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HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows trading of over 300 cryptocurrency pairs. The HitBTC exchange was launched in 2013 by Estonian and Israeli specialists and entrepreneurs.More than 40 percent of transactions on the platform are made with Bitcoin (BTC) and there are two interface languages available: English and Chinese.HitBTC has its pros and cons.For instance, service doesnu2019t require for registration so the account may remain anonymous.However, replenishing an HitBTC account in dollars is possible only after a time consuming process of verification.
TODAY'S DISCUSSION • HitBTCis a cryptocurrencyexchange that allows trading of over 300 cryptocurrencypairs. The HitBTCexchangewaslaunched in 2013 by Estonian and Israeli specialists and entrepreneurs.Morethan 40 percent of transactions on the platform are made with Bitcoin(BTC) and there are two interface languages available: English andChinese.HitBTChasits prosandcons.Forinstance,servicedoesn’trequireforregistrationso the account may remain anonymous.However, replenishing an HitBTCaccount in dollars is possible only after a time consuming process ofverification.
HITBTCNEWS • Cryptocurrencyexchange HitBTChas yet to respond to accusations it deliberately froze account withdrawals on Jan. 1, dayspriorto entrepreneur Trace Mayer’s Proof of Keys event. In a series of tweets, Mayer joined names such as crypto advocate John McAfee in voicing concern and even suspicionabout HitBTCafter users reported being unable to withdrawtheir funds. On bothTwitterand Reddit,usersacknowledged that the practice of freezing accounts hadoccurredoften inthe past, and that thetimingtwo daysbefore Proof of Keys was not necessarilydeliberate.
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