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UK ILC Accelerator Project: Status and Plans. Linear Collider Accelerator + Beam Delivery Collaboration (LC-ABD) www.hep.man.ac.uk/lc-abd/. Philip Burrows John Adams Institute Oxford University. LC-ABD Collaboration. Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Dundee Durham Lancaster
UK ILC Accelerator Project: Status and Plans • Linear Collider • Accelerator + Beam Delivery Collaboration • (LC-ABD) • www.hep.man.ac.uk/lc-abd/ Philip Burrows John Adams Institute Oxford University Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
LC-ABD Collaboration • Birmingham Bristol • Cambridge Dundee • Durham Lancaster • Liverpool Manchester • Oxford Oxford • Royal Holloway University College London • Daresbury Lab. Rutherford-Appleton Lab. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design Effort Project Baseline configuration Reference Design LCABD1 International Linear Collider Timeline Technical Design LCABD2 ILC R&D Program Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt
The Baseline Machine (500GeV) Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Project Overview • Lattice design and beam simulations (Angal-Kalinin) • Advanced beam diagnostics (Blair) • Alignment and survey (Reichold) • Final focus luminosity stabilisation and spectrometry (Burrows) • e+ undulator, crab cavity system, wakefields/collimators, beam dumps(Poole) Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Lattice design and beam simulations(Daresbury, Liverpool, Manchester, Oxford, RHUL; Saclay, Orsay, CERN, DESY, BNL, SLAC) • Optical design of final-focus systems • Collimation system layout and performance • Diagnostics system layout • Start-to-end beam tracking • Backgrounds due to incoming and extracted beams • Beam losses in extraction of spent beam Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Collimation depths and optimisation(Jackson) • Collimation optics optimisation Significant halo tracking performance improvement Original 2006e Performance Optimised Performance Bandwidth of Final Focus Collimation depths for different detector concepts, different L* covering all the parameter ranges of the ILC 400LD0_255D1B 351LD0_304D1B Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
T480 “wakefield box” a = 166 mrad r = 1.4 mm Col. 12 Designed, modelled and tested collimators at SLAC ESA facility ESA beamline T480 (prelim.) 2007 data E.M. predictions GdfidL vs. ECHO (ESA collims. 1- 8) Angular kick (V/pC) Kick factor (V/pC/mm) Collimator y (mm) Collimator prototypes (Watson et al) • UK a leading contributor on critical collimator issues: wakefields, survivability. Strong collaboration with SLAC and EUROTeV groups. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Thermo-mechanical shock simulations Made most detailed Simulations of spoiler jaw damage to date. beam beam collimator reflected shear waves heated zone beam compressive waves Reflected tensile waves Temperature increase from 1 bunch impact melting temp. Exceeds: fracture temp. Best candidate designs Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Beam steering and feedback Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Crab cavity prototype(Dexter et al) The proposed nine crab cell cavity was simulated using MAFIA, all modes to 18 GHz identified, R/Qs calculated and mode damping requirements determined from a wakefield analysis. All calculated cavity parameters have been confirmed with a cold testing program of bead pull and stretched wire measurements. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Phase synchronisation tests (Expected Jan 08) Local reference and controller Local reference and controller Line to synchronise the local references must have its length continuously measured to with an accuracy of a few microns. On the ILC this line is likely to be between 50m and 80m in length. Phase measurement STATUS The cryostat and lid have been manufactured. The superconducting single crab cavities have been manufactured and processed. Installation of the vertical cryostat is in progress. The amplifiers have been delivered. The cavity control boards have been designed and manufactured. The interferometer is under development. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Single Cell Processing Three SCRF single cell cavities have been constructed for the phase control tests due Jan 08. Their manufacture has allowed transfer of key SCRF skills and know how to the STFC Daresbury. Cavities were given a 150 micron Buffered Chemical Polish and a 20 minute High Pressure Rinse. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
IP intra-train beam FB performance (White) angle scan position scan using fast luminosity signal IP position FB Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
