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Franz Kafka: Biography. Spotlight: Franz Kafka Biography Morgan Rabe and Pablo Razo. Important influence of 20 th century writers. “If I write not what I speak, I speak not what I think, I think not what I out to so my writing comes from the deepest darkness” – Franz Kafka.
Spotlight: Franz KafkaBiographyMorgan Rabe and Pablo Razo Important influence of 20th century writers “If I write not what I speak, I speak not what I think, I think not what I out to so my writing comes from the deepest darkness” – Franz Kafka *1st born, 1883 *Tried learning Hebrew for interest and Dora Diamente *Best friend Max Brod (met at un. Of Prague) *all three sisters killed by Nazis *hard working student, afraid of failing Hornek, Daniel. “Franz Kafka Biography” http://www.kafka-franz.com/kafka-Biography.htm 10/4/11
SammiLethert Family -He had a bad relationship with his dad because he thought he was too demanding. -He had two sisters but they died at a young age. -His grandpa was a butcher. -He was born into a Jewish family that spoke German. -He was the oldest out of six children. “He thought back on his family with deep emotion and love.” http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/show/149433
PPT: Brenda Martinez and Tyler Haugland Biography : Childhood FRANZ KAFKA “ Youth is happy because it has the ability to see the beauty , anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old “ ( Franz Kafka ) • born in Prague on July 3, 1883 • son of Herman and Julie Lowy Kafka • Eldest of six children • Middle class Jewish family who spoke German • 2 younger brothers died in infancy , 3 sisters were murdered by the Nazis in the holocaust • At 13 he had his bar mizah • Did well in school took Latin, Greek and history Works Cited: “Wikipedia.” Franz Kafka. 3 October, 2011.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Kafka> “Brainyquotes”, Inc. Franz Kafka: Quotes. Web. 4 Oct. 2011.<Http://www.Brainyquote .com/quotes/authors/f/franz_Kafka_5.html
FRANZ KAFKA Education • Native language was German • Attended DeutcheKnabenschule • After elementary school, he was admitted to AlstadterDeutchesGymnasium “A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.” • Admitted to Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague • Finally attained a degree of Doctor of Law in June 18th, 1906 Geoff Palomino, Justin Adams “Franz Kafka.” Wikipedia. Web. 04 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Kafka>
Employment Kafka • the Worker's Accident Insurance Institute for the Kingdom of Bohemia • Nov 1, 1907 was hired at the AssicurazioniGenerali (large Italian insurance company) he worked for a year. • He was also given the task of compiling and composing the annual report and was reportedly quite proud of the results, sending copies to friends and family • developing the first civilian hard hat • Metamorphosis is one of his more famous books “God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.” -Franz Kafka By: Robert Cunningham Andrea Mendez-Bye http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Kafka#Employment
Biography: Relationships -Franz Kafka had affairs with barmaids and other women. -Had a relationship with a woman named Felice they were engaged twice but ended in 1917. - His best friend was Max Brod. -He and Brod were both students in Charles University -They had promised eachother to burn their own literary works, but Brod ended up publishing them later -Kafka also had an affair with GertiWasner, while he was with Felice. Franz Kafka “If I felt in love, I would be in a world in which I could not live.” ~ Franz Kafka Works Cited: “Franz Kafka Biography.” Kafka-Franz.com Daniel Hornek, n.d. Web. 3rd October. 2011. “Max Brod.” wikipedia.orgn.p. n.d. Web. 3rd October. 2011 By: Jesse Gundersen and Armand Guerra
By: Amber Mojica Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. -Franz Kafka Kafka vs. CamusWild card Franz Kafka Albert Camus • Albert Camus philosophy was Absurdism. • Absurdism- refers to the root word Absurd. The human tendency to seek value of life and out meaning to something without meaning. • Franz Kafka’s philosophy was Existentialism. • Existentialism- refers to a set of ideas about human existence. This idea also relates to his writing style and his best novel “the metamorphosis” "Absurdism." Wikipedia. N.p., 9/29/11. Web. 4 Oct 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absurdism>. Existentialism." Wikipedia. N.p., 06/10/2011. Web. 6 Oct 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existentialism>. "Franz Kafka Quotes." Brainy Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct 2011. <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/f/franz_kafka.html>.