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CIRCLE MAP Thinking Skill: Defining in Context & Brainstorming

How do you know this?. How do you know this?. Ideas, examples, definition. CIRCLE MAP Thinking Skill: Defining in Context & Brainstorming. Ideas, examples, definition. Main Idea or Concept. Ideas, examples, definition. Ideas, examples, definition. How do you know this?.

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CIRCLE MAP Thinking Skill: Defining in Context & Brainstorming

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  1. How do you know this? How do you know this? Ideas, examples, definition CIRCLE MAPThinking Skill: Defining in Context & Brainstorming Ideas, examples, definition Main Idea or Concept Ideas, examples, definition Ideas, examples, definition How do you know this? How do you know this?

  2. Describing word or phrase (adjective) BUBBLE MAPThinking Skill: Describing Describing word or phrase (adjective) Describing word or phrase (adjective) Main Idea or Concept Describing word or phrase (adjective) Describing word or phrase (adjective) Describing word or phrase (adjective)

  3. DOUBLE-BUBBLE MAP Unique Attribute of Idea #1 Unique Attribute of Idea #2 Similarity Unique Attribute of Idea #2 Unique Attribute of Idea #1 Similarity Unique Attribute of Idea #2 Unique Attribute of Idea #1 Idea #1 Idea #2 Similarity Unique Attribute of Idea #2 Similarity Unique Attribute of Idea #1 Unique Attribute of Idea #2 Unique Attribute of Idea #1 Similarity Thinking Skill: Compare/Contrast

  4. Sub- Parts Sub-Parts BRACE MAPThinking Skill: Whole to Part Reasoning Major Part Sub- Parts Whole Object Sub- Parts Major Part Sub-Parts Sub- Parts Sub- Parts Major Part Sub-Parts Sub- Parts

  5. Title TREE MAPThinking Skill: Classify/Categorize Category Category Category Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

  6. Event Title FLOW MAPThinking Skill: Sequencing 1st thing that happened 2nd thing that happened 3rd thing that happened 4th thing that happened 5th thing that happened 6th thing that happened

  7. MULTI-FLOW MAPThinking Skill: Comparing/Contrasting Cause Effect Event Cause Effect Cause Effect

  8. EXAMPLE #1: BRIDGE MAPThinking Skill: Analogies Airplane Jet Car Automobile House Home as as Relating Factor: synonyms “The word “house” is a synonym for “home” AS the word “car is a synonym for “automobile” AS “airplane” is a synonym for “jet. EXAMPLE #2: Green Grass Yellow Sun Red Rose as as Relating Factor: is the color of . . . “Red is the color of a rose AS yellow is the color of the sun AS green is the color of grass.

  9. CIRCLE MAPThinking Skill: Defining in Context & Brainstorming

  10. BUBBLE MAPThinking Skill: Describing

  11. DOUBLE-BUBBLE MAP Thinking Skill: Compare/Contrast

  12. BRACE MAPThinking Skill: Whole to Part Reasoning

  13. TREE MAPThinking Skill: Classify/Categorize

  14. Event Title FLOW MAPThinking Skill: Sequencing

  15. MULTI-FLOW MAPThinking Skill: Comparing/Contrasting

  16. MULTI-FLOW MAPThinking Skill: Comparing/Contrasting

  17. BRIDGE MAPThinking Skill: Analogies as as Relating Factor: ________________ as as Relating Factor:__________________

  18. CIRCLE MAP SONG “Row, Row, Row your boat tune”: Circle, circle maps – they are the best form To define in context And also to brainstorm. BUBBLE MAP SONG Bu, bu, bu bu bubble maps Bu, bu, bu, bu bubble maps Bubble maps teach us how to describe things Adjectives are the words we use Bubble maps teach us how to describe things Bubble maps are for me and you! DOUBLE BUBBLE MAP SONG (tune of polley wolley doodle all the day) To find what’s alike on the center ledge It is Double bubble mapping all the way And the differences on the outer edge It is Double Bubble mapping all the way Fare thee well, fare the well Fare the well on this school day For I’m doin’ all the thinkin’ and my grades they won’t be stinkin’ Doing Double Bubble mapping all the way!

  19. BRACE MAP SONG Zip-a-dee-do-da, Zip-a-dee-yay BRACE MAPS help us have a wonderful day Big parts and sub-parts are headin your way To make a complete whole the Thinking Maps way! FLOW MAP SONG (tune of do your ears hang low) Does your brain hang low, does it wobble to and fro Do you need a thinking map to help you stay in the know When you need to find the order or the sequence of events Choose a map called FLOW. MULTI-FLOW MAP SONG (tune of Beverly Hillbillies) I can name an event and tell you all the cause I can figure effects without even a pause I can make map . . . Multi-flow the name Cause and Effect is it’s number one game. Multi-flow: find the cause – seek effects

  20. TREE MAP SONG (To Brady Bunch Song) Here’s the story of a thinking Tree Map It begins with a title if you please Then it breaks things down - into subparts We call them categories It’s the story of a thinking Tree Map And those categories don’t stand on their own Underneath we list all of their members So they are not alone. BRIDGE MAP SONG (tune of I’ve been workin on the Railroad) I’ve been working on a Bridge Map All the live long day Relating factors they all differ On the map you choose to make. Don’t you fear – just plug the words in Relationships are the key Pairs of words must always have The same Analogy

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