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This report provides information on the potential performance of networks based on IEEE 802.15.4 in Waikaloa, HI, including precision ranging, extended range, enhanced robustness, and mobility.
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4a Opening/Closing Report for Waikaloa Date Submitted: January 2006 Source: Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting LLC Contact: Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting, LLC. Voice: +1 847.960.3715, E-Mail: pat.kinney@ieee.org Re: TG4A Opening/Closing Report for January Session Abstract: Opening/Closing Report for the TG4a Session in Waikaloa, HI. Purpose: To provide information on potential location performance of networks based on IEEE 802.15.4. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
TG4a Scope This project will define an alternative PHY clause for a data communication standard with precision ranging, extended range,enhanced robustness and mobility amendment to standard 802.15.4. http://standards.ieee.org/board/nes/projects/802-15-4a.pdf. Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
TG4a Purpose To provide an international standard for an ultra low complexity, ultra low cost, ultra low power consumption alternate PHY for 802.15.4 (comparable to the goals for 802.15.4-2003). To satisfy an evolutionary set of industrial and consumer requirements for WPAN communications, the precision ranging capability will be accurate to one meter or better, and the communication range,robustness and mobility improved over 802.15.4-2003. The project will address the requirements to support coexisting networks of sensors, controllers, logistic and peripheral devices in multiple compliant co-located systems. Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
Meeting Objectives Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
Accomplishments this Week • Conducted 13 Meetings • Modified UWB frequency band plan to reconcile some no votes and reduce complexity • Defined new management commands to provide inter-network alert of signal detection (both 4a and non 4a) • Defined plan to address comments and modify draft standard Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
LB33 Results • 126 affirm, 41 not affirm, 20 abstain • 79.6% return rate (> 50%) • 10.7% absentee rate (<30%) • 75.4% affirmation rate (>75%) • 896 comments • 241 technical required (TR) • 227 technical (T) • 428 editorial (E) • 15-06-0030-02-004a-letter-ballot-comments.xls Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
TG4a Schedule Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
Coexistence with 802.16 • Move that TG4a request that 802.15 WG direct the 802.19 TAG to work with 802.16 and 802.15 to define mutual coexistence mechanisms between 802.16 standards and 802.15.4a draft standard. • Moved by Kai Siwiak and seconded by Dave Leeper. Motion was unanimously approved Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.
Activities between Jan and March • Conference calls (phone #s to be announced): • Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 am CST • Tuesday: 9:00 am CST • Thursday: 6:00 pm CST • Conduct Reflector-based Straw Polls • Used sparingly for specific matters • Address comments • Communicate disposition to commenters • Modify draft standard Pat Kinney - Kinney Consulting LLC.