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The Grand Canyon

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The Grand Canyon

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  1. The Grand Canyon By Ben Crowell

  2. Location The Grand Canyon is located in the Northwest corner of Arizona, close to the borders of Utah and Nevada. The Colorado River, which flows through the canyon, drains water from seven states.

  3. Why is the Canyon Grand? • The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide at certain spots and over 1 mile deep. • The canyon serves as a geological time table exposing nearly two billion years of the earths history. • The Grand Canyon took 3-6 million years to form - by the carving action of the Colorado River, assisted by wind and rain. The continued erosion continues to alter the shape of the canyon today.

  4. Geology of the Grand Canyon • The exposed layers of rock present at the Grand Canyon tell a story of the earths history. The horizontal sedimentary strata illustrates the huge scope of geologic time represented in the canyon.These layers were deposited over millions of years and were eventually converted into rock.  From these sedimentary layers the geologic history of the Grand Canyon region can be read.

  5. The Formation of the Grand Canyon Erosion had a powerful impact on the formation and shaping of the Grand Canyon. The primary type of erosion was water and ice. Erosion caused by the wind was also present as well. Through the gradual process of erosion soil and rock particles were removed either through wind or water. Some other forces that impacted the formation of the Grand Canyon are the course of the Colorado River, vulcanism and continental drift.

  6. Formation Continued • While erosive forces continue to shape the Grand Canyon today, millions of years after it began to form. Normal channel erosion alone, however, cannot explain the many kilometers that separate its rims. The strongest explanation holds that the major factor in the widening of the canyon has been activity from tributary drainage systems -- the side streams, rivulets, and gullies outside the main river channel. The greatest erosive force in these tributaries is the fast-moving landslide called a debris flow.

  7. Web Cam of the Grand Canyon • Click here to see a real-time image of the canyon that you explore. Notice the stratification of the walls of the surrounding canyon and the Colorado River continuing to carve the canyon below.

  8. Virtual Tour • Click on the map to launch a virtual tour of the Grand Canyon

  9. Citations 1: "Grand Canyon." Word Press. sepetjian.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/grand-canyon.jpg (accessed November 15, 2012). 2: Uhler, John William. "Grand Canyon National Park Location Page." Grand Canyon National Park - Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park. http://www.grand.canyon.national-park.com/location.htm (accessed November 26, 2012). 3: "Grand Canyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Canyon (accessed November 26, 2012). 4: "The Geology of the Grand Canyon." Bob Ribokas - On-Line Photography Portfolio (BobsPixels.com). http://www.bobspixels.com/kaibab.org/geology/gc_geol.htm (accessed November 15, 2012). 5: The Geology of the Grand Canyon." Bob Ribokas - On-Line Photography Portfolio (BobsPixels.com). http://www.bobspixels.com/kaibab.org/geology/gc_geol.htm (accessed November 15, 2012). 6: "The Grand Canyon: How It Formed - YouTube." YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktf73HNZZGY (accessed November 19, 2012). 7: "Webcams - Grand Canyon National Park." U.S. National Park Service - Experience Your America. http://www.nps.gov/grca/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm (accessed November 23, 2012). 8: "Grand Canyon Field Institute - Virtual Tour." Grand Canyon Association - Supporting education, science, the arts and visitor services at Grand Canyon National Park since 1932.. http://www.grandcanyon.org/fieldinstitute/virtualtour_largemap.asp (accessed November 26, 2012).

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