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Västerhus – information and some results Last edit 080808

Västerhus – information and some results Last edit 080808. Selection of clones from six progeny-tests (old orchards). Range of origins = v = 3 latitudes, but considering pollen, range of halfsibfamilies =v/2 = 1.5 latitude. Plust tree origins. Seed orchard location.

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Västerhus – information and some results Last edit 080808

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  1. Västerhus – information and some results Last edit 080808

  2. Selection of clones from six progeny-tests (old orchards)

  3. Range of origins = v = 3 latitudes, but considering pollen, range of halfsibfamilies =v/2 = 1.5 latitude Plust tree origins Seed orchard location

  4. Relative performance over plantation sites compared to an optimal seed orchard (=100%)

  5. Map. Västerhus + = missing Z3007 = clone ID Parcells (plots) and in plots X for column and Y for rowThis is actually the only way to find the identity of a particular clone in the orchard! Z3007-82-1-3

  6. Västerhus (Anders F 07-10-10)

  7. Air picture of Västerhus

  8. Västerhus spring 2006 Västerhus spring 2006. Czech visitors. Photo: Morogushi

  9. Anders and me selected study trees and harvested needles • Criteria – 3 ramets per clone • Possible to study pollen spreading from rare clones • Somewhat spread over the orchard • Needles in Xiao-Ru’s lab

  10. Cone collection

  11. Simple Breeding without Breeding Cycle Forest Group merit selection Seed orchard

  12. Västerhus • We are anyway genotyping the seed orchard and its offspring • There are a few mature (30 year) crosses among seed orchard trees (in old seed orchards, Domsjöänget). Johan Kroon will help us to find some such trees and we will check the possibilities to make phenotypic selection followed by parent determination in a situation where we know the parents. Not many trees. A few days in the summer 2008 to look at the material.

  13. Mature seed orchard Domsjöänget, 25 kms from Västerhus. These trees were crossed in the orchard and the progeny planted in field trial. The field trials were evaluated and the best clones placed in Västerhus. Some of the crosses are between Västerhus clones and exist in a 30 year old progeny-test where we collected needles June 2008. When we can evaluate the chance that we can identify the parents

  14. Trees at the progeny trial Kvarntorp with crosses at Domsjöänget at needle collection June 2008 • Needles are collected by cutting branches down with a pole with a saw (at the centre of the picture) Photo Takeshi Torimaru 0806

  15. Plantation with Västerhus seeds

  16. Plantation with Västerhus seeds

  17. Harvesting needles from plantation with Västerhus

  18. Half sib forestry • I and Anders have applied to Kempe in coop with the chief silviculturist at Holmen and the seed manager of SSP (Lagan, Finnvid). We did not get money. • We applied in Bo Rydin but they suggested no spring meeting • We applied föreningen but they did not want to initiate something without the full board. • We now have an application at Bo Rydin and will send one to föreningen • Thus we wait till 2009 with the seeds. One advtage is that the pollen production dropped 2007, but hopefully will raise again 2008. • Harvesting 25% of area of Västerhus clonewise • The number of seeds will be counted for each clone, thus the female fertility. This can be combined with our measurements of male fertility • Follow these harvests through seeds, nursery to the field. • Ten halfsib families are chosen for trials • 10 field plantations around 20 hectars each with the 10 lots with half sibs and 3 (as comparison) with mixtures • We may revise BWB to be applied to half sib forests, when we know the mother

  19. Pollen contamination and self-fertilization, within Västerhus in 9 loci Standard error in parentheses Contamination is high like in most similar studies!! Remains a very big and unsolved problem Selfing is low compared to similar earlier studies, non problematic level

  20. Expected value = total no. of seeds with single candidate  No. of ramets representing each clone Total no. of ramets in the seed orchard Expected (black bars) and observed (grey bars) contributions of each clone as a pollen donor when assuming null alleles in 9 loci Number of seeds Observed Expected

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