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Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Karan Wittman Andrus Elementary Meridian, Idaho. Plate Tectonics. Major Plate Map. Plate Tectonics. Global Distribution of Earthquakes. Plate Tectonics. Ring of Fire Map. Plate Tectonics. Convection Cells and Subduction Zones. Plate Tectonics.
Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes Karan Wittman Andrus Elementary Meridian, Idaho
Plate Tectonics Major Plate Map
Plate Tectonics Global Distribution of Earthquakes
Plate Tectonics Ring of Fire Map
Plate Tectonics Convection Cells and Subduction Zones
Plate Tectonics Plate Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Divergent Plate Boundary
Plate Tectonics Oceanic Plate Oceanic Plate Subduction Zone Oceanic Plate Sliding Under Oceanic Plate
Oceanic Plate Oceanic Plate Plate Tectonics Volcanoes Form Above the Subductioon Zones
Plate Tectonics Subduction Zone Oceanic Plate Sliding Under Crustal Plate
Divergent Ridge Transform Fault Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics Volcanoes Associated With Subduction Zones
Strike-Slip Normal Reverse Fault
Strike-slip Fault Example
Strike-slip Fault Example 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
Normal Fault Example Dixie Valley-Fairview Peaks, Nevada earthquake December 16, 1954
Normal Fault Example Hebgen Lake Fault, Montana 1959
Normal Fault Example Borah Peak Earthquake Scarp 1983
Seismic Waves P Wave S Wave
Earthquake Effects - Ground Shaking Northridge, CA 1994
Earthquake Effects - Ground Shaking KGO-TV News ABC-7 Loma Prieta, CA 1989
Earthquake Effects - Ground Shaking Kobe, Japan 1995
Earthquake Effects - Ground Shaking Building collapse in the City of Tungshih, China 1999
Earthquake Effects - Ground Shaking Landers, CA 1992
Relative Movement of Reverse Fault 9.3 meters Earthquake Effects - Ground Shaking Reverse Offset of 9.3 Meters Through Right Abutment of Shihkang Dam, China
The San Andreas Fault Pacific-North American Plate Boundary