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Safeguarding Forums for Schools Summer 2019

Safeguarding Forums for Schools Summer 2019. Jo Barclay Safeguarding Manager for Schools and Early Years Specialist Education Service. ESCB update. SET Procedures (ESCB, 2019) SET Procedures 2019 - summary of changes

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Safeguarding Forums for Schools Summer 2019

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  1. Safeguarding Forums for Schools Summer 2019 Jo Barclay Safeguarding Manager for Schools and Early Years Specialist Education Service

  2. ESCB update • SET Procedures (ESCB, 2019) • SET Procedures 2019 - summary of changes • October 2019 – further update to reflect the changes to the ESCB (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements) • Training opportunities: http://www.escb.co.uk/learning-development/ • Child Protection conferences and core group • Child in Need • Child Abuse linked to Faith or Beliefs • CSE • Criminal exploitation • Working with Resistant Families and Disguised Compliance • Early Help

  3. CSE Champion role • Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) agreed common approach to CSE Champion role - following standards must be achieved: • Have a good working knowledge of safeguarding children and have completed safeguarding children level 2 course, or equivalent as a minimum • Completed a minimum of a basic awareness CSE course (online or face to face) • Completed the SET CSE Toolbox On Line Training Module • Have support from line manager to be the CSE Champion in your team/organisation • (SOUTHEND / ESSEX ONLY) Be a National Working Group (NWG) member • You must also complete a CSE Champions Request Form and email it to: escb.training@essex.gov.uk 

  4. ESCB / Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (from 29.09.19) Essex’s new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements will include: Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB) name and brand will remain ESCB will retain parts of its structure that are known to work well To keep existing Executive Board members and extend membership to the  voluntary sector and all 3 Directors of Nursing covering the local Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) across Mid, South, North East and West Essex Reduction in ESCB sub committees Higher profile of Stay Safe Groups We will continue to collaborate with Southend and Thurrock Boards The ESCB Executive Board will be chaired by an independent facilitator The ESCB Business Support Team will remain Budget agreed for 2019-20

  5. Ofsted Education Inspection Framework 2019 A continued sharp focus on safeguarding Our inspection of safeguarding will continue to be built around three core areas. Identify: how do leaders and other staff identify learners who may need early help or who are at risk of abuse? Help: what timely action do staff take to ensure that learners get the right support when they need it, including preventative work, and how well do they work with other agencies? Manage: how do responsible bodies and staff manage their statutory responsibilities and, in particular, how do they manage safe recruitment and respond to allegations about staff/other adults? Inspectors will continue to judge whether safeguarding is effective or ineffective.

  6. Lessons from recent Ofsted inspections Oversight of governors – appropriate support and challenge: • What is reported to governors? • What questions do governors ask – where are the checks to the system? • What do governors look for when they visit? • How is this recorded and reviewed? • Is there an action plan to ensure safeguarding is effective? • Who monitors and reviews this? • How do governors know all staff are able to recognise and report concerns appropriately? • How do governors know all staff are appropriately inducted and trained?

  7. Lessons from recent Ofsted inspections • CP records • Where is the voice of the child? How is this evidenced? • Do not rely on the knowledge of the Designated Lead – all information should be on the CP files • The files should ‘tell the story’ – a clear audit trail of all incidents, responses, actions (record all conversations / interventions) • Where there are multiple children in a family (in the same school), ensure checks are undertaken on all children where there is a concern for one child • How does the school respond to a concern raised? What advice was sought – what action was taken?

  8. CP records (templates on ESI) • ​Child Protection Records - Body Maps A • Child Protection Records - Body Maps - B • Child Protection Records - Case Chronology • Child Protection Records - Contact Record​ • Child Protection Records - File Front Sheet​​ • Child Protection Records - File Transfer​​​​​ • Child Protection Records - Report of a Concern

  9. Complaints Parental complaints via Ofsted Parental complaints via HYS / Members / MP Concerns raised by other professionals Process Report

  10. Domestic abuse update • School attendance at MARAC – schools now attending the MARAC and feedback has been very positive (currently the highest attending agency) • Referring into MARAC – external agencies are able to refer – new referral form this month (on ESI), or contact Hayley Speed on 03330 136478 or hayley.speed@essex.gov.uk to discuss the referral and obtain the new form • COMPASS: new Single Point of Access (SPA) to support women, men and young people aged 16+ who are victims of or who have experienced Domestic Abuse: Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline:0330 333 7 444www.essexcompass.org.uk • ESI / domestic abuse (links to Essex Police and ESCB) • Southend / Essex / Thurrock domestic abuse partnership website • Support for victim / perpetrators • Information for professionals • Services available in localities

  11. MARAC Statistics 18/19 • Attendance at MARAC has increased and we are now the highest attending agency. • Over 95% of forms are sent in time for the meeting – thank you! • The average return time is less than 1 day.

  12. Other bits… Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education in England (DfE, 2019) • Draft form – subject to change • compulsory from September 2020 New information on knife crime from Ofsted / DfE New section on Hate Crime on ESI https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/podcast/ ‘7-minute staff briefings’ on EPHA website (new ‘county lines’ presentation) Multi-agency PREVENT training – Writtle College, 26th or 27th June

  13. Transfer of Child Protection records • Keeping Children Safe in Education (2018) • Where children leave the school or college, the Designated Lead (DL) should ensure that records are transferred ‘…to the new setting as soon as possible, ensuring secure transit and confirmation of receipt should be obtained…’ – paragraph 79. • There is joint responsibility. When a setting admits a new pupil, they must always check with the previous one whether there are any child protection records to transfer. • The DL from the previous setting should make telephone contact with their counterpart in the receiving one to discuss the case, share important information and agree a means of transfer of records as soon as practicable.

  14. Transfer of Child Protection records • When sending by post, this should be by recorded delivery to a named individual. The envelope should be marked as ‘Strictly Confidential’, for the attention of the named DL in the new setting. • The receiving setting should receive a telephone call in advance to notify them that the child protection file is being sent. • A record of transfer form should be included in the file, and the receiving setting should be asked to sign the form and return it to the sending one to confirm they have received the file. • Whenever a file is transferred, settings should retain copies of the original file and a copy of the ‘File Transfer Record and Receipt’ (Appendix A). • Once confirmation of receipt at the new setting has been received, any paperwork held at the previous setting should be destroyed.

  15. Transfer of Child Protection records • The child protection file should follow the young person; this advice should be followed by settings for any pupil leaving that setting for another, at any time • It is recognised that settings will not always be aware of the Year 12 destination by the end of Year 11. In these cases, settings should identify any particularly vulnerable pupils (eg CIC, CP, CIN, or those with mental health concerns, and make every effort to establish their post-16 placement to contact them and to plan for transition • It is essential that important information is shared with a new setting as soon as possible. As above, the work is shared: post-16 providers should consider what information they request from the previous setting and parents / carers to inform their planning to support vulnerable pupils • See ESI for further information and a model File Transfer Record and Receipt form.

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