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“Every Drop Matters/Revive a River” “Svaka kap je važna – rijeka Gacka”. Every Drop Maters Workshop Istanbul, 1-2 February 2011. Background Outcomes Activities Outputs Lessons. Why Gacka river?. Preserved clean water, and rich ecosystems Strategic location – continental rural tourism
“Every Drop Matters/Revive a River”“Svaka kap je važna – rijeka Gacka” Every Drop Maters Workshop Istanbul, 1-2 February 2011
Background • Outcomes • Activities • Outputs • Lessons
Why Gacka river? • Preserved clean water, and rich ecosystems • Strategic location – continental rural tourism • Unutilised natural and cultural values – landscapes, indigenous trout, Velebit mountain protected area and Plitvice national park • Pressures for environment coming with nearby highway and tourists • Physical and social destruction in the recent war, depopulation, least developed county
Project Objective To contribute to development of Gacka area as a sustainable tourism destination which bases its offer on preserved natural resources, especially water. How? With a combination of „soft“ (skills & knowledge, brand management) and „hard“ interventions (infrastructure, equipment) - to strengthen and connect key local players that participate in the development of touristic offer and sustainable development/protection of the river.
“Every Drop Matters” Project • March 2007 – December 2010 • Implemented by Local Development project UNDP office in Zadar • Budget: $310.000 • Donors: TCCC, UNDP, City of Otočac and other local partners The project was embedded into UNDP local development project and into the other on-going activities of local communities – critical for success!
City of Otočac Croatian Chamber of Commerce – County Chamber Otočac Tourist Board Otočac Bicycle Club „Barkan Otočac” High School Otočac Project Partners
Outcomes (1) Increased awareness of local and neighbouring communities and potential investors about sustainable management of water and other local natural/cultural resources (2) Local stakeholders trained and capable of sustaining business infrastructure and establishing partnerships
Activities and Outputs (1) • Preparation and implementation of the exchange programme with coastal municipalities (Otočac, Gospić, Senj and Island of Rab – all using Gacka water); inter-school cooperation on water protection; “Gackokaz” festival • Preparation, print and dissemination of the “Guide to Good Water Management” • Preparation of project documentation for waste waters problem, accepted by the city, as a precondition for construction works • A survey on tourist potentials of Gacka Valley completed and distributed to all tourist-stakeholders and agencies
Activities and Outputs (2) – cycling tourism • Rent-a-Bike point of Cycling club “Barkan” in the centre of Otočac, equipped with 15 bikes – open and fully operational • Two members of Bicycle Club became certified biking guides • Two new biking trails marked: “Three Lakes” – 36 km and “Barkan” – 40km; route maps printed and distributed; info-panels produced and installed • “Barkan” cycling club received additional funds from the Ministry of Tourism for the third biking path “Dabarski brevijar” • Construction of fitness park along northern armband of Gacka – a recreation area for citizens and tourists
Activities and Outputs (2) – fly-fishing tourism • A booklet and leaflet on Gacka as fly-fishing destination prepared and distributed • “Rent-a-Rod” - 12 rods for fly-fishing purchased and 3 rent-points opened • A new multimedia/visitor centre opened “Croatian Centre for Indigenous Species of Fish and Crawfish in Karstic Waters”
... Activities and Outputs • Electronic book of standards for visuals of Gacka brand – transferred to the city • Workshops “From idea to touristic adventure”; “Enogastronomy as touristic experience”; “Animation as a tool for creating top tourist experience” • Events on World Water Day and Planet Earth Day
Proper assessment and realistic planning is essential for success Embedding the project into the other local on-going activities and UNDP projects –synergies and cost-effectiveness Use staff who is very familiar with local context and stakeholders Take seriously into account local partners recommendations and contributions; ask for financial contributions from local partners The budget allocation for project implementation and management has to be realistic Lessons
Every Drop Matters – Rijeka Gacka Thank you!ivana.laginja@undp.orgsandra.vlasic@undp.orgwww.undp.hrwww.everydropmatters.com