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Konsep Dasar Pemasaran Sosial Week 2. Gregoria Arum Yudarwati. 1969 – Kotler and Levy: “Broadening the concept of marketing” --- konsep tentang pemasaran sosial mulai didiskusikan
KonsepDasarPemasaranSosialWeek 2 Gregoria Arum Yudarwati
1969 – Kotler and Levy: “Broadening the concept of marketing” --- konseptentangpemasaransosialmulaididiskusikan Kotler & Levy: “as a pervasive societal activity, marketing gives considerably beyond the selling of toothpaste, soap, and steel, urging marketing researchers and practitioners to consider whether traditional marketing principles are transferable to the marketing of organisations, persons, and ideas” (Cheng, Kotler, & Lee, 2009) Pertama kali istilahsocial marketing dipergunakanditahun 1971 olehKotler & Zaltmanketikamendiskusikan: “can marketing concepts and techniques be applied to the promotion of social objectives?” Evolution
“The design, implementation, and control of programs calculated to influence the aceptability of social ideas and involving considerations of product of planning, pricing, communiaction, distribution, and marketing research” (Kotler & Zaltman 1971). “A process that applies marketing principles and techniques to create, communicate, and deliver value in order to influence target audience behaviors that benefit society as well as the target audience” (Cheng, Kotler, Lee 2009) Main characteristics: A distinct discipline within the field of marketing It is for the good of society as well as the target audience It relies on the principles and techniques developed by comercial marketing (4P – product, price, place, and promotion) Definisi
OBJECTIVES Accept a new behavior Reject a potential undesirable behavior Modify a current behavior Abandon an old undesirable one (Cheng, Kotler, Lee 2009) Social change happens only when : You change the internal attitudes You change the external structures You work to make the individual behavior unnecessary (Turning Point National Program, University of Washington)
People do not change easily. People are ore likely to adopt a new idea quickly if: It has a relative advantage over what exists It is compatible with social norms It is not too complex It can be “tried out” You can see someone either doing or using it (Turning Point National Program, University of Washington) Do people change easily?
Health promotion-related behavioral issues Injury prevention-related behavioral issues Environmental protection-related behavioral issues Community mobilization-related behavioral issues APPLICATIONS
Social marketing is Social marketing is not Just advertising A clever slogan or messaging strategy Reaching everyone through a media blitz An image campaign Done in a vacuum A quick process • A social or behavior change strategy • Most effective when it activates people • Targeted to those who have a reason to care and who are ready for change • Strategic, and requires efficient use of resources • Integrated, and works on a plan
Know your AUDIENCE and put them at the center of every decision you make. It is about ACTION There must be EXCHANGE COMPETITION always exists Keep THE FOUR Ps of Marketing - PRODUCT - the desired behavior you are asking your audience to do, and the associated benefits, tangible objects, and/or services that support behavior change - PRICE is the cost (financial, emotional, psychological, or time-related) or barriers the audience faces in making the desired behavior change - PLACE is where the audience will perform the desired behavior, where they will access the program products and services, or where they are thinking about your issues - PROMOTION stands for communication messages, materials, channels, and activities that will effectively reach your audience Basic elements