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Q -P lacements ; Needs Analysis Research. Summary of the survey among project partners from Latvia, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain Manfred Polzin MBO Raad The Netherlands 10-06-2014. Schools 11: How important are the following points for the quality assurance of WBL in a company?.
Q-Placements; Needs Analysis Research Summary of the survey among project partners from Latvia, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain Manfred Polzin MBO Raad The Netherlands 10-06-2014
Schools 11: How important are the following points for the quality assurance of WBL in a company?
Schools 12: What do you consider as main barriers in your own country to implement WBL?
Messages schools Providing guidance from school is generally considered as important, whilst assessing the learning outcomes from WBL is considered as less important Rewards for companies are in most countries considered as important , but not in NL Role of the company tutor is considered as very important in all countries Time to select companies and to cooperate with the tutor is a problem in Spain The legislation and the willingness/availability of companies are main problems in Slovenia In general, it appears to be difficult to find enough companies for Quality WBL
Messages employers Slovenia: Financial rewards are important and WBL is considered as anappropriate way to select futurestaff. Important forall: Support from the sending schools and the motivation of the students, whichappearstobe the mainbarrierto take them on board The costs issue has the highest scores in Latvia, as it is demonstrated by the questions about the rewards for a company and the negative consequences of the salary costs for an apprentice. Salarycosts are notvery important as a barrier in the othercountries The value of WBL forcreating a better skills match on the labour market is rated low in the Netherlands, certainlycomparedto the othercountries All companies are highlymotivatedto take apprentices on board
Messages stakeholders Slovenia: only country thatconsiders EQAVET as important. Slovenia showedalso a high score regarding the importance of different companies for the WBL part and the willingnesstoinvest in the future of the students Allcountriesstressed the importance of qualified company tutors and the support from the sending schools and the role of theirteachers Spain clearlyshowed a gap betwen the companies and the schools as theyrated the importance of attuning the school programs with the company needsvery high