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Namboothiri Jokes

Namboothiri Jokes

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Namboothiri Jokes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. \¼qXncn ^enX§Ä H¶mw `mKw \½psSsbms¡ æ«n¡me¯v Gähpa[nIw hmbn¨p ckn¨Xv Hê ]s£ \¼qXncn ^enX§fmbncnçw. B ^enX§fneqsS Hê sNdnb bm{Xbmbmtem? At¸m XpS§mw...?

  2. Cu \¼qXncnbpw \¼qXncn¸mSpw X½nepÅ hyXymsk´m.? \¼qXncn: Hê ]mSv hyXymk­v apgph³ kabhpw CâÀs\än Nmäv sNbvXpsIm­ncnç¶ aIs\¸än \¼qXncn "" Ime¯nsâ amä§tfbv... A¡mes¯ms¡ cmlphnsâ A]lmcmbnê¶qìs­¦nev C¶s¯ sNdp¸¡mÀ¡v bmlqsâ A]lmcm.'' HcmÄ \¼qXncntbmSv: t{]X§fn hnizmkapt­m? \¼qXncn: Xm\n§s\ ap¼o \nçt¼m hnizkn¡ms­ ]säzm?

  3. \¼qXncn h­nbn \n¶nd§m³ `mhnçIbmWv. CXn\nsS æsdt¸À Ibdm³ XnSp¡w ImWn¨p. CXp I­ \¼qXncn Rms\d§s« R§fv tIds« \n§¡v C\n hcW h­oepw tIdmw..]s£ F\n¡v Fd§sW¦nev CXot¶ ]äq. IÅpæSn¨v hgç­m¡n XÃp hm§n Bkv]{Xnbnem¡nb HcmÄ¡v \à apdnhp­v.t_m[w sISp¯Wsa¶v tUmÎÀ ]dbp¶Xv tI«v \¼qXncn:AXn\n thtWm? AsX´m? AÃm..t_m[­mbnês¶¦nev C§s\sbmìw hcnÃmtem..

  4. \¼qXncnbpsS I¿n Hê henb ]ghpw Hê sNdnb ]ghpw D­v. sNdnb ]gw asä \¼qXncnç sImSp¯n«v \¼qXncn henb ]gw Xnìhm³ XpS§n. CXp I­ asä \¼qXncn : tamiw tamiw. Rm\m¨m henb ]gw X\nç X¶n«v sNdnb ]gw Rms\SpçItbbpÅq. CXptI« \¼qXncn "" Rmëw AX\ysà sNbvXXv'‘ Xoh­nbm¸okn h­n Im¯p \nÂç¶ \¼qXncn ImcyØt\mSv''cmam h­n hcmdmbm ]dbWwt«m..]cn{`an¡m³ sXmS§m\m""

  5. \¼qXncn tlm«en im¸mSv IgnçIbmWv. ASp¯nê¶bmÄ Ifnbm¡m³ th­n tNmZn¨p. ""Xnêta\o Rm³ tKmamwkw `£n¨m Xnêta\n¡v hntcm[zmtÆm Bshm? \¼qXncn: '' Xm³ tKmamwkà km£m Ata[yw Xs¶ Ign¨mepw F\nç hntcms[m¶qey"" kÔybmbn«pw \¼qXncn æfn¡m³ t]mImXncnç¶Xp I­v asämê \¼qXncn ´m æfotey? ­v, ­v æsd t\cw Ignªn«pw æfn¡m³ t]mImXncnç¶Xp I­v asä \¼qXncn F´m æfoeymìt­m? AÃ, ­v ]ns¶´m C§\ncn¡tW? \msf aXntbm¶mtemNnIym...

  6. \¼qXncn kÀ¡kv ImWm³ t]mbn. AhnsS Hc`ymkn hfb¯neqsS NmSpIbmWv. BZyw henb hfb¯neqsS, ]ns¶ sNdpXneqsS, ]ns¶ AXnepw sNdpXneqsS..CXp I­ \¼qXncn C¡W¡n\v Ch³ hfbeym­pw NmSqtem.. Hê tPmenbpw sN¿msX Ft¸mgpw Xn®bnenê¶v \mcmbWm \mcmbWm Fì P]n¨psIm­ncnç¶ Hê \¼qXncntbmSv asämê \¼qXncn F¸gpw hnfn¨m \mcmbWëw tZjyw hêw..AtXm­v hÃs¸mgpw CXp \nÀ¯n Xm³ hà tPmenbpw sN¿ym

  7. h­nbn sh¨v Hê \¼qXncn ASp¯pÅbmtfmSv FhsS¡m tImb¼¯qÀ¡v F´n\m Hcmsf ImWm\m AXn\v C{Xbpw _p²nap«n AhsS hsc t]mtWm..ChsS [mcmfw BfpIfntey..Ahcnemscsb¦nepw I­m t]mtc.. Imcyس iè®n IÅqæSn¨v \¼qXncnbpsS ap¶n sNÃmdps­¦nepw IÅpæSnç¶ Imcyw \¼qXncn¡dnbnÃmbnêì.Hê Znhkw c­p t]êw IqSn bm{X t]mhpIbmbnêì. IÅp jm¸në kao]sa¯nbt¸mÄ \¼qXncn CsX´m i¦q.. ChsS F¯nbt¸mÄ s\sâ hmk\..?

  8. Hcnïv AXnYnbmbnsN¶ amS¼v æªpæ«t\mSv ]nip¡\mb BXntYb³ \¼qXncn t«m amS¼v, ChsS apdp¡tWmcmcqey amS¼v: AtXm­v hntcm[ey knKcäv, _oUn AXpw ]XnhnÃy AtXm­pw shjaanÃy Nmb, Im¸n A§t\w ]XnhnÃ.Hs¡ Hê ]tg a«m ChnsS. amS¼nâhnsS§\m? AhntSw CsXmìw ]XnhnÃmt¯mê­v. ]s£ Ahscms¡ sXmgp¯nem¶v am{Xw

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