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Cultural Intelligence: A Key Competence for Managers in a Diverse and Global Workplace

Cultural Intelligence: A Key Competence for Managers in a Diverse and Global Workplace. By: Yvonne du Plessis Sumari O’Neil Riana van den Bergh. University of Pretoria South Africa. Overview. What is Cultural Intelligence Importance of Cultural Intelligence Purpose of this study

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Cultural Intelligence: A Key Competence for Managers in a Diverse and Global Workplace

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  1. Cultural Intelligence:A Key Competence for Managers in a Diverse and Global Workplace By: Yvonne du Plessis Sumari O’Neil Riana van den Bergh University of Pretoria South Africa

  2. Overview • What is Cultural Intelligence • Importance of Cultural Intelligence • Purpose of this study • Methodology • Results • Discussion & Conclusion Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  3. What is Cultural Intelligence? • The ability to adapt to new cultural settings • Capability to cooperate effectively with other people from a dissimilar cultural background and understanding • Ability to function in Culturally Diverse situations Thomas & Inkson (2003) Early & Ang (2003) Early, Ang & Tan (2006) Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  4. Basis of Cultural Intelligence (CI) CI finds a place alongside the different components of intelligence: • Emotional Intelligence (EI) • Social Intelligence CI picks up where EI leaves off by taking the impact of culture on interactions into account Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  5. Motivation (Heart) • Overcome setbacks • High Self-Efficacy & Confidence Behaviour (Body) • Mirror Customs & Gestures • Adopt Habits & Mannerisms Components of Cultural Intelligence Meta-Cognition (Head) • Learning Strategies • Clues to shared understandings Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  6. Importance of (CI): Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  7. Purpose of the Study The purposeof this study is to explore how managers in South African organizations, who have to succeed in an existing multi-cultural workplace, perceive the term cultural intelligence, as well as its importance as a key managerial competence Capture the experiences and perceptions of South African managers in culturally diverse settings Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  8. WHY?The need for this study • CI is a relatively new and unexplored concept as a holistic phenomenon (lot on Diversity and EI, but not CI) • Assess, Evaluate and Develop managers in diverse environments – Sustainable performance in diverse globally competitive environments • Intercultural/multi-cultural training & development Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  9. Methodology • Qualitative part of a broader study Basis of Questionnaire: CQ™ Self Assessment (Linn van Dyne & Soon Ang, 2005) • Convenience Sample of 500 SA Managers • Response Rate: 70.6 % (353) Development of a CI measurement instrument for South African Managers (Poster presentation by Ms. Sumari O’Neil, Dr Yvonne du Plessis and Prof Leo Vermeulen) Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  10. Methodology (Cont…) • Cultural Intelligence Questionnaire • Section A: Biographical Information • Section B: Cultural Intelligence • 37 Closed-ended Items, 5-point Scale • (Motivation, Cognition, Behaviour) • 6 Open-ended Questions • (Experiences, Perceptions, • Attitudes,Motivation) Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  11. Data analysis • Qualitative Analysis of 6 Open-Ended Questions • Emergent themes per question coded • Frequency Analysis Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  12. Results Question 38: An employee from another culture invites you for dinner and you know that the food may be different to what you are used to. What do you do? ……………………… Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  13. Give it a Try Only eat certain Foods Accept Invitation Inform host of dietary of requirements Decline Invitation Tell host of likes/dislikes Don't Eat/Eat Beforehand Suggest a restaurant/ different venue Feel Uncomfortable Themes: Ask for guidance w.r.t. menu/explore the food beforehand Only Accept if I want to get to know the person better Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  14. Question 39: My most exhilarating moment in having to deal with people from different cultures was: …………………………….. Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  15. Themes: Teamwork/ Teambuilding Work-Related Experiences Negotiating Student Life/Schooling Education-Related Experiences Workshops/Training/ Teaching Celebrating Differences Mutual Understanding Understanding differences/Similarities Learning more about different cultures Interactions with different cultures Conversations Cultural Events (weddings, funerals, dinners) Travel/ Learning about other cultures Language Presenting Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  16. Question 40: My most embarrassing moment in having to deal with people from different cultures was: ……………………………… Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  17. Race/Gender-related issues in the workplace Discrimination Categorisation/Stereotyping Cultural Rituals & Ceremonies Cultural Events Dinners & Social Gatherings Cultural Misunderstandings Assumptions Language Barriers Greetings Insensitivity/Lack of knowledge Themes: Gestures/Comments/Actions Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  18. Question 41: What are your goals as a manager/supervisor of a multicultural group? Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  19. Themes: Cross-Cultural Understanding Knowledge & Understanding Respect Differences/Tolerance Equal/Fair Treatment, Maximising Potential Organisational Objectives Productivity Achieve Results irrespective of Culture Managing Diversity Communication Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  20. Question 42: Are you actively trying to learn about other cultures? How? Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  21. Participation in Cultural Events DIRECT INTERACTIONS Travel Social Interactions, Asking Questions ACTIVE LEARNING METHODS Reading Training Television/Radio/Internet Workshops Forums Themes: Learning a new Language Passive Learning/Not Learning Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  22. Question 43: In having to deal with people from different cultures I would like to have answers on the following: ……………………………….. Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  23. Taboos/Offensive Behaviour Greetings/Display Respect SOCIAL CONDUCT/ APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR Language & Communication Themes: PERCEPTIONS BETWEEN CULTURES Globalisation Stereotypes/ Specific Cultural Questions How different cultures perceive each other Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  24. Discussion & Conclusion • Managers in SA state that CI is important as key competence in multicultural settings • Managers are positively inclined towards learning more about different cultures, especially through active participation in cultural events, learning new languages and interaction with other cultures • The achievement of organisational goals take preference above cultural intelligence Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  25. Key issues that emerged from the analysis: • Participation in multi-cultural events • Mutual understanding and acceptance • Achieving organisational objectives • Learning and understanding through interaction Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  26. Discussion & Conclusion (Cont…) Suggestions for future research: • Test validity of emergent themes (replication study) • Exploring the attitudes, perceptions and experiences of managers outside the RSA context in order to determine the generalisability of results • Comparison of results across different nationalities/countries Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  27. Outcome of the study We hope that these shared experiences and perceptions of South African managers on Cultural Intelligence will inspire the rest of the world. Managers can benefit from CI as key competence, to deliver sustainable performance in a diverse global competitive environment. Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  28. Any Questions? Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

  29. Thank you Cultural Intelligence: EAWOP 2007

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