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Canaletto's Paint

Canaletto's Paint. 安东尼 · 坎努的 传世名画. E-mail 文化传播网 www.52e-mail.com.

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Canaletto's Paint

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  1. Canaletto's Paint 安东尼·坎努的 传世名画 E-mail文化传播网www.52e-mail.com

  2. Zuane Antonio Canal,是十八世纪威尼斯著名的画家。他出身于书画世家,父亲和兄长都是画家,他幼时即从其父兄学习。由于悉心投入,他很快显露了过人的才华,而被称为“小坎鲁‘Canaletto’”。这个名字反而更为世人所知晓。青出于蓝而胜于蓝,成为该世纪公认最了得的风景画家。他在故乡画了不少脍炙人口的当地水乡之作后,前往罗马,画了该地不少古迹,也成为传世之作。后来,由于当时最大的富翁都集中在伦敦,以收藏他的画作为时髦,因而促使他迁往该地就近卖画,因此在英国画了很多十分受欢迎的当地品味十足的风景画,成为抢手佳品。以下就他是各个时期的代表作。读者可以看出,这些作品的确具反有复品味的乐趣和价值。

  3. London - Westminster Bridge from the North on Lord Mayor`s Day - 1746

  4. 他的画作受到当时英国驻威尼斯领事,British Consul in Venice,一位富商的赏识,因而被推介到英国上流社会的达官巨贾。正是这位领事,极力推荐他到罗马一显身手,以求其才能与古迹久享盛誉。这是其中最为世人称道的作品之一。 Rome - The Arch of Constantine - 1742

  5. Riva degli Schiavoni- Looking East,1730

  6. The Grand Canal from Campo S. Vio towards the Bacino

  7. He also gave increased attention to the graphic arts, making a remarkable series of etchings, and many drawings in pen, and pen and wash, as independent works of art and not as preparation for paintings. View of a River in Padua - 1742

  8. View of the Isles of San Michele, San Cristoforo and Murano from the Foundamenta Nuove - 1726

  9. Piazza San Marco with the Basilica - 1730

  10. Venice - Capriccio The Horses of San Marco in the Piazzetta - 1743

  11. Venice -The Bucintoro Returning to the Molo on Ascension Day - 1730

  12. The Old Horse Guards and Banqueting Hall, from St James's Park - 1749

  13. Warwick Castle the East Front - 1752

  14. The Grand Canal and the Church of the Salute,1730

  15. Piazza San Marco: the Clocktower,1730

  16. Pescaria bridge and Buildings on the Quay,1742-44

  17. Piazza San Marco, Looking toward San Geminiano,1735

  18. Entrance to the Grand Canal from the Piazzetta,1727 The Piazzetta towards S. Giorgio Maggiore, 1724

  19. Campo Santa Maria Formosa,1735

  20. The Feast Day of St Roch,1735

  21. The Rialto‘s area,1756 circa

  22. The Basin of St. Mark,1738-40

  23. London - The Thames and the City - 1746-47

  24. Grand Canal, Looking Northeast from Palazzo Balbi toward the Rialto Bridge,1723-24

  25. Piazza San Marco- Looking Southeast, 1735-40

  26. Grand Canal: from Santa Maria della Carità to the Bacino di San Marco,1730-33

  27. Arrival of the French Ambassador in Venice,1740 Oil on canvas

  28. Palazzo Ducale and the Piazza di San Marco,1755 circa, Oil on canvas

  29. Ranelagh, Interior of the Rotunda -1754

  30. END Musical background: Barcarolle ( da Ópera Os Contos de Hoffmann ) Offenbach,Jacques( 1819-1880) Research & Production: Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha Formatation: Anabela de Araújo 更多精彩请点击这里访问http://www.52e-mail.com

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