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Gain valuable insights and feedback from students enrolled in distance learning courses. Discover satisfaction levels, course preferences, technology impact, and reasons for choosing distance learning.
AY 14-16 Overview: Distance Learning Student Survey Fall2016 Distance LearningCommittee April 5,2017 Katharine Brown,CIRT
2012‐2017 Strategic Plan for DistanceLearning • Quality Assurance • Goal 10. Implement course development and review procedures to ensure the quality of distance learning course and program offerings. • Action Items • ... • Develop and implement a process to regularly gather student feedback regarding distancelearning. • … 5 April2017
DL Student Survey • Fall 2013 & 2014: administered annually to all students enrolled in a DL course in previous academicyear. • Fall 2016: bi‐annually to random sampling of students enrolled in a DL course in the previous two academicyears. • Notification: via e‐mail, with multiplereminders. • Survey: 23 items (including 8demographic.) *represents AY 14‐15 and AY15‐16 5 April2017
Overview of AY 14‐16respondents [F14 = 27.83yrs] [F13 = 28.75yrs] 26%Male 72%Female 5 April2017
A few summary items*‐‐ • 85% [81%, 80%] were “very satisfied” or “generally satisfied” with their DLcourses. • 82% [81%, 79%] would “definitely” or “possibly” enroll in another DLcourse. • Course modalitypreference: • face‐to‐face, minimalweb • equalmix • fully online, extensiveweb 28% [32%,33%] 37% [38%,33%] 35% [29%,33%] • DL courses are chosen for: (choose all thatapply) • flexibility of contentaccess • schedule “fit” • convenience(location) • don’t have achoice 68% [70%,71%] 62% [72%,74%] 47% [55%,55%] 32% [32%,29%] *F14, F13 values shown in [brackets] 5 April2017
Have you ever had to withdraw from a distance learning course (afteradd/drop)? Yes 10% No 90% [12%,13%] [88%,87%] 5 April2017
Please share any comments you have about satisfaction with distance learningcourses. • “Distance learning is an amazing opportunity for students who work full‐ time like myself. I have been successful in all of my distance learning courses. I hope UNF offers more distance learning courses in thefuture.” • “Amazing experience I can have a job and go to school where I love taking classes!” • “I liked the flexibility of working on my time within the parameters of the course. I have three kids and live 45 minutes from campus. I liked the option to have courses online, orhybrid.” • “The personal and face‐to‐face dynamic are truly integral components of learning. While DL courses are convenient and somewhat economically feasible, the lack of those components makes them much more challenging…I have enjoyed the limited interaction with professors and colleagues, and yet I wish there was a way to overcome some of the challenges that DL inherently includes.” • “I like that we have the option to move ahead at our own pace in order to manage time around othercourses.” 5 April2017
In general, how do you feel the technology component of your distance learning course(s) affects the following, when compared with your face‐to‐facecourses? 5 April2017
Comments on the technology component effect on interactions with students andinstructor: • “I found out that I communicate with my professor more in a distance learning course than in a regularcourse.” • “There are so many options available in order to communicate with one another, it takes online classes to a whole otherlevel.” • “The university provides a lot of services to assist with taking anonline course which is verybeneficial.” • “I have noticed the students taking advantage of the technology component more often than professors. My cohort has setup a glide account to keep in contact with each other, yet when we try to email professors the interaction takes place much moreslowly.” • “Teachers who are proficient in technology like YouTube and online learning resources are appreciated. Older teachers or teachers who are too busy with other things make it harder to learn. The internet is full of amazing in depth resources, so it's kind of a disappointment when teachers just post links to antiquated information and use old textbooks instead of utilizing video, news, and interactivecomponents.” 5 April2017
Personal evaluation question (strongestagreement) 5 April2017
Personal evaluation question (weakest agreement) 5 April2017
What are your primary reasons for choosing distance learningcourses: Other (please explain) (11% 23responses) • Location:(40%) • “Deployed” “Degree not offered in my state.” “livingoverseas” • “I live 2 hours from UNF but value the education I received for my undergraduate degree. The only way to get my masters at UNF is to do itonline” • “live over 3 hours from” “live in Seminole County” “living 4 hours away insummer” • Program / CourseSchedule: • “No other courses fit my schedule.” “registeredlate” • “It was the only available class left in mymajor” • “My program is only offered as distancelearning” • Time and Personalcommitments: • “I have children.” • “I learn MUCH better through online” • “fits into my workschedule” • “does not get in the way of” “not as much of a loadon” 5 April2017
