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Rikki-tikki-tavi Vocabulary Powerpoint

Rikki-tikki-tavi Vocabulary Powerpoint. Rudyard Kipling. Rudyard Kipling, the author of this story, was born in India in 1865 to British parents, but he moved to England when he was six years old and lived away from his parents for many years. “. Though it

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Rikki-tikki-tavi Vocabulary Powerpoint

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  1. Rikki-tikki-taviVocabulary Powerpoint

  2. Rudyard Kipling • Rudyard Kipling, the author of this story, was born in India in • 1865 to British parents, but he moved to England when he was six • years old and lived away from his parents for many years. “. • Though it • was common for English parents living in India or elsewhere to send • their children back to school in England, Kipling hated this part of his • life. • .

  3. Rudyard Kipling • Early on, Kipling worked as a journalist and also published stories • and poems. In 1892, Kipling married an American, Caroline Balestier. • They lived in various places over the years, including America, England, • and South Africa. During this time, Kipling continued to write and • became very famous all over the world. The story you’re about to read,

  4. Rudyard Kipling • “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi,” takes place in India, where Kipling was born. • In 1907, Kipling was the first English writer to win the Nobel Prize • in literature, the highest award given for literature. Kipling died in 1936 in London. • Why do we need to know about the author before we begin to read?

  5. Animals of India

  6. Black Panther and Himalayan Black Bear

  7. Red Fox and the tiger

  8. Mongoose • Mongooses are rather small, agile, weasel-like carnivores native to Africa, southern Europe, and Asia. • Woodlands, Thick forests; in dry acacia brush, mountain scrub, abandoned termite mounds.

  9. Diet • CarnivoreWild: beetles, crabs, earthworms, fallen fruit, grasshoppers, ground birds & their eggs, millipedes, reptile eggs, rodents, scorpions, slugs, snails, snakes & termites

  10. How are the animals of India different from the ones in GA? • Why?

  11. Facts about India • The population is 1,065,070,607 ( as of July 2004) • The area is 3,287,000 sq km. • The speak Urdu or Hindi and English sometimes. • Their currency is counted in Rupees. • The have their own Hollywood but it is called “Bollywood”.

  12. Do you think you would like to visit India someday? • Why?

  13. revive – verb - to bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate

  14. cower - verbcrouch or curl up

  15. consolation – noun – 1. The act of consoling; 2. The state of being consoled

  16. scuttle – verb - to run or move with short hurried movements

  17. cunning - adj. - a clear way meant to trick or deceive

  18. restless – adj. – not able to be still

  19. fledgling – noun - a young bird

  20. cultivated – adj. - developed for human use

  21. scornful – adj. - with great dislike

  22. mournful – adj. - expressing sorrow or grief

  23. valiant - adj.- brave and determined

  24. gait – noun - way of walking or running

  25. immensely – adv. - enormously

  26. Characterization • Static Characters • When we read be looking for the characters in the story who stay the same throughout. • Dynamic characters • When we read be looking for the characters who change as the story moves along.

  27. PredictionnounSomething foretold or predicted; a prophecy

  28. IdiomnounA speech form or an expression of a given language that cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its words

  29. PersonificationnounA non-human object or being having human-like characteristics

  30. ConflictInternal:In literature and drama, a struggle which takesplace within the individual characters mind External:In literature, a struggle between two or more characters due to some outside force

  31. ThemenounThe subject matter of a conversation, discussion, story, etc.The Theme of Rikki-tikki-tavi is:“Don’t give into fear”“Good Vs. Evil”

  32. Perseverance • Be thinking while we read about which character is showing perseverance, how he or she is showing it, and why?

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