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Nishina School 2010/10/12. Y. Uwamino Safety Management Group. Radiation Safety. Radioactive Decay Series. U series (4n+2 series). Th series (4n series). γ. 1. Penetrating Ability of Radiations. Aluminum Acrylic resin. H 2 O (Hydrogen rich). Paper. Lead. P +. n. α. n. P +. β.
Nishina School 2010/10/12 Y. Uwamino Safety Management Group Radiation Safety
Radioactive Decay Series U series (4n+2 series) Th series (4n series)
γ 1. Penetrating Ability of Radiations Aluminum Acrylic resin H2O (Hydrogen rich) Paper Lead P+ n α n P+ β e- n Neutron radiation 大学等放射線施設協議会
Effects of Radiation on Human Health ISBN978-4-905025-12-2 113-0032 東京都文京区弥生2-11-16東京大学アイソトープ総合センター内電話: 03-5841-3058Fax: 03-5841-3050E-mail: kyogikai@ric.u-tokyo.ac.jp 大学等放射線施設協議会
Classification of Biological effects of Radiations on the Human Body ・Acute Effects vs. Late Effects ・Deterministic Effects vs. Stochastic Effects ・Somatic Effects vs. Genetic Effects 大学等放射線施設協議会
Classification of Biological effects of Radiation on the Human Body ・Acute Effects vs. Late Effects ・Deterministic Effects vs. Stochastic Effects ・Somatic Effects vs. Genetic Effects 大学等放射線施設協議会
Acute Effects Symptoms of acute effects and dose delivered (Whole body, single exposure to gamma rays (or X-rays)) 大学等放射線施設協議会
Late Effects Cornea : clouding of the lens of the eye ・Latent period: several years to a few decades ・Do not occur below a single exposure dose of 2 Sv Cataracts Lens 【潜伏期間】 Optic nerve Eye Cancers ・Latent period: several years to a few decades Genetic effects ・Could be ・ But not verified in human beings so far Use a appropriate shield in front of your eyes 大学等放射線施設協議会
Classification of Biological effects of Radiation on the Human Body ・Acute Effects vs. Late Effects ・Deterministic Effects vs. Stochastic Effects ・Somatic Effects vs. Genetic Effects 大学等放射線施設協議会
Deterministic Effects vs. Stochastic Effects Deterministic Effects Stochastic Effects - Acute effects - Cataract - Cancer, leukemia - Genetic effects 大学等放射線施設協議会
Deterministic effects Projected threshold estimates of the acute absorbed dose for 1% morbidity after whole body gamma ray exposures 【罹患率】 ICRP publication 103, pp168, Table A.3.4, 2007 大学等放射線施設協議会
Deterministic effects Projected threshold estimates of the acute absorbed dose for 1% mortality after whole body gamma ray exposures 【肺炎】 ICRP publication 103, pp168, Table A.3.4, 2007 大学等放射線施設協議会
Stochastic effects Detriment-adjusted nominal risk coefficients after exposure to radiation at low dose rate 【遺伝的影響】 ICRP publication 103, pp53, Table 1, 2007 大学等放射線施設協議会
Risk Estimate for Cancers (Stochastic Effect) Actual measurement Incidence of cancer Extrapolation Linear Non-Threshold assumption 0.5% Spontaneous occurrence 100 mSv 200 mSv 3 Sv Radiation exposure 大学等放射線施設協議会
Classification of Biological effects of Radiation on the Human Body ・Acute Effects vs. Late Effects ・Deterministic Effects vs. Stochastic Effects ・Somatic Effectsvs.Genetic Effects 大学等放射線施設協議会
Somatic Effects Effects of radiation limited to the exposed individual, as distinguished from genetic effects, that may also affect subsequent unexposed generations. Genetic Effects The radiation induced change in the DNA of germ cells resulting in the passing of the altered genetic information to future generations. 大学等放射線施設協議会
External Exposures vs. Internal Exposures Inhalation Trough the skin Ingestion External exposure Internal exposure 大学等放射線施設協議会
Protecting Against External Exposure As near to the radiation source as possible 3 principles Shield radiation sources. Shielding Shield Stay as far away as possible. Distance Dose rate = K/ R2 K: constant R: distance Time Keep exposure time short ! 大学等放射線施設協議会
Prohibited Matters Eating or drinking Smoking Wearing make-up 大学等放射線施設協議会
Radiation-Related Quantities and Units : Gray (Gy) Absorbed Dose - The energy absorbed per unit mass of the material - A fundamental dosimetric quantity (physical unit) - Regardless of the kind of radiation - 1 Gy = 1 J/ kg - Dose not reflect the degree of biological effects To calculate the risk of irradiation to the human body Equivalent Dose : Sievert (Sv) Effective Dose : Sievert (Sv) 大学等放射線施設協議会
radiation Ionization Sparsely ionizing Densely ionizing e- P+ 2. Linear Energy Transfer (LET) (keV/mm) 【dE/dx (MeV/cm)】 Low LET radiations (X, γ, β) High LET radiations (α, neutron) The energy transferred per given distance of track = Less biological effect More biological effect Linear Energy Transfer (LET) 大学等放射線施設協議会
e- P+ OH. e- H2O P+ DNA is the Target of Radiations Indirect action Ionizing Low LET radiations (X, γ, β) (free radical) Direct action Ionizing High LET radiations (α, neutron) 大学等放射線施設協議会 2nm
・HT = ∑wR ・DT, R R Equivalent Dose & Effective Dose Equivalent Dose (HT) : Sievert (Sv) ・ a measure of biological effects on a particular tissues or organs wR :Radiation weighting factor DT, R:Mean absorbed dose for a tissue or organ (Gy) Radiation weighting factor (wR) Radiation Weighting Factor γ rays & Xrays 1 Beta rays 1 Proton 2 α rays, fission fragments, heavy ion20 Neutrons Continuous function of the energy (ICRP 2007) 大学等放射線施設協議会
