units final output of each neuronin output layer zk = f(netk)
Expressive Power of multi-layer Networks • Any continuous function from input to output can be implemented in a three-layer net, given sufficient number of hidden units nH, proper nonlinearities, and weights[2].
Error Back-Propagation Algorithm • Back-propagation is one of the simplest and most general methods for training of multilayer neural networks. • The power of back-propagation is that it enables us to compute an effective error for each hidden unit, and thus derive a learning rule for the input-to-hidden weights. • Our goal now is to set the interconnection weights based on the training patterns and the desired outputs • Slow convergence speed, is Disadvantages of error back-propagation algorithm.
BP Algorithm learning Computation Where tk is desired output and zk is output of kth neuron in output layer of network
BP Algorithm learning Computation (cont) For hidden-to-output weights, wkj Where η is learning rate of hidden-to-output part For input-to-hidden weights Where λ is learning rate of input-to-hidden part
Stopping criterion • change in the criterion function J(w) is smaller than some preset value • The total training error is the sum over the errors of n individual patterns
BP Algorithm • begin initialize network topology(# hidden units),w, criterion θ, η,m ← 0 do m ← m + 1 xm ← randomly chosen pattern wij ← wij + ηδjxi; wjk ← wjk + ηδk yj until ▼J(w) < θ return w • end
Network have two modes of operation: • Feed-forward The feed-forward operations consists of presenting a pattern to the input units and passing (or feeding) the signals through the network in order to get outputs units • Learning The learning consists of presenting an input pattern and modifying the network parameters (weights) to reduce distances between the computed output and the desired output
Three layer NN for XOR problem trainInputs[0][0] = 1; trainInputs[0][1] = -1; trainInputs[0][2] = 1; //bias trainOutput[0] = 1; trainInputs[1][0] = -1; trainInputs[1][1] = 1; trainInputs[1][2] = 1; //bias trainOutput[1] = 1; trainInputs[2][0] = 1; trainInputs[2][1] = 1; trainInputs[2][2] = 1; //bias trainOutput[2] = -1; trainInputs[3][0] = -1; trainInputs[3][1] = -1; trainInputs[3][2] = 1; //bias trainOutput[3] = -1; Training patterns of network Network Model
The average squared differences between the desired and actual outputs for “XOR” problem Previous work[5] Our results
Three layer MLP for pattern recognition Training patterns of network Network Model
The average squared differences between the desired and actual outputs for “Digit Recognition System”
References [1] S.THEODORIDIS, K.KOUTROUMBAS “Pattern Recognition ,” , 2nd ed. : Elsevier Academic Press, 2003. [2] R.O. Duda, P.Hart, D. Stork “Pattern Classification ,” , 2nd ed. 2000. [3] A.S. Pandya, “Pattern Recognition with Neural network using C++ ,” , 2nd ed. vol. 3, J. New York: IEEE PRESS. [4] F. Köksal, E. Alpaydin, G. Dündar "Weight quantization for multi-layer perceptrons using soft weight sharing ," ICANN 2001: 211-216. [5] J. L. Holt, J.N. Hwang. “Finite error precision analysis of neural network hardware implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 1380-1389, March 1993. [6] p.Moerland, E. Fiesler “Neural Network Adaptation for Hardware Implementation”, Handbook of Neural Computation. JAN 97 [7] M.Negnevitsky, "Multi-Layer Neural Networks with Improved Learning Algorithms" ,Proceedings of the Digital Imaging Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2005) [8] A. Ahmed and NI. M. Fahmy, IEEE, Fellow"Application of Mullti-layer Neurad Networks tcil Image Compression" 1997 IEEE Intemational Symposium on Circuits and Systems, June 9-12, 1997,Hong Kong