IP intra-train beam FB performance (White) angle scan position scan using luminosity signal IP position FB position (or angle) scans gain additional luminosity Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
IP intra-train beam FB performance (Resta Lopez) angle scan position scan using luminosity signal IP position FB Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
IP intra-train beam FB performance (Resta Lopez) angle scan position scan using luminosity signal IP position FB marginal luminosity gain from scans (?) Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Beam feedback prototype at ATF(Daresbury, Oxford, KEK, SLAC, DESY, CERN) FONT4 prototype ILC intra-train FB Kicker BPM 1 BPM 2 BPM 3 e- Drive amplifier Analogue BPM processor Digital feedback Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
FONT4 prototype at KEK/ATF FONT4 prototype ILC intra-train FB Kicker BPM 1 BPM 2 BPM 3 e- Drive amplifier Analogue BPM processor Digital feedback Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
FONT4 performance Incoming bunches 154ns Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
FONT4 performance Corrected bunches Latency ~ 135ns Also: optimised gain, delay-loop setting, 1/Q … Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
FONT4: beamline at KEK ATF (May 07) Amplifier FEATHER Kicker BPM processor board Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Location of FB hardware(SiD, L*=3.7m) Liquid He Line 30mm 25.6mm 2207mm 3339mm Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Zoom-in showing BPM location 264mm 370mm 3258mm 380mm 524mm Feedback BPM 763mm Beamcal Rear @ 3.300m Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Pair-induced EM backgrounds Low Z mask BPM Energy deposition on mask e+e- pairs produced by beam-beam T. Hartin et al Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Pair-induced EM backgrounds Low Z mask BPM Energy deposition on mask e+e- pairs produced by beam-beam SLAC 30 GeV beam Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Pair-induced EM backgrounds Low Z mask BPM Energy deposition on mask e+e- pairs produced by beam-beam SLAC 30 GeV beam Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Pair-induced EM backgrounds Low Z mask BPM Energy deposition on mask e+e- pairs produced by beam-beam SLAC 30 GeV beam Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Survey + Alignment Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
LiCAS prototype at DESY(Reichold et al) • Sensing systems (data source rate): • 38 FSI interferometers (210 MB/sec) • 12 LSM cameras (298 MB/sec) • 3 wall marker cameras (78 MB/sec) • 96 calibrated temperature sensors • 3 computer controlled lasers • 12 axis of gravity reference tilt sensors • RTRS = Large scale robotic sensing system • Robotics: • 1 ton moving mass • each measurement unit moves in 6D • 25 axis of motion • 39 CAN bus controlled stepper motors • 6 network controlled picco motors • 3 drive motors with 6 kW total power • 82 limit and proximity switches • DAQ • 102 MB data per stop • 4 servers with 1.2 TB storage take data via: • CAN, USB-II, RS485, TCP-IP, PCI • Mechanics • vacuum system with > 100 accesses, joints and feedthroughs, many custom • Calibration • all sensing elements measured with CMM and smart scope • in-situ calibration procedure for entire RTRS • FSI length scale will be separately calibrated Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Beam Instrumentation Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
PETRA Laserwire(Blair et al) Routine scans of two-dimensions were achieved PETRAII programme now finished; preparing for PETRAIII Fast scanning system with 130kHz laser at RHUL planned Collaborating with DESY on fast DAQ Look forward to installation in new location for PETRAIII next year → LC-ABD-II 1000 laser shots= 50s. beam: 6 GeV, 0.5 mA. PETRA II Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
ATF Laserwire Tests of f2 lens system currently underway at Oxford We will improve ATF laser at KEK in October 2007 Look forward to running with f2 optics in Nov 07 and in 2008. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07 quad scan using LW scans single LW scan
ATF2 Laser-wire New LW location New laser hut • Detailed design of layout, • light path, laser hut are underway. • An additional LW location has been reserved downstream for multi-axis scans → LC-ABD-II Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Electro-optic sampling (Gillespie et al) Demonstrated bunch z-profile measurement resolving s~60fs structure “Non-destructive” capability tested - SASE lasing unperturbed First ever benchmarking of EO technique against Transverse Deflecting cavities Deflecting cavity(destructive) Electro-optic (non-destructive) Single shot calibration technique developed Significant publications: - two Physical Review Letters - Optics Letters Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Smith-Purcell at ESA, SLAC(Doucas et al) Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
