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OAKS Training Overview 2010/11. Test Administration Resources: 2010–2011 Test Administration Manual, Accommodation Tables, Testing Schedule, Security Forms, Achievement S, OAKS Online User Guides… Technical support: Regional Support Partner – Douglas ESD:
Test Administration Resources: • 2010–2011 Test Administration Manual, Accommodation Tables, Testing Schedule, Security Forms, Achievement S, OAKS Online User Guides… Technical support: Regional Support Partner – Douglas ESD: • Kristine Keizer, 1-877-373-3684, Kristine.keizer@douglasesd.k12.or.us • AIR, 1/866-509-6257, oaks.helpdesk@air.org • Jim Conaghan, 541/790-7561, conaghan_j@4j.lane.edu or Matt Hayes, 541/790-7560, hayes_ma@4j.lane.edu Test Security and Administration Jim Conaghan, 541/790-7561, conaghan_j@4j.lane.edu http://www.4j.lane.edu/testing/oaksdocumentlibrary Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
What’s new OAKS Online • OAKS Test Administrator Interface easier to use • User Management System (UMS) now called TIDE • New item types included in OAKS Online Math and Science tests. Math items count towards score, Science are still pilot items. • Pilot of text-to-speech feature in spring 2011 Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
What’s new (cont) OAKS Online (cont) • OAKS Paper/Pencil and Large Print no longer offered • Printing of test items available on a limited basis a restricted resource: • District must authorize in TIDE prior to testing. District does NOT need to authorize printing of reading passages, but does for printing of any test items for any subject tests. • For students on IEPs or 504 Plans, the student’s plan must indicate the student needs access to test items in paper format • For students not on an IEP or 504 Plan, the decision must be based on individual student need and documented by the district Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
What’s new (cont) Writing Performance Assessment • Online Writing an option for all Grade 7 and H.S. students, essay only, no multiple choice • New for 2010-11, Online Writing will include a spell check feature • Paper-based Writing tests for Grades 4, 7, and H.S. will be ordered by District • H.S. papers will be double-scored; Grade 4 and 7 papers will be single-scored Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
New Math Achievement Standards • Math tests now fully reflect the new math standards. • A recommendation to increase the achievement standards (cut scores) effective for this testing year will go to the State Board on October 28. • Math testing is not recommended until a decision is made by the State Board and goes into effect. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Required Testing Environment • Trained test administrator • Quiet environment void of distractions • Only allowable resources made available to students upon request • Limited interaction with students • Read student directions • Administer accommodations appropriately • No coaching Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Test Administrators Do’s and Dont’s Do’s • TAs must read Parts I-V, Appendices A & Q, and appropriate subject appendices of the 2010-11 Test Administration Manual, receive annual test administration and security training, and sign an Assurance of Test Security form before administering state tests. • TAs may only provide students with allowable resources listed by content area in the 2010-11 Test Administration Manual. • TAs may only provide the restricted resource of printed test items to students for whom the district has identified individual student need. • TAs may only provide the version of allowable resources provided by ODE. These are posted online at http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2346 • TAs must read verbatim the student directions provided in the 2010-11 Test Administration Manual.* Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Test Administrators Do’s and Dont’s (cont) Dont’s • TAs may not allow untrained aides, volunteers, or substitutes to assist with test administration. • TAs may not coach students (including requiring students to show their work). • Students may not access non-allowable resources such as textbooks, class notes, or cell phones during testing. • Students may not talk to or help other students during testing. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
STC Training Required Assessment Options OAKS Online • Multiple Opportunities are a means of limiting the impact of the “real world” on a student’s results including: Adult errors, network problems, student illness, etc. • Therefore 3 opportunities for each student are not guaranteed and often not necessary. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
STC Training Required Assessment Options (cont) OAKS Online (cont) • Reading & Mathematics: Up to 3 opportunities at grades 3 – 8, and 11 New in 2010-11: implementation of the new Mathematics content standards. • Science: 3 opportunities at grades 5, 8, and 11 Optional OAKS Online Assessment • Social Sciences: 2 opportunities at grades 5, 8, and 11 If students are receiving High School Level instruction, students in grades 8, 9, and 10 may take High School Test up to 3 times per year. Students in grade 12 may also take the High School level test up to 3 times per year. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
STC Training Required Assessment Options (cont) OAKS Paper/Pencil Writing Performance • 1 opportunity at grades 4, 7, and 11 OR OAKS Online Writing Performance • 1 opportunity at grades 7 and 11 • Students in grades 9, 10 and 12 may also take the High School level test if they are receiving instruction in the standards being assessed. • Students in High School must not under any circumstance take more than 1 opportunity in a school year. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
