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Nylon Rope Experiment. CycloHexane 1,6 Di Amino Hexane Safety Issues ? Room must be well ventilated, gloves and eye protection should be worn. No attempt to mix the two chemicals should be done.. Which Questions did I struggle on?. Question 1 ? Cooking Question 2 ? Food AdditivesQuestion 3 ? S
1. C1 Revision Learning Objectives
All; To produce revision posters for two key topics in Carbon Chemistry
Most; To use a template to create a mini game for targeted revision
Some; To use your revision aids to answer a C1 mini quiz.
2. Nylon Rope Experiment CycloHexane
1,6 Di Amino Hexane
Safety Issues Room must be well ventilated, gloves and eye protection should be worn.
No attempt to mix the two chemicals should be done.
3. Which Questions did I struggle on? Question 1 Cooking
Question 2 Food Additives
Question 3 Smells
Question 4 Making Crude Oil Useful
Question 5 Making Crude Oil Useful
Question 6 Making Polymers
4. Making Polymers (Example) Keywords
Addition Polymer
5. Revision Aids 20 Min When it comes to revision you should try to come up with a few games when you find something difficult to remember?
Activity 2. Picking a topic that you didnt do a revision poster for design a game
Jigsaw Match the start of a food additive question with the end of an food additive answer.
Simple Crossword on crude oil
Small Board game Snakes and Ladders with questions on smells along the way.
Taboo Card Set with a Keyword and a list of words you cant say
Pictionary Card Set
Blockbusters Board Which P is the name of the molecule that makes plastics ?
6. Who wants to be a millionaire Games are an ideal way to revise? 10 Min
7. Bullseye 15 Min Use the textbooks and write two questions on one of the topics below.
These questions should be based on something that you didnt know before the lesson
Food Additives
Making Crude Oil Useful
Making Polymers
Designer Polymers
Using Carbon Fuels
Pot Luck
Pot Luck
8. Blockbuster Game 1. What E is a type of reaction that gives out energy?
2. What FD is the way in which we separate Crude Oil?
3. What C is the word we use to describe a fuel when it burns?
4. What B describes the advantage that Gore Tex has over the polymer Nylon?
5. Bonus Draw a molecule with the following molecular formula C4H10
6. What A is a hydrocarbon with double bonds?
7.What P is the way we add monomers together to make polymers?
8. What C is the way we break up large hydrocarbons to make smaller ones?
9. What B is the fraction with the longest chain length in fractional distillation?
10. What FF is the name for gas, oil and coal?
11. What E is the word is the name of the chemical that perfumes are made from?
12. What H is the part of an emulsifier that likes water?
13. What A is the name of a food additive that stops food reacting with Oxygen?
14. What CD is produced when baking powder is heated?
15. What L turns milky when carbon dioxide reacts with it?
16. What T means something is poisonous and is something you should consider when choosing a fuel?
9. C1 Mini Quiz Have a go in teams at revising through the mini quiz Winners get chocolate brought in next week for the final lesson.
10. Energy 10 Min Chemical Reactions happen when reactants change into products.
If things get hotter or cooler, energy has been transferred.
Exothermic When energy is transferred to the surroundings in a chemical reaction.
Temp increase
Endothermic When energy is taken in from the surroundings.
Temp Decrease
11. Make or Break Bond Breaking is an endothermic process (takes in energy)
Bond Making is an exothermic process (gives out energy)
If more energy is needed to break bonds than make bonds, then it is endothermic.
If more energy is needed to make bonds than break bonds, then it is exothermic.
12. Crude Oil
13. Fractional Distillation How does it work?
We basically heat the Crude Oil up at the bottom of a large tower.
Long Molecules have high boiling points and so dont travel as far up the column.
Small Molecules have low boiling point so will travel further up.
The Smaller the molecule the further it will travel up the column.
Have a go at the sticky worksheet
14. Alkanes and Alkenes An Alkane is a hydrocarbon with no double bond.
An easy way to calculate the number of hydrogens is
Cn H2n + 2
Octane has eight Carbons Calculate the formula
Hint n = 8
Try and calculate the formula for hydrocarbon chains with
And 42 Carbon
15. Cracking with a Catalyst
16. Quiz Time 20 Min
17. Match the Alkanes and Alkene and fill in any missing boxes. Extension Hexane and Hexene have five carbons can you draw them, have a go?
18. Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbon chains are carbons linked together, I will draw the first and have a go at the others.
How many hydrogen molecules are there in a C16 Molecule?
19. Names of Alkanes and Alkenes
20. AlkanesThere is a set of hydrocarbons called alkanes. Their names all end in ane. Use page 114 to complete the table below.Use molecular models to make each of the four alkanes in the table.
21. Hydrocarbon Quiz
1. hydrocarbon is a compound made from carbon and hydrogen only.
a Which of the following compounds is not a hydrocarbon? Circle the correct answer.
CH4 C2H4 C2H6 C2H5OH C3H8
b Explain your answer.
There is another set of hydrocarbons called alkenes. Their names all end in ene.
Which of the following compounds is not an alkene? Circle the correct answer.
Propene ethene butene pentene methane