What do you like mostabout distance learningcourses? • “Flexibility” “option to work ahead” “do it on my owntime” • “Convenience” “Flexibility to work around myschedule.” • “not having to leave home” “not having to go tocampus” • “Being able to access assignments in a more flexible time manner is really helpful with busyschedules.” • “What I like most is that I can come in to class whenever I want to. I am not late and I am not interrupting a lecture.“ • “Canvas and being able to work full time and attendcollege.” • “Distance learning allows me to meet all of my obligations without having to skipanything.” • “it is very easy for individuals with other responsibilities, to manage their academicresponsibility.” • “I learn better online. When I am in class I have trouble paying attention, and often do not learn in the same manner as the teachers teach. Learning in a classroom is very difficult forme…” “TheFlexibility!!” 5 April2017 13
What do you like leastabout distance learningcourses? • “Not meeting my classmates face‐to‐face especially when it comes to the friendships that could havebeen.” • “No face to face contact.” “Less socialinteractions.” • “Didn't really get to know the instructor.” • “non‐verbal language cues are non‐existent” • “Too impersonal.” “lack of hearing answers to other studentquestions” • “increased time in takes to get an answer/guidance frominstructors” • “The work load can be quite over‐the‐top” “There is actually MOREwork” • “Group discussions” “Discussion boards areridiculous” • “The amount of postings in discussionboards.” • “Discussion posts are a check the box feature not a learningopportunity.” • “Possible computerproblems.” • “The risk of technology failing at critical points in theclass” • “Not enough offered atUNF!” 5 April2017 14
What advicewould you give to a student new to distance learning courses? • “Time management is a must. If you do not have self control and time management, don't takethem.” • “Distance learning classes take a lot of work. You have to have motivation and be committed. Just because you don't have to go to class doesn't mean that you should slack off. I honestly feel that distance learning classes are a lot more work but I love being able to create my own schedule. You honestly have to be very very very disciplined and if you aren't then distance learning is not foryou.” • “Try and pace yourself; don't panic and have excellent time management.” • “Never procrastinate because before you know it, it will be 11:59pm.” • “Check Canvas or Blackboard everyday, buy a planner, and manage your timewisely.” • “Do work ahead of time in case of computerproblems.” • “To make sure they have all components needed to complete assignments.” “Discipline, discipline,discipline!.” 5 April2017 15
FutureIndications • Continue to address areas ofopportunity: • coursedevelopment • faculty support • studentengagement • studentsupport • Internal comparison fromyear‐to‐year • Comparison studies to data gathered by UCF and others using similarsurvey 5 April2017 16
Wantmore? 18
Wantmore? 19
Including courses thissemester, how many distance learning courses have youtaken? 5 April2017 20
In general, how do you feel the technology component of your distance learning course(s) affects Your Interaction with OTHER STUDENTS, when compared with your face‐to‐facecourses? 5 April2017 21
In general, how do you feel the technology component of your distance learning course(s) affects Your Interaction with the INSTRUCTOR, when compared with your face‐to‐facecourses? 5 April2017 22
Please share any comments you haveabout withdrawing froma distance learningcourse. • “Personally I believe distance learning does work and sometimes it does not, it depends on the professor and course contents as well as the amount of course work for the class, for this class it was to muchcourse.” • “The professor forgot that students have a life outside of class and the work was more thanoverwhelming.” • “There was too much work in the course and was too time consuming. I barely had any life at all. I also could not get a good understanding with the teacher as to what was required in order to complete the course successfully.” • “The deadlines that are required of us with no consideration for other course work. Students should be able to pace themselves when taking course online, as long as they're reasonable on finishing all work due within a time frame where they're done before the class ends...it should be on their on merit. If the student doesn't value their grade then he/she won't be responsible enough to finish the online course work on time which should be before the class ends, period. Theirchoice!” 5 April2017 23
Thankyou Katharine Brown kbrown@unf.edu 24