BPM-based energy spectrometry(Daresbury, Cambridge, UCL, KEK, LBNL, LLNL, Notre Dame, Oregon, SLAC) • Recent End Station A (T474) results • Finishing analysis of this year’s runs • Resolution range 300 to 1200 nm • Paper on BPM system complete submission to NIM-A this week • Two run periods with dipole magnets for energy measurement • Final runs of T474 next spring/summer 1 hour stability for single BPM Example energy measurement Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Spectrometer prototype cavity(Boogert et al) Reference/monopole Position/dipole • Cavities • 30mm diam • Oxygen free Copper • S-band • 2.8 GHz • Dipole • Position • Monopole • Charge and beam phase • Tested at ESA in July 2007 • Output as expected • Problem with x-y cross coupling Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Positron Source Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Positron source undulator(Daresbury, Liverpool, RAL, DESY, SLAC et al) 4m Module Construction 2m Undulator in Potting Rig Vertical Cryostat and support system for magnetic testing Winding Rig Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Spin tracking: (Bailey et al) • Applied CAIN beam-beam simulation to the ILC interaction point for a range of possible beam parameters. Depolarisation dominated by spin precession (see table on right). • Derived strong-field approximation of the anomalous magnetic moment and validated form used by CAIN in T-BMT equation. • Investigated validity of equivalent photon approximation used in pair-production processes in CAIN and showed approximation is NOT valid in all cases. • Included fully polarised cross-sections for incoherent pair-production processes into CAIN. A 10% reduction in the number of pairs produced at low energy is predicted. Depolarisation at the IP Stochastic spin diffusion from photon emission: Sokolov-Ternov effect, etc. Beam-Beam Simulations Classical spin precession in inhomogeneous external fields: T-BMT equation.
Beam Dumps Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Beam dumps: energy deposition(Appleby et al) • The beam energy deposited from the nominal and disrupted beams causes local temperature rise Radial energy deposition profile for the nominal 500 GeV electron beam r, cm Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07 z, cm
Shock wave generation in 18 MW water dumps: baseline technology choice • Pressure wave in water vessel 22 µs after a 20°C rise in temperature over 10µs beam pulse • Similar to ILC beam dump parameters at shower maximum with rastered beam • Maximum pressure = 120 bar Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Summary • Completed 3 years of LC-ABD1 • We have made major contributions to ILC Baseline Configuration + Reference Design Report • Our contributions are recognised and appreciated internationally • > 50 EPAC06 and PAC07 papers • Starting next 3-year phase LC-ABD2 … Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Beamline design • Crab cavity • Main Linac cavity wakefields • Beam Dumps • Instrumentation • + Diagnostics • Fast Feedback • Survey, alignment • stabilisation • Polarised • positron source LC-ABD1 LC-ABD2 Build on current investment, expand strategically • Damping ring • Energy Spectrometer • Beam Quality and Stability: • Luminosity Production Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Project Management Structure GDE PPARC OSC Principal Investigator: Blair Project Manager: Burrows Advisory Comm. WP1 Clarke WP2 Wolski WP3 Jones WP4 Angal Kalinin WP5 McIntosh WP6 Reichold WP7 Burrows WP8 Blair WP9 Boogert WP10 Densham Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
GDE requests to UK • UK has been requested to provide leadership + management in key areas • Beam delivery system: • accelerator physics + design integration • crab cavity • beam dumps • collimation system • instrumentation • (vacuum system) • Positron source • Damping rings Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07
Outlook • LC-ABD2 has started! • Preparing for GDE system ‘kick-off’ meetings • Seeking additional resources via EU FP7 • – well integrated into preparatory working groups • - negotiations via ESGARD ongoing • - write IA proposal from mid October • - submission Feb 08, funding start 09 • Looking forward to STFC ‘accelerator review’ Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, Liverpool 25/09/07