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Decision 2016. ELECTORAL COLLEGE. FYI: Did you know that when you vote for President on November 8 th you are actually voting for an ELECTOR to vote for you?? This means the people don’t directly elect their president! THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE DECIDES FOR US!!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Decision 2016 ELECTORAL COLLEGE

  2. FYI: Did you know that when you vote for President on November 8th you are actually voting for an ELECTOR to vote for you?? This means the people don’t directly elect their president! THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE DECIDES FOR US!!

  3. Breakdown of Electors By State 538 Total Electoral Votes FYI: Washington, DC District of Columbia is not a state but is given 3 electoral votes

  4. A state’s number of electors is the total number of Senators and Representatives Pennsylvania 2 senators + 18 representatives Total 20 electors

  5. 48 out of the 50 states have a “Winner Takes All” method If a candidate gets the majority of popular votes in a state then they also get ALLof the electoral votes in that state.

  6. Nebraska and Maine divide up their votes based on congressional district

  7. In Order To Win A candidate must have 270 electoral votes to win the Presidential election

  8. If no single candidate gets the required 270 electoral votes then the House of Representatives votes to decide the President

  9. Did you know?? It is possible to get more popular votes in an election and NOTbe elected President It’s happened before! 2000 - Gore vs Bush

  10. Total Votes in 2000 Election: Bush 50,461,092 popular votes (47.9%) 271 Electoral Votes Gore 50,994,086 popular votes (48.4%) 266 Electoral Votes Nader 2,882,728 popular votes (2.7%) 0 Electoral College Votes


  12. Flaws of the Electoral System A strong third party candidate could win enough electoral votes to prevent main candidates from winning a majority of electoral votes. Electors could go against popular vote An unpopular president could be elected

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