E = ∑wT・HT = ∑wT・∑wR ・DT, R T T R Equivalent Dose & Effective Dose Effective Dose (E) : Sievert (Sv) Stochastic effects ・ a measure of biological effects throughout the body (cancers or genetic effects) ・ Tissue weighting factors Tissue/Organ Weighting factor Red bone marrow 0.12 Colon 0.12 Lung 0.12 Stomach 0.12 Breast 0.12 Gonads 0.08 Bladder 0.04 Esophagus 0.04 Liver 0.04 Thyroid 0.04 Bone 0.01 Brain 0.01 Salivary gland 0.01 Skin 0.01 Others 0.12 HT: Equivalent dose for tissues and organs wT: Weighting factor for organs or tissues Annual average dose per person Doctors 0.24 mSv Nurse 0.12 mSv Radiotherapy technicians 0.68 mSv Those engaged in research 0.01 mSv Nuclear power plant worker 1.3 mSv 大学等放射線施設協議会 (ICRP 2007)
* From the confirmation of pregnancy to delivery Effective Dose Limits and Tissue Equivalent Dose Limits for Radiation Workers (including Researchers) Japanese law Effective dose limit Men 50 mSv/year; 100 mSv/5years (RIKEN: 20 mSv/year) Women 5 mSv/3 months Pregnant women 1 mSv as internal exposure Tissue equivalent dose limit 1) Lens of the eye 150 mSv/year 2) Skin 500 mSv/year 3) Abdomen of pregnant women 2 mSv * * 大学等放射線施設協議会
Laws and Ordinances Concerning Prevention of Radiation Hazards ISBN978-4-905025-13-9 113-0032 東京都文京区弥生2-11-16東京大学アイソトープ総合センター内電話: 03-5841-3058Fax: 03-5841-3050E-mail: kyogikai@ric.u-tokyo.ac.jp 大学等放射線施設協議会
Atomic Energy Basic Law (1955) Article 1 【basic policy】 The research, development and utilization of atomic energy shall be limited to peacefulpurposes, aimed at ensuring safety and performed independently under democratic management, the results therefrom shall be made publicto contribute to international cooperation.
Radioisotopes, Accelerators: Laws concerning Prevention of Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. (1957) [concerned authority : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] • Reactors, Nuclear Fuel: Laws concerning the Control of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material, and Nuclear Reactor (1957) [concerned authority : Ministry of Education , Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] • Labor Safety: Labor Safety Hygiene Laws (1972) (X-ray generators of energy<1MeV) [concerned authority : Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare]
Laws concerning Prevention of Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. • Radioisotopes to be controlled concentration + activity > exemption level (IAEA BSS Safety Series No. 115, 1996) • Accelerators to be controlled dose rate at 10cm from surface >0.6 mSv/h
Exemption level of radioisotopes 大学等放射線施設協議会
Dose Rate Limits at a Facility boundary of radiation controlled area boundary of institute beam <1 mSv/w <1.3 mSv/3M <250 mSv/3M shield <25 mSv/h (40 h/w, if no access controll) <2.6 mSv/h (500 h/3M) <0.11 mSv/h (2184=24×91 h/3M) interlock
Nishina School 2010/10/12 Rules at RIBF Facility
In 1st class area, wear a work uniform or lab coat. How to enter and exit the 1st class radiation controlled area. • They are placed on the shelf at the entrance. • Return the used ones in the plastic laundry box next to the exit. • Do not throw in a uniform that is still clean during the experiment, to avoid unnecessary laundry. • use a uniform on a hanger for temporary work. uniform for temporary work work uniform plastic laundry box
② ① display scanner Take off your shoes and put them in the shoe cupboard. intercom Scan your barcode. ③ ④ Do not wear the shoes while on the blue mat !! Take safety shoes of proper size. Put on them off the blue mat.
Exiting from the radiation controlled area Wash your hands.
(2) Test contamination by hand-foot monitor. Contamination monitoringbyhand-foot-clothes monitor. • When warning alarm goes off signaling contamination: • Try the monitor again. • Wash your hands once more and try monitor again. • If feet or clothes are contaminated, or washing your hands many times can not remove contamination, use the nearest phone to contact staff in the radiation control room or call the emergency number on the bulletin board. • (Stay still as much as possible to prevent further contamination.) (1) Scan your barcode. Place hands inside the monitor and push downward. Wait 10 seconds for monitoring. (3) Use the clothes monitor.
All articles taken out from the radiation controlled area must be monitored for contamination. It shows “Contamination” in red and alarm goes off. Write down the test result. When using the cart, monitor the cart wheels. When the pointer indicates over 100cpm, you cannot take the article out. Consult with radiation control staff.
In case of fire • First, yell out “FIRE!” • Evacuate to a safe place. • Call extension 111 to guard station. Inform where the fire has started, situation, your name and lab, number you can be contacted, and the fact that the fire is in radiation controlled area. • Gather in front of the east entrance of RIBF bldg for a roll-call. • If at all possible, help prevent fire from spreading.
Evacuation route.(4) 3rd floor basement of RIBF Experiment bldg.