STC Training Promising Practices • To protect student confidentiality, if log-in cards are used, be sure to store them securely. Schools must take all practical steps to maintain the security of SSIDs by making sure they are not displayed publicly on items such as web sites, student body cards, or other posted documents or lists. • To ensure that students receive the appropriate assessment, schools should keep track of which students must take OAKS Braille or OAKS Extended; schools may restrict these students in TIDE from accessing OAKS Online for specific test subjects. • To avoid test expirations, schools should track which tests are close to expiration and ensure those students complete testing before the 45-day expiration period ends. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Test Security Do’s and Dont’s Do’s • TAs must ensure that students use the correct SSID and take the correct test. • TAs must securely shred test materials such as printed test items or reading passages, scratch paper, or other paper hand-outs written on by students after each testing event. • Test materials must be securely stored at all times. • Test improprieties must be reported to ODE within 1 day of learning of them and the investigation must be completed within 30 days. • If a DTC cannot investigate an impropriety, the district must assign someone else to the task. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Test Security Do’s and Dont’s (cont) Don’ts • TAs must not review or analyze secure test items • Students must not access non-allowable resources such as cell phones, iPods, or e-mail • Students must not remove test materials from the test environment • TAs must not copy or retain any test materials, including secure test booklets, writing prompts, or reading passages • DTCs, STCs, and TAs must not share their OAKS log-in information with anyone (even other authorized OAKS users) Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Test Security In a Nutshell • Test materials must be inventoried and securely stored both before and after each testing event. • Only authorized staff who have signed an Assurance of Test Security Form may have access to secure test materials. • Scratch paper and all other printed materials written on by students during testing must be collected and securely shredded at the end of each testing event. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Accommodations Definition • Established by the Oregon Accommodations Panel • Are practices and procedures in the areas of scheduling, setting, presentation and response that, when used in assessment, provide equitable access to all students. • They do not compromise the learning expectations, construct, grade-level standard, and/or measured outcome of the assessment. • Extended time and frequent breaks are now considered an allowable resource rather then an accommodation. • Manual: http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/testing/admin/alt/ea/oregon-accommodations-manual-2009-2010.pdf. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Accommodations Purpose and Eligibility • Provide a student equal access and equal opportunity to meet or exceed grade level achievement standards. • All students are eligible as appropriate, including students with and without disabilities and students who have Limited English Proficiency. • Accommodations are determined based on an individual student’s need and are not identified for groups of students. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Accommodations When to Code For students with disabilities who take the general education assessment, accommodations must be coded if used – indicate with “One or more.” OAKS Online tests allow for test administrators to pre-set the flag in TIDE or to set the flag during approval for testing. More detailed accommodation codes are optional this year and will likely be mandatory next year. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Accommodations Do’s and Don’ts (cont) Do’s (cont) • TAs may now read numerals and math symbols aloud on the math test if they follow the guidance and examples posted on the ODE website. • In general, numbers and symbols can be read according to their common English usage. For example, > would be read as “is greater than.” • Numbers 99 and less should be read using standard place value language. For example, 23 would be read as “twenty-three.” • However, numbers greater than 99 should be read as individual numbers. For example, 579 would be read as “five seven nine.” Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
STC Training In a Nutshell • The Assessment options generally are the same this year as last year, except no more OAKS Paper/Pencil or Large Print • OAKS Online Writing will be available to all Grade 7 and HS students • STCs must ensure that a student does not use OAKS Online in the content area in which a student will use a paper test (e.g., Braille, Extended, or Paper/Pencil Writing) Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
STC Training In a Nutshell (cont) • STCs coordinate determination of appropriate assessment options for students • STCs ensure that all test administrators receive test administration and security training • STCs ensure security of paper test materials before, during, and after testing Free Template from www.brainybetty.com
Test Administrators In a Nutshell • TAs must receive training each year • TAs enforce valid test environment for students • When in doubt about a particular testing practice, before testing begins: • Check the Manual • Ask your School Test Coordinator • If its not an Allowable Resource in the Test Administration Manual, and ODE-provided resource, or Accommodation, then its not allowed during the testing situation. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com