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Looking for people eager to learn…. Wrong approach toward the Bible and doctrine…. Questions…. ?. Why is this subject important? What part does doctrine play in our lives? As a Christian isn’t it more important how you act instead of what you believe?.
Questions… ? Why is this subject important? What part does doctrine play in our lives? As a Christian isn’t it more important how you act instead of whatyou believe?
The Story of the United Church of God 1995… Fourteen ministers and their wives gathered in Indianapolis from April 23 through April 30, 1995, to discuss the future of the Church.
1995 Timeline (Indianapolis)… April 23, 1995: Pre-Conference Meeting in Indianapolis of 14 men and wives. April 30, 1995: General conference begins in Indianapolis with 155 elders. May 2, 1995: Conference concludes with transition board of nine men in place. May through November 1995: Governing documents prepared. December 1995: Conference in Cincinnati. Documents approved.
Key Motivation for Meeting… Primary issue that drove these actions: Doctrine! We were not rebelling against a governmental structure. We were not willing to accept or teach what we believed to be heresy. Our ideas about government were affected, but this was not the motivation for our actions.
2010 Timeline (Louisville)… December 4, 2010: Open letter sent to the president signed by 57 employed elders. December 13, 2010: Official response from president. Web meeting held for 57. December 15, 2010: Meeting held with president and 3 pastors. December 17, 2010: Official response to meeting. Request made for Web meeting. December 20, 2010: Web conference held. Papers prepared for incorporation. Incorporation became final December 23, 2010.
January 9-11, 2011: Conference in Louisville, KY The Galt House in Downtown Louisville hosted our first ever conference in Church of God, a Worldwide Association.
Titus 2:7… “In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility…”
We commit ourselves to the following principles… • We commit our support for the 20 fundamental beliefs as approved by the elders in 1995. • We commit to establishing a doctrinal review process for all publications that contain doctrinal material, whether posted on the Internet or printed. This process must involve levels of review and include senior ministers known for their doctrinal integrity.
We commit ourselves to the following principles… • We commit to establishing a committee for doctrinal oversight, entrusted with the responsibility of resolving doctrinal conflict and answering doctrinal questions from within the organization, among the elders and among the membership. • We commit to providing a process by which any elder or member may submit doctrinal questions and/or material for doctrinal review. This process will provide for several levels of review by senior ministers.
Requirements for Class… • Willingness to learn • Your Bible • Binder for handouts and notes • Class review sheet • Fundamental beliefs booklet
What will we be covering… This class will cover our 20 Fundamental Beliefs. This is the beginning of our doctrinal discussion. What are our fundamental beliefs and why?
Sola Scriptura (Only Scripture) Sacra Scriptura est Verbum Dei (Holy Scripture is the Word of God)
Additions to Murphy’s Law: • Anything written can and will be misunderstood. • If it isn’t written it will be assumed that you no longer believe it. • If a person has two choices for an explanation– he will always choose the worst and most negative.
One of the very first booklets produced by United Church of God.
First Half • 1.The Godhead • 2. The Word of God • 3. Satan the Devil • 4. Humanity • 5. Sin and God’s Law • 6. The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ • 7. Three Days and Three Nights • 8. Repentance • 9. Water Baptism • The Sabbath Day • Second Half • 11.The Passover • 12. The Festivals of God • 13. God’s Food Laws • 14. Military Service and War • 15. Promises to Abraham • God’s Purpose for Humanity • 17. The Church • 18. Tithing • 19. The Resurrections • 20. The Return of Jesus Christ
Class Schedule – Spring 2011 • Introduction to Doctrine – Sabbath, Jan. 22 • Plurality of God – Sabbath, February 19 • Divinity of Christ – Sabbath, March 19 • The Holy Spirit – Sabbath, April 16 • The Word of God – Sabbath, April 30 • Satan the Devil – Sabbath, May 21 • Humanity – Sabbath, June 18
Preamble from COGWA Fundamental Beliefs… “The following statements represent the fundamental beliefs of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. These beliefs, based upon Holy Scripture, do not constitute the entire body of beliefs of the Church but do represent its fundamental or foundational beliefs.
Defining Fundamental Beliefs… Fundamental “Forming a foundation or basis; basic; essential; important; leading or primary principle; rule, law, or article, which serves as the groundwork or basis; essential part; as, the fundamentals of Christian faith.” Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (1979).
Doctrine… (Lat. Doctrina, from doceo ‘teach’). That which has been taught (Gk. didache, didaskalia; RSV also ‘teaching’). The KJV also uses the term in the archaic sense with regard to the act of instruction (e.g. Mark 4:2; Acts 2:42; 1 Timothy 4:13,16). Jesus’ teachings as recorded in the Gospels were discursive, relating new interpretations of the law to the contemporary needs of His followers. This instruction... formed the basis of the doctrine of the early Church...
