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Taiwan Local Food. HOT. Team name: Big Sexy Grandpa He Shao Xuan . Lai Bo Yu . Shen Bo Xian. Zhang Jun Wei. Huang Guo Yao . Xu Yao Ting. 肉粽只要吃過一次就很難忘記. The rice dumpling eat once and never forget . Famous Food Chicken- Fird Steak 著名的美食 - 雞排.
Taiwan Local Food HOT Team name:Big Sexy GrandpaHe Shao Xuan. Lai Bo Yu. Shen Bo Xian. Zhang Jun Wei. Huang Guo Yao. Xu Yao Ting.
肉粽只要吃過一次就很難忘記 The rice dumpling eat once and never forget.
Keelung Night market good food - Dingedge file基隆廟口美食-鐤邊銼
Changhua meatballs eat once and never forget彰化肉圓吃過一次就永不忘記
Wanluanpig”sknuckleseveryonesknowsaboutsomething 萬巒豬腳可是無人不知的
Tribute sugar the flavor crispy tasty. 味道香濃香酥可口的貢糖
Pineapple cake not only sweet and crist. • 鳳梨酥不但甜又酥脆
Sun cakesand Mochi are nice Souvenir 好吃 yummy 太陽餅和麻糬是不錯的伴手禮