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Learn what classes you need to graduate, how many classes you must pass, and how to calculate your GPA. Understand the attendance and eligibility requirements for a driver's license. Get all the information you need to succeed in high school.
What you need to know To Survive High School
What classes do I need to graduate? Does everyone take the same classes? How many classes do I have to pass?
Future-Ready CoreGraduation Requirements English: 4 Credits English I, II, III and IV Mathematics: 4 Credits NC Math I, NC Math II, NC Math III, and a 4th Math course to be aligned with the student’s post high school plans Science: 3 Credits Earth/Environmental Science, Biology and a Physical Science course Social Studies: 3 Credits World History, Civics and Economics, US History 1 & 2
Future-Ready CoreGraduation Requirements Second Language: Not required for graduation but is required for admission to the UNC system Health & Physical Education: 1 Credit Arts Education: 1 Credit A course in the Fine Arts (visual art, band, chorus, orchestra, theater)
Future-Ready Core Concentration • 4 Credits in Career and Technical Education OR • 4 Credits in JROTC OR • 4 Credits in an Art Discipline OR • 4 Credits in a Second Language OR • 4 Credits in Advanced Placement OR • 4 Credits in College Courses OR • 4 Credits within one of the following areas: English, Math, Science, or Social Studies (Excluding courses that meet other graduation requirements)
Electives and other Requirements • Mini Concentration: 2 Electives must be any combination within Career and Technical Education, Arts Education, or Second Language (both credits in the same language) • Proficiency on state required testing, including a score at proficient level on End-of-Course tests for English II, Math I, Biology • Total of 28 credits
J.H. Rose High School Future Ready Core Graduation RequirementsChecklist
DID YOU KNOW……Each Semester has three marking periods that are 6 weeks long. At the end of a semester you take a comprehensive EXAM. This exam counts as 25% of your final grade.
High School Transcript Your transcript will show every class that you have taken while in high school. It will include the grade received for the course as well as the quality points you received for that grade. For example: This student took Visual Arts in 9th grade and received a grade of 89. An 89 is a B so he received 3 quality points for this class.
Your transcript will also include your weighted and un-weighted GPA, class rank, and the total number of credits you have earned towards graduation.
Calculating Grade Point Average • How to calculate your weighted GPA • Use the scale to assign quality points to each grade for every course taken in high school. • Add up all of the quality points to get the total. • Divide the total quality points by the total number of credits attempted. • Compare this number to the corresponding letter grade. Quality Point Scale Standard Course A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 Honors Course A = 4.5 B = 3.5 C = 2.5 D = 1.5 F = 0.0 AP Course A = 5.0 B = 4.0 C = 3.0 D = 2.0 F = 0.0 GPA A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 Example Grades: English……………92 Quality Points for each grade given: English…………4.0 Math………………89 Math……………3.0 Science…………..85 Science………..3.0 World History…….96 World History.....4.0 Totally quality points: 4.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 4.0 = 14 Divide that total by the total number of credits attempted: 14 / 4 = 3.5 GPA
Attendance Requirements • No more than 10 absences in one class are allowed. • You must be in class for at least 1 hour to be counted present for that period. • If you sign out 1 hour early or sign in 1 hour late to a class, you will be counted absent.
ABSENT, NOW WHAT? • If you go to the doctor, dentist or orthodontist, bring a note from their office and turn it in to Mrs. Cohen in the attendance office. • If you have a death in your immediate family, the school must have documentation. The Attendance Office is where you sign in and out of school.
…back to Attendance It all goes together…if you go over ten absences, you may not receive credit for a class even if you have a passing grade. (Even if your grade is an “A” !)
Want to get your license or permit? • If you are under 18, you must be academically eligible. • You must earn 3 out of 4 possible credits first semester in order to receive and/or maintain driver’s license eligibility. At the end of the school year you must have earned 6 out of 8 credits. • You cannot drop out of school. Eligible students who drop out of school either will NOT be granted the Driving Eligibility Certificate or will LOSE his/her license.
What is the difference in these two grades? F – you made a failing grade (59 or lower) in the class FF – your class average was passing but you did not earn credit for the course due to too many absences.
JH Rose High School website http://www.pittschools.org/jhr/ Student Services website http://jhrstudentservices.weebly.com/