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Graduation Portfolio of Academic Achievement Smithfield High School – Class of 2008. 5. Demonstrate the use of basic skills in all required and selected academic areas of technology. 6. Locate, analyze, evaluate, and process information effectively. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Graduation Portfolio of Academic AchievementSmithfield High School – Class of 2008 5. Demonstrate the use of basic skills in all required and selected academic areas of technology. 6. Locate, analyze, evaluate, and process information effectively Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx Student Name: Demonstrating Proficiency in Seven Academic Expectations Individual Learning Plan ♦ English Language Arts ♦ MathService Learning ♦ Resume´ 1.Actively participate in independent and cooperative learning. Service Learning Project Individual Learning Plan Resume´ 2. Define, analyze, and solve complex problems 3. Demonstrate an appreciation of the fine arts. Insert Student Photo 4. Demonstrate appropriate study and organizational skills 7. Read, write, and speak effectively in order to communicate properly, persuasively, and creatively. ELA Task Math Task Summative Reflections Elective Task To View Evidence of Proficiency in Each Area Click on Appropriate Button Above Student Advisor – Mr. Stephen Rocco Digital Portfolio Facilitator – Mr. Stephen Rocco
Individual Learning Plan Student Name - Class of XXXX
Summative Reflections Advisor Reflection Student Reflection Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
= Not Started = In Progress = Completed P PP Advisor Reflection *Throughout Entire Presentation Click on Underlined Links or Press Buttons to Select Advisor Reflection Date: Student Name - Class of XXXX
= Not Started = In Progress = Completed P PP Student Reflection *Throughout Entire Presentation Click on Underlined Links or Press Buttons to Select My Reflection: Date: Student Name - Class of XXXX
Academic Expectation - 1Actively participates in independent and cooperative learning 1. Formative Reflection 1. Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Evidence that I have actively participated in independent and cooperative learning. Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 1. Active Participant in Independent and Cooperative Learning. Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 1. Active Participant in Independent and Cooperative Learning Student Name - Class of XXXX
Academic Expectation - 2Define, analyze, and solve complex problems 2. Formative Reflection 2. Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Evidence that I have and I am able to define, analyze, and solve complex problems. Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 2. Define, analyze, and solve complex problems Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 2. Define, analyze, and solve complex problems Student Name - Class of XXXX
Academic Expectation - 3Demonstrate an appreciation of the fine arts 3. Formative Reflection 3. Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Evidence that I have an appreciation of the fine arts. Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 3. Appreciation for the Fine Arts Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 3. Appreciation for the Fine Arts Student Name - Class of XXXX
Academic Expectation - 4Demonstrate appropriate study and organizational skills 4. Formative Reflection 4. Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Evidence that I have appropriate study and organizational skills Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 4. Appropriate Study and Organizational Skills Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 4. Appropriate Study and Organizational Skills Student Name - Class of XXXX
Academic Expectation - 5Demonstrate the use of basic skills in all required and selected academic areas of technology 5. Formative Reflection 5. Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Evidence that I have basic skills in all required and selected academic areas of technology Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 5. basic skills in all required and academic areas of technology Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 5. basic skills in all required and academic areas of technology Student Name - Class of XXXX
Academic Expectation - 6Locate, analyze, evaluate, and process information effectively 6. Formative Reflection 6. Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Evidence that I can locate, analyze, evaluate, and process information effectively Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 6. locate, analyze, evaluate, and process information effectively Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 6. locate, analyze, evaluate, and process information effectively Student Name - Class of XXXX
Academic Expectation - 7Read, write, and speak effectively in order to communicate properly, persuasively, and creatively. 7. Formative Reflection 7. Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Evidence that I read, write, and speak effectively in order to communicate properly, persuasively, and creatively Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 7. read, write, and speak effectively, in order to communicate properly, persuasively, and creatively Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – 7. read, write, and speak effectively, in order to communicate properly, persuasively, and creatively Student Name - Class of XXXX
English Language Arts Task ELA Task Formative Reflection ELA Task Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
ELA Evidence Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – ELA Task Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – ELA Task Student Name - Class of XXXX
Math Task Math Task Formative Reflection Math Task Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Math Artifact Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – Math Task Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – Math Task Student Name - Class of XXXX
Elective Task Elective Task Formative Reflection Elective Task Artifact Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Elective Task Artifact Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – Elective Task Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – Elective Task Student Name - Class of XXXX
Resume Resume Formative Reflection Resume Evidence Place Cursor in Box then Press Shift + P to insert P Student Name - Class of XXXX
Resume Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – Resume Student Name - Class of XXXX
Formative Reflection – Resume Student Name - Class of XXXX
Progressive E-Portfolio Score Sheet • Demonstrate appropriate study and organizational skills. • Demonstrate the use of basic skills in all required and selected academic areas and in technology. • Locate, analyze, evaluate, and process information effectively. • Read, write, and speak effectively in order to communicate properly, persuasively, and creatively. • Use their talents to contribute to and assist others. Student Name - Class of XXXX