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Online Learning in K-12 Schools. Alexandria Felix Walden University New and Emerging Technologies EDUC 6715I-1 Walden University WAlden K-12 Sch K-12 Schools. Table of Contents. How Technology Supports Learning Theories and UDL
Online Learning in K-12 Schools • Alexandria Felix • Walden University • New and Emerging Technologies EDUC 6715I-1 • Walden University • WAlden • K-12 Sch • K-12 Schools
Table of Contents • How Technology Supports Learning Theories and UDL • A Comparison: Traditional, Blended and the Online Classroom • Millennium Learning Styles • Lack of Response to 4 Change Agents and The Instructional Gap • K12 Students Benefiting from Online Learning Options • What IB Diploma Programme Students are Saying • Tips for Success in the Virtual Classroom • The Implementation Dip • Trends of K12 Online Learning Worldwide and in Post-Secondary Ed. • Future Technologies
PLE’s Flexible Curriculum How Technology Supports Learning Theories Figure 1: (Vixstar, 2011) Multimedia formats Supportive Technology
PLE’s PLE’s provide Vygotsky’s “zone of proximal development” catering to students’ unique learning zones (Howard, 2004, p. 26)
Multimedia formats respect Gardener’s “multiple intelligences” allowing students to create knowledge according to their learning preference Multimedia formats (Smith, 2008)
Flexible Curriculum UDL Learning system activate all three brain networks Multiple modes of presentation Multiple modes of engagement (Rose & Meyer, 2007) Multiple modes of expression
tutorials Supportive technologies differentiate instruction by readiness, interest and learning profile to enhance motivation and meaningful learning voice to text games Tomlinson, 2005 Supportive Technology practice exercises
Online Learning: a little or a lot Home schooling Virtual Schools: online curricula as part of school program “Students can complete an entire curriculum online, just take one course, or use available tutorials and exercises for extra help.Teacherscan teach in online schools or augment their traditionalclassroom lessons with online materials” (Venable, 2011) Supplemental Materials: “lesson plans, games, practice exercises, help tutorials”(Venable, 2011) Special Needs: National Repository for Online Courses NROC
Online tutorials to revisit the lesson 1-29% of content is taught online Class schedule outline of tasks, post assignments (Allen & Seaman, 2010) Figure 2:: Associated Press (2006) Collaborate with peers discussions feedback Sometimes you just have to be there! Face-to-Face + Web Facilitated Instruction
30-79% of content is taught online to enhance face-to-face instruction Figure 3: PC’s for Maine. (2013) (Allen & Seaman, 2010) Blended Instruction
80+% of content is taught online (Allen & Seaman, 2010) Online Instruction Figure 4: Sayfa, A. (2013)
Millennium Learning Styles Caution: Cell phones may promote learning! . • “They multitask and expect 24/7 access to information with zero tolerance for delays” • (Johnston, 2007, p. 30) Figure 5: Doyle, 2012)
If schools do not respond to the “4 change agents”students will not respond to the teacher (Lemke & Coughlin, 2009) • Democratic Knowledge students access as much knowledge as teachers • Participatory Learning expect to interact and have a voice in everything they do” (Lemke & Coughlin, 2009, p. 56) • Authentic Learning students producing their own knowledge • Multimodal Learning Figure 6: CEVA Chandigarh, 2012)
Students Benefiting From Online Learning • Students with illness or disability • accelerated learners bored with the standard pace or students needing more time • Students pursuing the music,arts, or athletics who have demanding training schedule • Students who are bulliedor for some reason do not fit insocially • Students on the move or are isolated by region or language Figure 7: Peak Performance Swim Camp (Felix, 2013)
Two K12 Students’ Online Learning Experience Video: Implement a Virtual School Program with Your School District (5:39 min) (K12 Inc., 2013)
Global Students: on the go Students who live abroad due to parents’ careers might not adjust to theculture or languageoflocal schools, or can affordexpensive international schools Figure 9: NTU, 2007-2013) Figure 8: Only American in Mandarin School (Soultravelers3, 2011) ... is there an affordable alternative for these students?
