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Regional Technical Support Hub for Eastern Europe and Central Asia International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine. An Overview: 2008 – 2011. AU Technical Support vision. Established in January 2008 to:
Regional Technical Support Hub for Eastern Europe and Central Asia International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine An Overview: 2008 – 2011
AU Technical Support vision • Established in January 2008 to: improve access of primarily civil society organizations to high quality technical support required to scale up effective national and regional HIV and AIDS responses [in Eastern Europe and Central Asia] • Massive in-country experience and large cadre of highly qualified in-house and external specialists
Key Technical Support Recipients • Civil society organisations (including Alliance Linking Organisations) managing delivery of services to vulnerable communities; • PRs, SRs, and SSRs of GFATM as well as other donors; • Regional networks and international organisations, including UN agencies; • Governmental agencies that provide services to key populations.
Core Technical Competencies 1- Organizational development for large-scale comprehensive HIV prevention and care programmes in concentrated HIV epidemics, including programmes supported by the Global Fund; 2 - Monitoring and evaluation; 3 - Services for vulnerable populations (IDU, SW, MSM, PLWH, street children, prisoners, uniformed personnel): Evidence-based participatory development and delivery
1. Large Scale ProgrammeDevelopment and Implementation Assessment and development of organisational capacities (PR, SR and SSR levels); Technical programme development; Management of large and complex programmes; Monitoring and evaluation; Systems, policies and procedures (finance, administration, HR management, etc); Procurement policies and procedures including those related to sub-granting Where we learned this: - implementation of USG funded programmes since 2001 and GFATM-funded programmes since 2004; - first-hand development and implementation of GF Rd6, 9 & 10 in Ukraine; - financial, technical and other support to over 150 implementing partners in Ukraine; delivery of GFATM related TS in the Region since 2008
2. Monitoring & Evaluation System of programmatic M&E, including client-tracking db; Development of National and regional M&E systems; Sentinel surveillance and behaviour monitoring using RDS, TLS; MARPs size estimation; M&E capacity building for civil society and governmental service providers Where we learned: - Development of complementary programmatic M&E system for USAID and GFATM programmes; - International research on M&E systems; - Regular bio-behaviour and size estimation studies among MARPs since 2004; - TS on UNGASS reporting in the region; - M&E capacity building for GFATM PRs and SRs in Ukraine and globally (Georgia, India, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia, Thailand)
3. Services for Vulnerable Communities Participatory site assessments and site coordination approach; Comprehensive packages of HIV/STI prevention and care services for IDU, SW, MSM, PLWH, street children, people in detention, uniformed personnel; Development of effective outreach mechanisms; Effective referral systems; Segmentation and tailoring services for specific sub-populations e.g. users of stimulants, younger PWID, women who use drugs, setting determined patterns of drug use (fishermen and plantation workers in Malaysia) etc. ; Ensuring behavioural impact through effective and sustainable behavioural change communication mechanisms; Where we learned: implementation of large scale programmes focusing on MARPs since 2001; close collaboration with MARPs activists and over 200 frontline service providers in Ukraine and the region.
Innovative Programme Development: IDUs: towards comprehensive menu of services: HIV/STI rapid and community based testing, HBV diagnostics and vaccination, overdose prevention, group level interventions for stimulant users, services for women who use drugs, peer driven interventions, sexual and reproductive health services for men and women who inject drugs, SW: HIV/STI testing and treatment, HBV diagnostics, peer driven interventions, violence prevention programmes, SRHR services including female condom programmes and on-line counseling (e-health), Community mobilisation, capacity building and networking
Available resources by technical competencies 122 consultants , split by areas and vulnerable groups
Methods of TS Delivery • One-to-one, including consultations, discussion sessions, mentoring, coaching, peer reviews etc; Includes joint implementation (e.g. assessment, research and planning); • Collective training and workshops; • Indirect delivery (development of training tools and resources, distance learning instruments, ToT and mentoring TS providers); • Exchange visits/study tours; • Conferences
Our Clients • International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Secretariat • World Bank • MSH/USAID • UN Agencies (Geneva, Moldova, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Russia) • The Global Fund • Soros Foundation, Moldova • Georgian Harm Reduction Network, Georgia • KPMG (USA) • Shell Ukraine • Curatio International Consulting Ltd • Foundation for Development of Ukraine (FDU) • AntiAIDS Association (Kyrgyzstan) • HIV/AIDS Technical Support Facility Southeast Asia & the Pacific, IPPF Malaysia • JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. • USAID/The CAPACITY Project • Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance • Malaysian AIDS Council
Procedures and processes Phase 1 Contracting: • Receive and revise/develop ToR, workplan, timeline; • Circulate ToR among providers and select most suitable among those available; • Share providers’ profiles with the Client for approval; • Negotiate financial and logistical parameters and finalise the ToR; • Conclude agreements with the Client and providers; • Input assignment data into TS assignment tracker
Procedures and processes Phase 2 Delivery: • Develop and agree logistics and safety arrangements with Provider and Client; • Arrange all in-country and international logistics; • Carry out and document TS activities; • Develop assignment report with recommendations reviewed by the Technical Review team; • Deliver the relevant documentation to the Client
Procedures and processes Phase 3 Follow-up and Evaluation: • Submission of invoice to Client; • Payment to TS Provider; • Circulate and collect Client’s and TS Provider’s feedback forms; • Identify TS management lessons and learning for the Hub, share thematic lessons and implement recommendations and follow-up
Working with Donors and Clients Procurement Mechanisms Contract for free TS delivery Individual Contract with identified Parties Grant
Quality control • Regular training workshops for providers (GFATM, M&E, organisational development); • Development of Technical Support Guides and tools for TS providers; • Establishment of associate consultant support system; • Evaluation of assignments by the Technical Review team