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Workshop Annual Status Report Program to Develop Sediment Quality Objectives for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries of California July 7, 2004 Chris Beegan beegc@swrcb.ca.gov 916 341 5577. Schedule. Scoping Document adopted by June 30 2003 , completed (www.swrcb.ca.gov…..)
Workshop Annual Status Report Program to Develop Sediment Quality Objectives for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries of CaliforniaJuly 7, 2004 Chris Beeganbeegc@swrcb.ca.gov 916 341 5577
Schedule • Scoping Document adopted by June 30 2003, completed (www.swrcb.ca.gov…..) • Draft Objectives and policy by August 5, 2005. • By February 28, 2007 submit SQO policy to Office of Administrative Law. • Hold Annual Workshops.
Sediment Quality Challenges • Bioavailability very complex, no simple “translator” available as used with some dissolved species in water. • Sediment bound chemical dose response studies are not as reliable as water only exposures (used to develop WQOs). • Sediment quality indicators limited in terms of discriminatory power, sensitivity, predictive ability. • Indirect effects to human health from bioaccumulation are more difficult to understand.
Program Responsibilities • SWRCB staff manage program. • Research and Development: SCCWRP Technical Leader, SFEI, Moss Landing Marine Labs and UC Davis-MPSL Granite Canyon and consultants. • Independent Technical Review: SSC to provide advice on technically complex issues. • Policy Development: SWRCB staff with assistance from stakeholder and agency groups. • SWRCB Board Members ultimately decide what the policy or plan will contain.
Outreach/Participating Organizations • Scientific Steering Committee: Scientist developers from USEPA, USACE, NOAA and USGS, State Agencies, Universities and Private Sector • Sediment Quality Advisory Committee • Regulated Community: Represented by Ports, POTWs, Municipal Stormwater, Industrial Stormwater, Industrial Direct, Federal Facilities, Legacy Pollutants. • Environmental/Conservation Organizations: SF BayKeeper, Heal the Bay, The Ocean Conservancy, Environmental Health Coalition, DeltaKeeper, Bay Foundation of Morro Bay, Sierra Club • Agency Coordination Committee: RWQCB, DTSC, DFG, USEPA, NOAA, F&WS, SLC, BCDC, OEHHA.
Issues of Importance • Protection of beneficial uses. • Relationship to other WQ programs (TMDLs NPS, NPDES, Dredged Materials). • Types of Objectives; numeric and/or narrative objectives. • Application of objectives and weight of evidence approach.
Technical Tasks • Develop sediment quality database • Benthic community assessment tool development • Toxicity method development • Contaminant effects analyses • Integration of triad approach into objectives • Evaluation of models for sediment-fish transfer • Case studies to link sediment contamination to human and wildlife risk
Manuals • Field sampling • Chemical contamination • Toxicity • Bioaccumulation potential • Benthic community impact • Information management
Policy Goals • Develop scientifically defensible SQOs that are protective of specific beneficial uses. • Develop policy that is fair and provides for consistent application throughout the state. • Describe methods and tools for assessing sediment quality • Provide numeric targets or thresholds to assess whether beneficial uses are being protected.
Important Dates • SSC Meeting at SCCWRP, Westminster August 3 and 4, 2004. • SQAC (Stakeholder) at SWRCB, August 12, 2004. • ACC; Southern California Meeting; SCCWRP on August 18, 2004. Northern California Meeting; R2 Office in Oakland on August 23, 2004.
More Information on SQOs Technical Information/Committee Meeting Summaries available at: www.swrcb.ca.gov/bptcp/sediment.html E-mail subscriptions available from SWRCB Main Page. In the right column; click subscribe, fill out name and email address, scroll down to Sediment Quality Objectives and check box. www.swrcb.ca.gov