Online Learning in the IB Diploma Programme Video: What is a Pamoja Education online IB Diploma Programme course? (3:06 min)
What IB Students Are Saying About Online Learning • Critical Thinking skills: e-portfolios organize course outline, work and feedback all in one placeknowledge synthesis • Global Perspectives: Online collaboration with diverse students builds global perspectives and open-mindedness • Less expense: save on cost of paper, textbooks and time • Independence • Flexibility: Lessons are asynchronous students can work when, where and how often they need • Empathystudent feels teacher genuinely cares by time taken for one-to-one feedback online • Personalized Learning Environment(PLE) customized to your needs • Develops21st Century Skills withmultimediatools to build connections between content and real experiences
Tips for Success in the Virtual Classroom self-discipline Basic technology skills academic skills one-to-one mentoring Internet safety strategies to prevent plagiarism oral practice course structure
“The failure of online education programs is not logistical, nor political, nor economic: it’s cultural, rooted in our perspectives and biases about how learning happens and how the internet works” Prepare for the initial “Implementation dip” of Online Learning (Morris & Stommel, 2013)
Trends of K12 Online Learning Worldwide History of K12 distance education andoffer K12 online learning (Cavanaugh & Clark, 2007) Australia By 2019 about 50% of courses will be delivered online (Christenson & Horn, 2008) North America UK Technology used in schools but K12 online learning very limited.(Cavanaugh & Clark, 2007) Continental Europe K12 online learning beginning to emerge(Cavanaugh & Clark, 2007) Asia Africa
Is Online Learning Strategic for post-secondary education? Graph: Academic leaders' perceptions of online learning as strategic. (Babson Survey Research Group, 2013)
Future Trends in Educational Technology Game-based learning for skills practice Mobiledevices for skill practice, note-taking or data collection Collaborative sharing of knowledge Augmented Reality such as 3D projection FlexibleDisplays for robotics, science and textbooks
Online Learning In a Nutshell Supports theories of learning Differentiates instruction in the way content is presented, knowledge is expressed and interest is engaged Blended Classroomoffers the best of both worlds by integrating Millennium learning styles into the traditional classroom Students are NOT yet experts as “informed consumers, intelligent learners, creative producers and effective communicators”; it is the teachers job to deliver this expertise! Expands the curriculumand offers an affordable alternative for students who do not fit into the traditional classroom Students are experts in texting, gaming, music uploads and “browsing the Web” (Lemke & Couphlin, 2009, p. 54) (Lemke & Couphlin, 2009, p. 54)
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References Cont’d Tomlinson, C. (2009). Learning profiles and achievement. School Administrator.66(2), 28–33. Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/ehost Veech, M. (2013, February 14). Consider this: Can online education be better than classroom learning? In Kendall Hunt. [blog post]. Retrieved from http://blog.kendallhunt.com/blog/heard-in-the-halls/consider-this-can-online-education-be-better-than-classroom-learning Venable, M.(2011, June 23). Online learning: Trends in K12. In Online College. Retrieved from http://www.onlinecollege.org/2011/06/23/online-learning-trends-in-k-12/ Young, J., Birtolo, P., & McElman, R. (2009). Virtual success: Transforming education through online learning. Learning & Leading With Technology,36(5), 12–17. Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=fef621d3-19f9-432d-a329-3af8ba0bad7b%40sessionmgr14&vid=2&hid=5 Photos 1. Vixstar (2011, June 6). TEchnology: A gift or a curse. (blog post). In Blog-a-tastic. Retrieved from http://vixstar1314.wordpress.com/2011/06/14/in-the-beginning/ 2. Associated Press (2006). Daily PE class a remnant of the past? Retrieved from http://www.nbcnews.com/id/12255239/ns/health-childrens_health/t/daily-pe-class-remnant-past/#.UaC5BGT8-88 3. PC’s for Maine. (2013). Online classroom. In Computers and Support for Individuals, Families and Nonprofits. Retrieved from http://www.pcsformaine.org 4. Sayfa, A. (2013). Computer Assisted Language Learning. Retrieved from http://sonerrnayman.wordpress.com/ 5. Doyle, C. (2012, 27 July). Twenty-first century classroom infographic. [blog post].In LiveScribe Education. Retrieved from http://www.livescribe.com/blog/education/2012/07/27/twenty-first-century-classroom-infographic/ 6. CEVA Chandigarh. (2012, Dec. 12). Implementing group work in a traditional classroom setup. [blog post]. Retrieved from http://cevachandigarh.blogspot.ch/2012/12/normal-0-false-false-false-en-us-x-none.html 7. Felix. A. (2013). Photo of Peak Performance Swim Camp taken with my own camera. 8. Soultravelers3 (2011, Jan. 11). Only american girl in asian mandarin school. [blog post] . Retrieved from http://www.soultravelers3.com/2011/01/only-american-girl-in-an-all-mandarin-school-chinese-immersion-in-language-culture-through-school.html 9. NTU. (2007-2013). Retrieved from gallery.ntu.edu.sg