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breakup and makeup

all about breakups and makeups

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breakup and makeup

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  1. Breakups, Makeups and You: A guide by Exbackreport.com

  2. Hey there lucky reader! If you're going through a rough time with your special someone, then I know exactly how you feel: I've been there several times myself and it's never easy. If you just broke up, or your significant other is on the way out, then your first instinct is probably to try and save the relationship... ...sometimes this is a good idea and sometimes it isn't. People are really afraid of change, and that's why our #1 reaction after a breakup is to try and makeup. However, irregardless of whether or not you actually want to get your ex back (or if it's just your first reaction), you really need to fight that impulse. Again: No matter what you want, DO NOT try and stop your breakup right away. (note: also read this full article about breakups if you're having trouble at this point)

  3. If you think that you're confused, then imagine how your ex feels. Here’s exactly what you need to do. Give it a rest. Give both you and your ex some time, space and air to breathe. It's highly likely that you and your ex can and will get back together, but for the next 2 weeks, you've got to drop it. Instead, focus your energy on yourself and rediscover your own interests and hobbies. A lot of times relationships, especially serious ones, will cloud our judgement and views on life. If you were in an enmeshed relationship, this is even more apparent. Time away from your ex is the best cure for both of you (and your relationship) right now. It may not seem like the obvious thing to do, but here's why it works:

  4. After a breakup, most people are angry with their exes. If you're angry with someone, you don't really want to spend time with them. And if you DO spend time with someone who makes you angry, then you'll start to REALLY dislike them. Look at this from your ex's point of view: the more you hang around him, the angrier he'll get with you and the more unlikely it'll be that your plan to make up with him will work. Instead, if you make yourself scare for 2-3 weeks, the complete opposite will happen. Because you weren't around your ex when he was angry and confused about the breakup, he'll start to get really curious about you.

  5. He'll wonder where you are, what you're doing and who you're with. He may even start calling or messaging you. This is exactly what you want! As time goes on, he'll start to forget about the bad things that happened when you broke up. He'll start to think more and more about the high points of the time you spent together and even start to miss you. This is your chance. Once things move in your direction, then you can really put your plan into action to get back with him. But, don't mess it up, you probably only have this one chance. Click here to get our video course and learn exactly what you need to do to make it work out for you.

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