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NAME OF TEACHER: Anna Maria Di Cicco. MUNICIPALITY OF: Meldola HOME PRE-SCHOOL: Scuola Materna Paritaria Mons.A. Lega. HOSTING MUNICIPALITY AND PRE-SCHOOL: Moldal , Bifrost for skola. Level of autonomy of the child (independence, competences) :.
NAME OF TEACHER: Anna Maria Di Cicco MUNICIPALITY OF: Meldola HOME PRE-SCHOOL: Scuola Materna Paritaria Mons.A. Lega HOSTING MUNICIPALITY AND PRE-SCHOOL: Moldal , Bifrost for skola
Level of autonomy of the child (independence, competences) : The children while partecippating in school life are encouraged to be individually responsible, therefore making them idependent and able to menage the varius areas of the school respecting their specific proupose . • Strategies are used to favour personal expression of each single child and to facilitate direct and indirect learning. • And outdoor education consents the children to expirience the beauty nature, becoming explorers able to be amazed and feel wonder at what they observe. • A child that experiences nature becomes able to respect it and avoids behavior that leaos to waste.
The children are self-sufficient at mealtimes paying particular attention to preparing the table and presenting the food. The children are autonomous in choising what they eat and the quantity. The climate wohilst eating is always serene and informal.
The teachersencourage the childrens’ capabilitytomakesenseofall the differentexperiences. Mealtimes are a moment ofgreatrelationalwhorthcompatiblewith outdoor life. The childrenhavetoobeydifferentrulesfromthoseusedwheneating inside. The childrenbehaveorderlywhenlaying the table and clearing away. Eachhas a rolewhenitcomestorecycling.
the teacherencurage the childrens’ capabilitytomakesenseofall the differentexperiencens, facilitating the child’s developmentregardingautonomy and independencethisalsoconsents the childrentorelate and controltheir body enablingthemto do and experimentvariousactivitieswithoutbecomingdiscouraged. From a veryyoungageexploringindepently the environmentgives the children the opportunitytodeveloptheirsenseoforientationenablingspacebecomingawareoftheircapabilities and theirlimits.
They are abletounderstand the rulesofeveryday life . Theyhave a strong tendencytoaskquestions and they are abletonegotitate the meaning. The teachers stimulate the children to give the reasons behind their decisionns and their behaviour enabling them to become responsible
the school’s surrounding enviroment ,is for the children a natural extension of the school All the elementsthat can befoundoutside are subjecttoexploration and research. The children partecipate, secure in whattheydiscover and they are stimulatedto follow-up on research.
. The children have a variety of instruments of a high quality level that they can use to esperiment and explore.These instruments are always available for the children to use when ever they feel the need.
The teacher’s ruleisofutmostimportance and favours the interactionbetween the child and the environmentfocusing on the child’s naturalcuriosity. The teacheris a guide thathelps the childtoaskquestions and useseachchild’s querytopromotegroupdiscussion. Muchtimeisdedicatedthereforepermitting the childrentoexperimentnewfootpaths and trynewstategies, respecting the variusresearch style ofeachchild.
Exploring the enviroment permits the children to experiment the various elements that make up nature, stimulating their indipendence and creativity. • The didactic method used at the bifrost pre-school together with its education programme permits the children of all ages to perceive, hear, observe, ask questions , to outline explanations and to see things separetely and then to link them together with a logical connection.It also permits the children to perceive the human imprint in nature and discover nature’s imprint inside of them.