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Challenges in Health, Gender, and Human Rights in the OPT

Explore the complex landscape of health, gender, and human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, shedding light on issues such as maternal health, women's rights, and access to care. Discover the impacts of continuous war and occupation, and the struggle for equity and well-being in this region.

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Challenges in Health, Gender, and Human Rights in the OPT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health ,Gender and Human Rights in the OPT Juzoor for Health and Social Development December 2011 Salwa Najjab MD

  2. OCCUPATION • 60 years of continuous war • 40 years of Israeli military occupation

  3. Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) West Bank, Gaza have been under Israeli occupation since 1967. Territorial fragmentation of the West Bank and complete isolation of the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem-since 2000

  4. Gates to villages

  5. Juzoor For Health & Social Development جذور للإنماء الصحي والاجتماعي

  6. Checkpoint to Jerusalem

  7. Birth and Death at Checkpoints Since 2001, UNFPA recorded more than 70 cases of women in labor who were delayed at checkpoints which resulted in unattended births, causing maternal and newborn deaths

  8. Land Confiscation

  9. Over 100 Settlements-500,500 SettlersViolation of international law

  10. Daily violation of Human Rights and Dignity

  11. Challenges in Palestine Poverty Unemployment Accessibilityrestrictions Low status of women Funding restrictions Poor quality of care Deteriorating nutritional status Apartheid Wall

  12. Factors impacting women's health

  13. Selected Health Indicators in Palestine

  14. Early Marriage 1 Improving Maternal Health to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region : A Youth Lens. One third of girls marry before age 18 6% become mothers TWICE as likely to die while giving birth Under 15 FIVEmore times likely to die in childbirth1

  15. Infant Mortality Rate

  16. UNFPA assessment after the war • 40% increase in miscarriage cases • 50% increase in neonatal deaths • Home births increased from 5% to 35% • Increase in c/s from 15% to 32% • Increase in premature delivery Shifa hospital

  17. Rapid Epidemiological Transition Burden of NCDs greater on women Early Pregnancy, Short Birth Intervals; unmet needs for FP; Epidemic of Psychosocial Disorders; Gender Based Violence

  18. Morbidity among men and women in their 50s

  19. Women are particularly vulnerable to the improper functioning of the following public services

  20. Challenges of the Health System Fragmented and inconsistent MoH, UNRWA, NGOs and Private Sector High migration of skilled professionals Biomedical approach to health

  21. Women's Health services in Palestine Continuous lowering of quality of care Limited training opportunities Lack of evidence based protocols Poor Skills of health providers Inadequate Health System No systematic inquiry process Affects Women’s Health status Lack of supervision

  22. Health Care Providers

  23. Health Policy Environment • Weak role of professional bodies and regulatory frameworks. • Incomplete and inadequate licensing and accreditation systems. • Weak policy making and implementation.

  24. Health Financing • Dependency on donor aid • Weak budget planning and fiscal management systems • Lack of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework • Low percentage of PNA budget spent on health

  25. It is time to ask ourselves What can we do to change? -not- What happened?

  26. Juzoor for Health and Social Development Palestinian NGO established in 1996 working at the national level towards “A Healthier Palestine, where all Palestinians achieve the highest standard of well-being”

  27. Juzoor’s Approach • Views Health from a rights perspective . • Adheres to principles of Equity. • Answers the Continuous Health Education needs • Looks at the emergency needs with a developmental perspective • Addresses social determinants of health

  28. Juzoor Strategic Areas:

  29. Empowering Communities… Empowering Marginalized Groups Enhancing Women & Youth’s health economic security through social protection.

  30. Continuous Professional Development

  31. Mental Health in PHC

  32. ALSO cont. OB Cases West Bank Gaza Workstations

  33. Short Courses • ALSO • NRP • PALS • BLS • ACLS • Infection Prevention and Control • Normal Childbirth

  34. Impacting Health and Social Policy

  35. Safety in women's health care

  36. Thank You

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