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The Shoulder Girdle

The Shoulder Girdle. Anatomy and Physiology of Human Movement 420:050. Objectives. Bones, bony landmarks and joints Muscles Movements. The Shoulder Girdle. The scapula and clavicle Two joints Functions Dynamic stability Increased ROM.

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The Shoulder Girdle

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  1. The Shoulder Girdle Anatomy and Physiology of Human Movement 420:050

  2. Objectives • Bones, bony landmarks and joints • Muscles • Movements

  3. The Shoulder Girdle • The scapula and clavicle • Two joints • Functions • Dynamic stability • Increased ROM

  4. From Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P; anatomy and physiology, ed 7, New York, 2006, McGraw-Hill

  5. From Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P; anatomy and physiology, ed 7, New York, 2006, McGraw-Hill

  6. Joints • Shoulder girdle (scapulothoracic) • Scapula moves on the rib cage • Joint motion occurs at sternoclavicular joint & to a lesser amount at the acromioclavicular joint

  7. Joints • Sternoclavicular (SC) • (Multiaxial) arthrodial/gliding classification • Movements • Anteriorly with protraction • Posteriorly with retraction • Superiorly with elevation • Inferiorly with depression

  8. Joints • Acromioclavicular (AC) • Arthrodial/gliding classification • Movements • Some gliding & rotational motion accompanying other shoulder girdle & shoulder joint motions • Often injured

  9. Objectives • Bones, bony landmarks and joints • Muscles • Movements

  10. Muscles • Five muscles primarily involved in shoulder girdle movements • All originate on axial skeleton & insert on scapula and/or clavicle • Do not attach to humerus & do not cause shoulder joint actions • Functions: • Stability • ROM of shoulder joint

  11. Shoulder Girdle Muscles • Five muscles primarily involved in shoulder girdle movements • Trapezius - upper, middle, lower • Rhomboid - deep • Levator scapula • Serratus anterior • Pectoralis minor - deep

  12. Trapezius

  13. Levator Scapulae

  14. Rhomboids

  15. Serratus Anterior

  16. Pectoralis Minor

  17. Subclavius

  18. Objectives • Bones, bony landmarks and joints • Muscles • Movements

  19. Movements • Focus on specific bony landmarks • inferior angle • glenoid fossa • acromion process • Shoulder girdle movements = scapula movements

  20. Movements • Elevation • upward or superior movement, as in shrugging shoulders • Depression • downward or inferior movement, as in returning to normal position

  21. Movements • Abduction (protraction) • scapula moves laterally away from spinal column • Adduction (retraction) • scapula moves medially toward spinal column

  22. Movements • Upward rotation • turning glenoid fossa upward & moving inferior angle superolaterally away from spinal column • Downward rotation • returning inferior angle inferomedially toward spinal column & glenoid fossa to normal position

  23. Adduction Elevation Shoulder GirdleMovements Abduction Upward Rotation Downward Rotation Depression

  24. Movements • Anterior tilt (upward tilt) • Rotational movement of scapula about frontal axis • Occurs during glenohumeral hyperextension • Posterior tilt (downward tilt) • Rotational movement of scapula about frontal axis • Occurs during glenohumeral hyperflexion

  25. Movements • Lateral tilt (outward tilt) • Rotational movement about its vertical axis • Occurs during protraction • Medial tilt (return from lateral tilt, inward tilt) • Rotational movement about its vertical axis • Occurs during retraction

  26. Movements • Shoulder joint & shoulder girdle work together • Shoulder girdle movement independent • Upward/downward rotation? • Shoulder girdle muscles • Stabilize scapula • Enhance ROM of shoulder joint

  27. ELEVATION • Proximal attachment: Above or below scapula/clavicle? • How many muscles fit this criteria? • Upper fibers trapezius • Middle fibers trapezius • Rhomboids • Levator Scapulae

  28. DEPRESSION • Proximal attachment: Above or below scapula/clavicle? • How many muscles fit this criteria? • Lower fibers trapezius • Pectoralis minor • Subclavius

  29. RETRACTION • Proximal attachment: In front (ribs) or behind (spine)? • How many muscles fit this criteria? • Trapezius (all fibers) • Rhomboids • Levator scapulae

  30. PROTRACTION • Proximal attachment: In front (ribs) or behind (spine)? • How many muscles fit this criteria? • Serratus anterior • Pectoralis minor

  31. UPWARD ROTATION • Upward or downward torque? • How many muscles fit this criteria? • Trapezius (all fibers) • Serratus anterior

  32. DOWNWARD ROTATION • Upward or downward torque? • How many muscles fit this criteria? • Pectoralis minor • Rhomboids

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