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SAT 10 (Stanford 10) 2013

SAT 10 (Stanford 10) 2013. Nakornpayap International School. Presentation by Ms.Pooh. The Stanford 10 Achievement Test is given from 22 nd April 2013 - 3 rd May 2013 students from Grades 1 to 12. The content of the Stanford 10 includes academic concepts

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SAT 10 (Stanford 10) 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SAT 10(Stanford 10)2013 Nakornpayap International School Presentation by Ms.Pooh

  2. The Stanford 10 Achievement Test is given from 22nd April 2013 - 3rd May 2013 students from Grades 1 to 12. The content of the Stanford 10 includes academic concepts and skills typically taught in schools throughout the United States.

  3. SAT10 is a norm-referenced test that looks at individual student achievement compared to national norms. A norm-referenced testcompares a student’s results with the results from a national sample of students in the same grade level taking the test at the same time of year.

  4. Reported Scores • Scaled Score • Percentile Rank • Stanine

  5. Percentile Rank A student earning a percentile rank of 65 performed as well as or better than 65% of the students in the norming group. Yeah! I performed as well as or better than them. 65 students 100 students

  6. Stanine - Stanine range from a low of 1 to a high of 9 - Stanineswere developed to overcome the problem of unequal units in percentile ranks. Staninesrepresent approximately equal units of ability. They are normalized standard scores that range from a low of 1 then 2,3,4,… to a high of 9. - Like percentile ranks, staninesindicate a student's relative standing in a reference group. They are particularly useful for comparing a student's scores across subtests in a stanine profile. 1,2 and 3 are below average 4,5 and 6 are average 7,8 and 9 are above average

  7. Norm-Referenced Scores


  9. STANINE Elementary

  10. STANINE High School

  11. Conclusion SAT10 is a test which compares students’ scores with students in the US who are mostly native English speakers. This explains why language related scores are likely to fall to below the average of students in the US. However, the majority of our students scores fall into the average range.

  12. Thank you

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