Summary… “Didache”– Often translated “doctrine” or “teaching.” This is the word most often used in the gospels in reference to Christ’s teaching. “Didaskalia” – Translated “doctrine” primarily. This is the word most often used in the pastoral epistles. Conclusion: Teaching (didache) leads to formal doctrine (didaskalia). Christ taught and the apostles formalized that teaching.
Summary… Doctrine is established teaching. In general the word means teaching (or that which is taught). Doctrine is formalized or developed teaching. While Christ was alive He taught, and there was no need for a formal list of teachings. After His death there was a need. It was through the Apostles and the early Church that doctrine was formalized.
Millard Erickson, Christian Theology 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998), 83-34
2 Timothy 3:16-17… “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Theo-pneu-stos • Theo -- God or divine • pneu -- breath, breathe, spirit • stos -- adjective pointing to God as the originator • Scripture originates with God. It is God-breathed. Paul states that “all” scripture is “God-breathed.”
Inerrancy… “When all the facts become known, they will demonstrate that the Bible in its original autographs and correctly interpreted is entirely true and never false in all it affirms, whether relative to doctrine or ethics or the social, physical or life sciences.” P. D. Feinberg, s.v. “Inerrancy,” Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
John 17:17 “Sanctify them by Your Word. Your Word is truth.”
Questions… • Where do we begin in establishing doctrine? • The Bible is a compilation of 66 separate books. What is major and what is minor? • What constitutes a fundamental belief? • What are the major doctrines of the Church?
Summary Sections of Scripture… • Exodus 20 Giving of the Law from Mt. Sinai. • Leviticus 23 The Holy Days. • Matthew 5-7 Christ’s Teaching to the Disciples. • Hebrews 6 Basic Doctrines
Matthew 5:1-2… “And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. He opened His mouth and taught them, saying…” taught = didaska (verb form of didaskalia) - “to instill doctrine; to impart instruction” (Strongs).
Christ’s Teaching (Doctrine)... • You have heard it said, “You shall not kill…” • You have heard it said, “You shall not commit adultery…” • You have heard it said, “Whoever puts away his wife…”
Christ’s Teaching (Doctrine)... • You have heard it said, “You shall not swear…” • You have heard it said, “An eye for an eye…” • You have heard it said, “You shall love your neighbor…”
Christ warns about false doctrine… Matthew 15:9 “And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men…”
Paul Writes About Doctrine… • 2 Timothy 1:13-14 “sound words” • 2 Timothy 4:1-4 “sound doctrine” • 1 Timothy 1:6 “vain jangling” • Titus 1:10-14 “commandments of men” • 1 Timothy 4:16 “take heed…unto the doctrine”
Acts 2:42… “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers…” (Greek = “didache”; instruction. Didache leads to didaskalia.) ASV, RSV = “teaching”
Development of Doctrine 31 AD 100 AD Teachings of Christ Church through the years Apostles and NT Church Biblical record Twentieth century history goes back to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong…
Mr. Armstrong was also on the radio during these years with the same message.
Development of Formal Teaching of the Church in our day… 1933 – Mr. Armstrong begins Radio Church of God in fall of the year. 1934 – Mr. Armstrong begins Plain Truth magazine. 1938 – Mr. Armstrong writes first official list of Church doctrines. 1946 – Four additional doctrines are added to the official list.
Doctrinal compatibility is an important part of Church membership. “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3).
Hermeneutics • In the broadest sense, it means “interpretation.” It is the field of theological study that deals with the interpretation of Scripture. • Exegesis • A technical term used by Bible scholars for “drawing out the meaning of the text.”
Rules of Interpretation (basis for doctrine)… • The Holy Scriptures represent God’s written revelation to mankind. • The Bible is to be read, viewed and interpreted as a whole. • The Bible interprets its many symbols. • The Bible does not contradict itself.
Rules of Interpretation (basis for doctrine)… • The Bible’s account of the Kingdom of God, the Divine Realm and its description of the creation of the physical world and events in human history are to be viewed as true and accurate. • The Bible was written to be applicable and meaningful to all generations of humanity (2 Timothy 3:16-17). • The Bible was written for all peoples.
Rules of Interpretation (basis for doctrine)… The simple straightforward understanding of the text is preferred. The Bible reveals the plan of God created from the foundation of the earth. The Old Testament outlines basic doctrines of the Church, including an understanding of the New Covenant relationship. The Bible contains inspired prophecy which is not subject to private interpretation.
Rules of Interpretation (basis for doctrine)… The Apostle Paul does not interpret Christ. Paul’s epistles should be interpreted in light of, or based on, Christ’s teachings and not the reverse. Distinction must be made between a doctrine and the administration of that doctrine. No book or portion of the Bible claims to present a complete systematic presentation of doctrine or theology.
Conclusions… Doctrine is formalized teaching. It is accepted Church teaching that is written in contrast to oral traditions. A Fundamental Belief is a doctrine that is basic and foundational. It is essential that we accept and support our fundamental beliefs.