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CHANGES IN LIANA AND TREE COMMUNITIES AS CONSEQUENCE OF INCREASED HURRICANE FREQUENCY IN TROPICAL FORESTS IN COZUMEL, MEXICO. Diego Pérez-Salicrup and Pavka Patiño Conde Investigación, Conservación y Desarrollo del Caribe Mexicano Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas, UNAM.
CHANGES IN LIANA AND TREE COMMUNITIES AS CONSEQUENCE OF INCREASED HURRICANE FREQUENCY IN TROPICAL FORESTS IN COZUMEL, MEXICO Diego Pérez-Salicrup and Pavka Patiño Conde Investigación, Conservación y Desarrollo del Caribe Mexicano Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas, UNAM
Study site: Cozumel Island • 486 km2 • 17. 5 km from mainland • Mean Temperature 25o C • Annual Rainfall of 1,505 mm • Dry season November –April
Maximum intensity of weather events Intensity Year
Hurricaine Emily, July 18, 2005 Hurricaine Wilma, October 19, 2005
Methods 1000 m2 plot trees ≥40 cm DBH. 500 m2 plot, Trees 10 - 39.9 cm DBH Lianas ≥ 2 cm. de DBH 100 m2 plot, Trees 5 - 9.9 cm DBH Lianas 0.5 - 1.9 cm DBH
Trees 3110 ± 318.6 ind/ha No. of individuals Lianas 4164 ± 579 ind/ha DBH Categories (cm) Baseline: 2004 Density
Trees 35.5 ± 2.1 m2/ha Lianas 0.68 ± 0.1 m2/ha Baseline: 2004 Basal Area m2/ha DBH Categories (cm)
Trees 181.27 Lianas 10.14 Baseline: 2004 Biomass (Ton/ha) Ton/ha DBH Categories (cm)
Results: Post-hurricane tree mortality a a Percent tree mortality Tree category
Results: Tree growth 5 – 9.9 cm a b ≥ 10 cm a b 2004-2005 2005-2006
Results: Number of lianas per ha a 0.5 – 1.9 cm a b No. of individuals ≥ 2 cm a a b
Results: liana basal area a 0.5 – 1.9 cm a b Liana basal area m2/ha a ≥ 2 cm a b
Summary • Two year data on trees and lianas prior to hurricanes • Three years of data on trees and lianas after hurricanes • Description of tree and liana diversity – and changes in diversity as consequence of hurricanes • Estimation of changes in tree and liana biomass through the study period • Model of a scenario of increased hurricane frequency