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A science related presentation on AIR - a natural resource with activities.
Introduction! ~Alisha~
Our planet earth is the only one on which life exists. Life on earth is dependent on many factors. Most life-forms need an ambient temperature, water and food. The resources available on the earth and the energy from the sun are necessary to meet the basic requirements of all life-forms on the earth.
What are these resources on earth? • The resources on earth are land, water and air. • The outer crust of the earth is called the lithosphere. • Water covers 75% of the earth’s surface. It is also found under ground. These comprise the hydrosphere. • The air that covers the whole of the earth like a blanket, is called the atmosphere. • Living things are found where these three exist.
This life-supporting zone of the earth where the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere interact and make life possible is known as the biosphere. • Living things constitute the biotic component of the biosphere. The air, the water and the soil form the non-living or abiotic component of the biosphere.
The Role Of The Atmosphere In Climate Control • Air is a bad conductor of heat. • The atmosphere keeps the average temperature of the earth fairly steady during the course of the whole year. • Prevents the sudden increase in temperature during the daytime. • During night it slows down the escape of heat into the outer space.
Even though the moon is about the same distance from the sun that the earth is, the temperature ranges from -190⁰C to 110⁰C. Why? • This is because the moon has no atmosphere. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDTxNZZwoZo • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XkH6NnUpFQ By Annapoorna Vinod
Movement of air:Winds By AthiraAnand
Usually, after a hot day the evening breeze cools down the atmosphere around us. After some days of hot weather, there is a chance of rains. • All these phenomena are because of the changes that take place in our atmosphere due to the heating of air and formation of water vapour. How is water vapour formed? Water vapourformed due to the heating up of water bodies and other activities of living organisms (Ex: Transpiration in plants) • The atmosphere is heated by the heat radiation that is reflected back (re-radiated by the land and water bodies) • When heated, the convection currents are started, the hot air moves up and the cold air moves down, this also regulates the temperature of the atmosphere.
Activity Place a candle in a beaker or glass and light it. Light an incense stick and take it to the mouth of the glass. What do you see? • Which way does the smoke flow when the incense stick is kept near the edge of the mouth? • Which way does the smoke flow when the incense stick is kept a little above the candle? • Which way does the smoke flow when the incense stick is kept in other regions? Air currents are being caused by the heating of air. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCO90hvEL1I