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An introduction to Particle accelerators. The Large Hadron Collidor. What will it address ?. 1. Demonstrate or rule out the existence of the Higgs Boson 2. Demonstrate or rule out the existence of superpartners 3. The probable existence of higher dimensions
An introduction to Particle accelerators
The Large HadronCollidor
What will it address?
1. Demonstrate or rule out the existence of the Higgs Boson 2. Demonstrate or rule out the existence of superpartners 3. The probable existence of higher dimensions 4. Demonstrate the nature of Dark Matter 5. Help explain whether electromagnetism, gravity and strong and weak nuclear forces are manifestations of a single force 6. Explain why gravity is weaker than other forces by several orders of magnitude 7. The occurrence of a black holeduring the moment of creation, the big bang
Recreate the moments just after the Big Bang
Working of the LHC
Results of the LHC experiment
“The LHC could provide evidence for more than three dimensions of space.” - Brian Greene * * * “They will find the Higgs particle…they might observe some of the particles that make up the mysterious dark matter.” - NimaArkani-Hamed * * * “A Higgs boson will be found (95% probability), and (with 60% probability) supersymmetry.” - Sir Chris Llewellyn-Smith
“The published result is a long way from evidence or the Higgs boson, or proof of the existence of Supersymmetry, or hidden dimensions. It is a measurement of a quantity known as pseudorapidity – ‘basically a posh way of counting charged particles’” - David Evans, University of Birmingham
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