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CEOS Carbon Task Force Update for CEOS Plenary Dr. Takashi Moriyama EORC/JAXA presented by Osamu Ochiai. CEOS plenary, Nov. 4-5 2009 Phuket, Thailand. CO2 column density (column averaged dry air mole fraction). 20/04/09-28/04/09. CO2 column density
CEOS Carbon Task Force Update for CEOS Plenary Dr. Takashi Moriyama EORC/JAXA presented by Osamu Ochiai CEOS plenary, Nov. 4-5 2009 Phuket, Thailand
CO2 column density (column averaged dry air mole fraction) 20/04/09-28/04/09
CO2 column density (column averaged dry air mole fraction) 01/06/09-30/06/09
CO2 column density (column averaged dry air mole fraction) 01/07/09-31/07/09
CO2 column density (column averaged dry air mole fraction) 01/08/09-31/08/09
CO2 column density (column averaged dry air mole fraction) 01/09/09-30/09/09
CO2 column density (column averaged dry air mole fraction) 01/10/09-15/10/09
Estimated CO2 Concentration Distribution (from Column averaged dry air mole fraction) August 09 (ppm) 23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009
TANSO-FTS Public Release of L1 Data, October 30, 09 (Radiance Spectrum and Images)from "IBUKI” GOSAT TANSO-CAI 23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009
AIRS and IASI IASI CO AIRS CO2 Excellent agreement of AIRS CO2 with JAL aircraft direct flask measurement AIRS Methane
Background • CEOS Carbon Task Force proposed by JAXA at SIT-23 to: • Ensure close coordination among the CL-09-03 a/b/c GEO Carbon task efforts of CEOS • Provide an effective interface for CEOS to the GEO Carbon Community of Practice • Action SIT-23-3: JAXA to formally establish by May 2009 the Carbon Task Force, coordinating CEOS efforts in addressing the 3 Sub-Tasks under GEO Task CL-09-03 and to reporting on measurable outputs in connection with the November 2009 CEOS-23 and GEO-6 Plenaries
Events • 20-21 May, Canberra • GEO Carbon Tasks Workshop • Leadership of a/b/c tasks met to plan GEO Carbon Community of Practice and GEO Carbon Report • GEO Carbon Report team formed • Discussed integrated inputs to COP-15 from GHG and FCT – concluded too complex • Proposed future inter-agency meeting to discuss and coordinate future GHG observations from space
Events • 14 Sep, ICDC-8 • GEO Carbon Community of Practice • 1st face to face meeting • Carbon Report progress review • 10 Oct, UN-IAF workshop on “Integrated Space Technologies and Space-based Information for Analysis and Prediction of Climate Change” • 14 Oct, Informing Climate Change Mitigation Decisions through Global Carbon Monitoring - IAC Plenary Event (NOAA, NASA, JAXA, RIHN, IPCC, UNFCCC) • 17 Nov, GEO-VI plenary : Global Carbon Monitoring System (special report) • 18 Nov, CCoP meeting as a side meeting of GEO-VI • 17-18 Nov, Exhibition Booth for “Global Carbon Monitoring and Analysis Systems” • 19 Nov, IGOS Symposium • Official launch of GEO Carbon Report Ver.1
GEO Carbon CoP • The GEO Carbon Community of Practice (CCoP) serves a crucial function in forging the strategy for GEO on Carbon issues. • And the GEO Carbon Report will define the requirements for this strategy – updating the IGCO Theme Report and incorporating the latest science
GEO Carbon CoP • The GEO Carbon Community of Practice (CCoP) has been established as an open group of scientists, program managers, funding agencies and policy makers with an interest in observing and understanding the global carbon cycle. The group will discuss the way forward for the carbon observing system and facilitate communication between those making observations and those developing models for making sense of the carbon cycle’s complexity. • This newest Community of Practice is a continuation of the IGOS-P Carbon Theme which covers the entire carbon cycle including atmosphere, terrestrial and ocean domains.
A little bit of history IGOS-P Carbon theme began in 1999, second of the IGOS-P themes (after Oceans) co-chaired by Philippe Ciais (LSCE) and Berrien Moore (UNH) Produced Theme report (2002) and Implementation Plan (2004) Co-organised the ESA ‘Carbon from Space’ workshop (2003) Merged into the GEO 2006 Workplan at EC-06-01 (now CL-09-03)
GEO Carbon task goals • GEO Carbon task goal is to “implement a global carbon observation and analysis system addressing the three components of the carbon system (atmosphere, land and ocean)” • Divided into three sub-tasks • Integrated Global Carbon Observations • Forest Carbon Tracking • Global Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
GEO Carbon Community of Practice Provide information and advice to GEO and wider community on integrated global carbon observations Integrate the activities of the three GEO carbon tasks Coordinate with research programmes such as GCP, IGBP and WCRP
Current activities Produce update of the IGOS-P Carbon Report, detailing advances and gaps remaining in the carbon observing system (due Dec ‘09) Develop integration of remote sensing products of GHGs and land surface characteristics through process based modelling and data assimilation (tasks CL-09-03 b&c) Workshops planned at International CO2 Conference (Jena, Sept. 14) and GEO Plenary VI (Washington, Nov. 17,18)
GEO Carbon Report • Version 0 scheduled for release just ahead of SIT-24 • Version 1 scheduled for release in time for GEO-VI & IGOS Symp • The purpose of this report is to update the IGOS-P Carbon Theme Report (2002) – and to provide an overview of the carbon observing system given the recent updates in observing technologies and data interpretation techniques. These improvements include the improvements in ocean pCO2 and terrestrial flux data, new satellite technology including GOSAT and active sensors in the planning stages, and data assimilation tools such as CarbonTracker and CCDAS. • The report will not provide a priority list of observations – as the range of questions demanded on the carbon systems means that every component is of major interest to at least one group. But should provide a detailed assessment of the opportunities to improve the network through current and emerging technologies.
GEO Carbon Report • Lead Authors: Philippe Ciais, Han Dolman, Roger Dargaville, Takashi Moriyama, Chris Sabine, Christoph Heinz, Pep Canadell, Scott Denning, Peter Rayner, Alex Held – plus many contributing authors • Will including definition of requirements for next generation of GHG monitoring satellites to help frame specifications for follow-on to GOSAT and other key missions • Community review of the Report in late Sept and October – CEOS agency carbon experts encouraged to contribute expertise • Comments from EUMETSAT, ESA, DLR have been incoorporated.
IPCC IGCO Scientific Assessment Operational Observations GCP Data assimilation and products Process studies and campaigns Prognostic modeling Diagnostic modeling Analysis and Synthesis International Framework GEOCarbon Report Ver.1 @2009 2004年 2003年
How to input GEO Carbon Report to UNFCCC/COP-15? Some CEOS statement at GEO-VI, which requests each GEO Members and Participating Organizations to do their best effort to highlight the release of GEO Cabon Report into their statement at UNFCCC/COP-15. A GEO or CEOS formal letter to UNFCCC Secretariat with the GEO Carbon Report for their recognition. Distribution the report at CEOS side event?